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#1 Tue 01 February 2011 10:29

Sebastien Caquard
Juste Inscrit !
Lieu: Montreal
Date d'inscription: 7 Sep 2005
Messages: 8
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Arts, cartes et société - Journée de travail et de réflexion - Paris

Pour les gens intéressés par les relations arts / cartes / société, il y a une journée de travail et de réflexion autour des processus et des pratiques cartographiques qui se tiendra à Paris le samedi 2 juillet 2011 (juste avant la Conférence Internationale Cartographique).
Pour plus d'informations, voir l'appel à communication ci-dessous (l'appel à communication est en anglais mais les présentations en français sont les bienvenues).

N'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions.

Sébastien Caquard

Mapping Processes and Practices: Arts, Maps and Society

Workshop – July 2nd, 2011 - Paris

In their article Rethinking Maps, Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge (2007, 331) argue that cartography should be envisioned as “a processual, rather than representational, science.” This process-oriented perspective challenges conventions in cartography, but also reflects
more common mapping practices in other disciplines. In the arts and humanities the term mapping is used more broadly and includes a diversity of practices and expectations. Artists and other creative practitioners have developed their own mapping practices to express understandings, fears, hopes, emotions and perceptions about places and people. Approaching mapping as a process and set of practices raises a range of issues:
·      How do mapping processes and practices vary across disciplines?

·      What are the consequences of deploying different ways of mapping to portray the world?

·      What politics are facilitated by mapping practice?

·      What ethical possibilities flow from a processual approach to mapping?

·      How might aesthetics and function respond to change?

·      What roles do technologies play in mapping practice?

·      How is meaning constituted through mapping action?

·      What is the affect and emotional consequence of an ontogenic approach to mapping?

·      What are the relations of embodied actions to mapping?

·      What are the social consequences of mapping practice?

To address these questions the Commission on Maps and Society of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), in collaboration with the Working Group on Arts and Cartography of the ICA, are organizing a one day workshop in Paris. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, students, practitioners and artists interested in the processes and practices through which they make, enact and study mapping.
Given the topic of this workshop we are seeking reports on work in progress, rather than finished papers and invite abstracts around any of the above questions.
Important deadlines

Feb. 21, 2011.            Abstracts (about 400 words) to Chris Perkins ( and Sébastien Caquard (

Mar. 1,  2011.             Proposals selected
Mar. 7, 2011.                         Preliminary program is published

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