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#1 Fri 23 April 2010 15:25

Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 8 Jul 2007
Messages: 4

A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping

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#2 Fri 23 April 2010 16:52

GeoRezo forever
Lieu: France
Date d'inscription: 31 Aug 2005
Messages: 13614
Site web

Re: A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping


Merci. Très bon bouquin (pour les anglophones) !
Il est aussi référencé dans la biblio GeoRezo ici : . N''hésitez pas à y rajouter vos prochaines trouvailles) smile On le trouve aussi ici : où l'on peut insérer des commentaires pour l'auteur grâce à scribd.

Would you like to help me improve this book? This build-in browser uses the iPaper application, which allows you to read this document in a more efficient way. You can then insert comments either in the document or by inserting comments via this website (please refer to Page/Line numbers as indicated in this PDF). This will help me improve the book and reduce errata as much as possible. Note also that (unlike most commercial publishers) allows users to revise existing PDF documents in the system so that each new print will have less and less errors. However, please have in mind that there are limitiations in the sense of how much in the book can be changed: (1) title, author and number of pages in the book can not be changed; (2) figures and tables need to stay in the same order; and (3) no major changes in the structure of the documents is possible any more. All major editions and redisings will have to wait for the next edition.

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Dernière modification par Robin (Fri 23 April 2010 16:53)

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