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#1 Fri 10 July 2009 03:23

Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 10 Jul 2009
Messages: 1

any help please im looking 4 trainning in paris..

haloo everyone im geomatics (geomatique) student,   studying outside france, i would like to make my trainning (stage) for 8 weeks only in here (paris) this summer, if there any information about companys that may accept me to trainning on it and (the salary is not important)
im ready at the moment .....many thnx

Dernière modification par MOHANNAD (Fri 10 July 2009 03:25)

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#2 Fri 10 July 2009 08:12

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
Messages: 13614
Site web

Re: any help please im looking 4 trainning in paris..


We are in a french forum, so you'll have to make an effort speaking french, please. I doubt any company would like to recruit somebody not even doing the effort of speaking some French in France...

For your question, have a go here :

Moderation team.

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#3 Fri 10 July 2009 09:40

Lieu: Ploemeur (56)
Date d'inscription: 9 Mar 2006
Messages: 2315

Re: any help please im looking 4 trainning in paris..

Vous pouvez également chercher les offres de [stage] sur Job :

Renaud Mouche

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