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#1 Sat 19 August 2000 07:25


Spring 3.4

Spring 3.4 est a present accessible gratuitement sur le net a l'adresses suivante:

note: vous pouvez egalement demander que l'INPE vous envoie un CD.

La version 3.4 comporte les nouveautes suivantes:

Menu-driven interface, presenting a unified environment for geographical data types
LEGAL Map Algebra Language
Mixture Models
Markov-based Techniques for Image Post-Classification
Zonal Operators
Spatial Statistics with Univaried Analysis of Points
Kernel Estimator
Decision Support (AHP method)
Geostatistics - Kriging
Localization Analysis using the P-Median Method
Triangular Grid (TIN) Generation, with breaklines
LEGAL Geographical Analysis Language: Mathematical Operations.
Digitizing of lines and nodes of a network;
Network Modeling - Association with objects and definition of impedances and demands
Short Path Calculation
Resources Allocation
Support to the ACCESS and ORACLE standards
Import only - ArcInfo vectors (export - E00), ArcView and SGI
Label Placement (texts) over any infolayer belonging to any of the data models types
Vector Registration
Localization Analysis: P-Median
Et notamment au niveau krigeage, la possibilite de construire des
semi-variogrammes experimentaux...
Enfin correction de nombreux bugs, ajout de projections....

Pour info...

Laurent Durieux


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