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#1 Wed 20 September 2000 07:09

Michel Poinsot

Existe-t-il une liste MapInfo ?


DIREN BOURGOGNE 10, Bd Carnot 21000 Dijon


#2 Wed 20 September 2000 07:11

Michel Larue

Re: Existe-t-il une liste MapInfo ?

Toute l'information se trouve sur … pInfoL.htm

Voici ce qui concerne la liste elle meme, qui est en anglais.

Have Fun

Michel Larue

Message Guidelines
Over time guidelines for posting messages have emerged that help make the
mailing list easier to read. When a list gets as busy as MapInfo-L, it
really helps if everyone at least consider these guidelines. There is only
one real rule on MapInfo-L, and that is: Thou Shalt Not Engage in Annoying
Behavior. The definition of annoying is pretty loose, but it includes
posting long irrelevant diatribes that have nothing to do with using
MapInfo or desktop mapping and GIS. However, it's OK to bring up any
subject you want (even if is irrelevant), as long as it is entertaining and
not annoying.
Posting a Public Message to MapInfo-L
Send any message you wish to be read by subscribers to
Do not send listserver commands to this address (see How to Get Help). If
you have a problem, and need human help, send a message to the webmaster.
Message Subject Fields
In a busy list it's very helpful to use the message subject field to alert
people to the content of your message. Think of it as a headline, so you
want it to be pithy and interesting so people will want to read your
message. A subject like 'Help' is not as good as 'Help with HP 750C plotter'.
File Attachments
Don't send file attachments with email posted to the list. For many people
these attachments just come through as meaningless garbage anyway. Also
some people have reported that they get charged by the byte for email, and
they don't appreciate your message running up their bill. If you want to
post a file, send it to the MapInfo-L file archive site or email it to, and I'll post it in the public area.
Sign Your Messages
Several people get their email from behind firewalls. This means that the
message header informtion is often stripped off. Other things can happen to
email that will remove or damage the headers as well. So if you want people
to get back to you, always include your name and email address at the
bottom of your messages.
Advertising on a mailing list nearly always pushes somebody's hot button's
and can easily ignite a flame war (a battle of wits between two unarmed
opponents). However advertising is not a necessarily a bad thing on
MapInfo-L as long as you take care to be informative, brief and infrequent
about it.
When you post an advertisment, please put the keyword 'AD:' in the
beginning of the subject header. Also the header should clearly indicate
who might be interested in this ad, or what service you are offereing.
Subjects like 'AD: DLG to MIF Translator Utility: ' gets the whole
message out in a nutshell.
Keep your message short and sweet, and hard to beat . Avoid posting any ad
that exceeds 20 lines. If you can't say it in that much space, it's not
worth reading. Don't try to get around the limit by breaking the message up
into multiple messages and then launching them all at once. That's OK, but
spread multiple ads out over a few days (not only does this avoid the sin
of being annoying, but it is more effective in getting people to read your
Ads posted on MapInfo-L must be relevant to MapInfo users. Don't sell thigh
creme, green cards or Russian brides here, or you will be immediately
branded as 'annoying' and get reported to your Internet Service Provider
and/or further messages sent from your domain will be blocked from
appearing here at all. Ads are most effective when they reach the target
audience, anyway.
How to Subscribe to MapInfo-L
To subscribe to the MapInfo-L mailing list, send email to, and you can leave the subject field blank. In the
message body put:
subscribe MapInfo-L
Do not put your name or email address on this line. In certain cases, you
may want to put a mailing address here, but this will delay your
subscription because it will have to be added manually.
How to Unsubscribe from MapInfo-L
To unsubscribe to the MapInfo-L mailing list, send email to, and you can leave the subject field blank. In the
message body put:
unsubscribe MapInfo-L
You do not need to put your name or email address on this line. In certain
cases, you may want to put a mailing address here, but this will delay your
unsubscription because it will have to be added manually. One of these
cases may be one where you have switched addresses, and need to cancel the
old address.
How to Get Help
To get help with the majordomo list server software here, send email to, and put the command help on the first line. You will
automatically be sent a message explaining all the commands you can use
with majordomo.
There are situations when the automatic mail server cannot process your
request. If this happens, or you have some questions that a robot can't
answer, send email to, and I'll try to help you out.
MapInfo-L FAQ
A Mailing list's FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions file is a collection
of distilled wisdom from subscribers and maintainers of the mailing list.
This is maintained by John McCombs of Integrated Mapping, Ltd., and is
available at
MapInfo-L Message Archives
Digest Files available for Download
Mailing list digests are files containing past messages in a somewhat
compressed form (all the excess baggage of the original email headers has
been removed). These are an excellent way of learning about a mailing list
and what topics have been discussed, or to find an old message you lost.
These files are updated around the first week of each month and are
available from
Online Search for Messages
Also, be sure to take a look at MapInfo's MapInfo-L mirror site. This
archive contains all the past messages in a convenient web format, and best
of all, it's searchable! You can see this at … openabout.
There is yet another mirror site at the Mail Archive. See">

|    Michel Larue
|    Teledetection - SIG - Modelisation - Aide a la decision
|     Email :


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