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#1 Mon 10 March 2003 20:19
- Georges Bertrandb
- Invité
Donnees du recensement sur internet
Le bureau du recensement US (bien connu pour avoir produit TIGER, le premier graphe des
voies aux Etats-Unis, en cours d’amelioration dans la perspective du recensement 2010…)
distribue gratuitement les donnees detaillees du recensement sur Internet (avec protection
de la vie privee). Bientot des economies pour l’INSEE et pour ses utilisateurs ?
En tout cas le site du Census Bureau vaut le detour (
Georges Bertrand
Le communique du Census Bureau
Census Bureau today released county-level data for the nation that show where people worked
and where they resided at the time of Census 2000. The Census 2000 County-to-County
Worker Flow files, compiled from responses to long- form questions on where people worked,
allow users to sort based on the county of residence or the county of work. These files also
allow users to look at the number of people who work in a county and determine where they
reside whether in an adjacent county or in another state. User instructions: The files have been
created in two formats Excel spreadsheet and ASCII (plain text). The Excel files and the
uncompressed ASCII files may be viewed with browser software. The Excel files are
accessible via word processing, spreadsheet or database programs. The ASCII files may be
imported into various software applications.
To view the data, click Excel or Uncompressed for the row that has the state and sort order
you want. To download an Excel or uncompressed ASCII file, hold down the shift key and click
on the underlined link.
The compressed ASCII files are not viewable; they were compressed for faster downloading.
To download one of the compressed ASCII files, click on Compressed for the row that has
the state and sort order you want. For information on using PKZIP/PKUNZIP, click on the
PKZIP information page link. For documentation, click on the record layout link. All the
products are available at … ting.html.