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#1 Fri 19 December 2008 10:14

Participant occasionnel
Date d'inscription: 15 Oct 2008
Messages: 13

[MapGuide OS] ajout d'un layer à la vue initial


En suivant les 2 exemples fournis à l'adresse suivante : Je tente d'introduire une application permettant d'introduire dans la vue initial de mapguide un nouveau layer pour une session déterminée (pas de sauvegarde dans la librairie).

Malheureusement je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner cette application, le process "$resourceService->SetResource($sessionResourceId,$byteSource->GetReader(), null);" semble en effet planter le code que voici:


include "../../mapviewerphp/constants.php";
include "../../mapviewerphp/common.php";

// Initialize
    $args = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST : $_GET;
    $sessionId = $args['SESSION'];
    $mapName = $args['MAPNAME'];
    $layerName1 = 'YYY';
    $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);
    $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
    $resourceService = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

    $wl = "Library://XXX/XXX.WebLayout"; // TODO Constant!

// Build a string pointing to the new layer in the Session
    $rlLayerResourceId = "Session:$sessionId//$layerName1.LayerDefinition";

// Read the XML of the Library Map Definition
   $md ="Library://XXX/$mapName.MapDefinition";
   $mdResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($md);  
   $mdReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceId);
   $mdXml = $mdReader->ToString();
   $mdDomDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXml); 

// Create the MapLayer XML nodeset in the first position
   $targetNode = $mdDomDoc->getElementsByTagName("MapLayer")->item(0);
   $newNode = $targetNode->parentNode->insertBefore(new DOMElement("MapLayer"), $targetNode); 
   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Name", $layerName1));
   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ResourceId", $rlLayerResourceId));
   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Selectable", "false"));
   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ShowInLegend", "false"));
   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ExpandInLegend", "false"));
   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Visible", "true"));

// Write the XML out to form the Session Map Definition
   $updatedXml = $mdDomDoc->saveXML();
   $byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml, strlen($updatedXml));

// Create a web layout in the session to hold the updated version
// from the library.
   $sessionMapName = $mdResourceId->GetName();
   $sessionWebLayout = "Session:$sessionId//$sessionMapName.WebLayout";
   $sessionResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($sessionWebLayout);

// Write the updated web layout to the session.
   $resourceService->SetResource($sessionResourceId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);

// Redirect to the Ajax viewer pointing at the map at the desired coordinates.
   $redirectTo = "mapguide/mapviewerajax/?WEBLAYOUT=$sessionWebLayout&SESSION=$sessionId";
   $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
   $url = "http://$host/$redirectTo";

// Redirect!
   header("Location: $url");

   $f = 'exemple.txt';
   $handle = fopen($f,"w");
   fwrite($handle, "test0: <".$sessionId.">\r\ntest1 :<".$wl.">\r\ntest2 :<".$rlLayerResourceId.">\r\ntest3 :<".$md.">\r\ntestxml :<".$mdXml.">\r\ntest4 :<".$layerName1.">\r\ntestxml1 :<".$updatedXml.">\r\ntest6 :<".$sessionMapName.">\r\ntest5 :<".$sessionWebLayout.">\r\ntest6 :<".$host.">\r\ntest7 :<".$redirectTo.">");

Pourriez-vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème.

Hors ligne


#2 Tue 27 January 2009 00:14

Participant actif
Date d'inscription: 10 Apr 2007
Messages: 74

Re: [MapGuide OS] ajout d'un layer à la vue initial

A froid comme ça je dirais de vérifier les droits de l'utilisateur authentifié. Je crois que pour bricoler des ressources comme ça il faut avoir le rôle MapAuthor.

Sinon, regarde aussi les exemples des generic tasks, ils y probablement la problématique que tu cherches et les codes sources sont naturellement disponibles.

Hors ligne


#3 Tue 03 February 2009 16:22

Participant occasionnel
Date d'inscription: 15 Oct 2008
Messages: 13

Re: [MapGuide OS] ajout d'un layer à la vue initial


Voic la réponse à ma propre question :



include "../../mapviewerphp/constants.php";

include "../../mapviewerphp/common.php";


// Initialize


    $args = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST : $_GET;

    $sessionId = $args['SESSION'];

    $mapName = $args['MAPNAME'];

    $layerName1 = 'YYY';


    $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);

    $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();


    $resourceService = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);


    $wl = "Library://XXX/XXX.WebLayout"; // TODO Constant!


// Build a string pointing to the new layer in the Session

    $rlLayerResourceId = "Session:$sessionId//$layerName1.LayerDefinition";


// Read the XML of the Library Map Definition

   $md ="Library://XXX/$mapName.MapDefinition";

   $mdResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($md);  

   $mdReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceId);

   $mdXml = $mdReader->ToString();

   $mdDomDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXml); 


// Insert the layer in the MapDefinition

   $targetNode = $mdDomDoc->getElementsByTagName("MapLayer")->item(0);

   $newNode = $targetNode->parentNode->insertBefore(new DOMElement("MapLayer"), $targetNode); 

   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Name", $layerName1));

   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ResourceId", $rlLayerResourceId));

   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Selectable", "false"));

   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ShowInLegend", "false"));


   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ExpandInLegend", "false"));

   $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Visible", "true"));



// Write the XML out to form the Session MapDefinition

   $updatedXml = $mdDomDoc->saveXML();

   $byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml, strlen($updatedXml));


// Create a new MapDefinition (session repository).

   $sessionMapName = $mdResourceId->GetName();

   $sessionMapDefinition = "Session:$sessionId//$sessionMapName.MapDefinition";

   $sessionResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($sessionMapDefinition);


// Write the updated MapDefinition

   $resourceService->SetResource($sessionResourceId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);


// Test the new MapDefinition

   $mdtest = "Session:$sessionId///$mapName.MapDefinition";

   $mdResourceIdtest = new MgResourceIdentifier($mdtest);

   $mdReadertest = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceIdtest);

   $mdXmltest = $mdReader2->ToString();

   $mdDomDoctest = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXmltest);


// Redirect to the Ajax viewer pointing at the map at the desired coordinates.

   $redirectTo = "mapguide/mapviewerajax/?WEBLAYOUT=$sessionWebLayout&SESSION=$sessionId";

   $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];

   $url = "http://$host/$redirectTo";


// Redirect!

   header("Location: $url");


Hors ligne


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