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#1 Fri 29 May 2009 23:08

Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 20 Apr 2008
Messages: 1

Tuto pour Viking

Bonjour à tous.
Je cherche un tutoriel pour Viking, ça a l'air prometteur, mais il me manque surtout la procédure pour importer des cartes images, avec l'extension (gif, mpeg.....), comment les convertir et comment les référencer moi même comme un grand.
J'ai lu dans la doc Ubuntu que c'est possible mais je n'est pas trouvé de lien pour m'instruire.
Merci pour votre aide.

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#2 Tue 02 June 2009 09:22

Membre du bureau
Lieu: Aix-les-Bains
Date d'inscription: 22 Mar 2006
Messages: 9910
Site web

Re: Tuto pour Viking


As tu un lien du site officiel ? C'est la première fois que j'entends parler de ce logiciel. Merci.


Yves Jacolin, bénévole de l'association, agit au nom et pour le compte de l'association - Partageons ce qui nous départage !!  - GeoRezo vous aide ? Aidez GeoRezo !

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#3 Tue 02 June 2009 10:02

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
Messages: 13614
Site web

Re: Tuto pour Viking


Je pense qu'il s'agit de ce soft : … king.shtml

A free/open source program that will help you manage your GPS data

You can import and plot tracks and waypoints, add coordinate lines, show Terraserver maps under it, hide different things, make new tracks and waypoints, etc.

Viking is written in C with the GTK+ 2.

Viking aims to be easy to use, yet powerful in accomplishing a wide variety of tasks.

Here are some key features of "Viking":

· Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.
· Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services such as Googlemaps, Terrasever. The data is only needed to upload to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.
· After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded, stored, managed and reused in your (or your friends') later trips.
· Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and how far you were from something.
· Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace you've never been before or don't have GPS data for but Terraserver maps exist for it.
· Making maps with coordinate lines.
· Grouping data from multiple trips using a hierarchical data manager.
· Analyzing speed at different places (to some degree), adding waypoints where you forgot to mark one but did slow down or stop.
· Downloading and storing Terraserver maps on your hard drive and looking at them later.
· Editing tracks and trackpoints, joining and splitting up tracks
· Other things which Viking will be able to do in the future include:
· Show the live GPS position on the Topo or Ortho map (for use on a laptop)
· Preparing tracks and waypoints to be made into Garmin maps


@Yves : au passage, j'ai rajouté le lien dans le wiki sur cette page de softs :

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