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#1 Mon 06 June 2011 15:00
- Florian Brandi-Dohrn
- Invité
European Utility Forum - 27 & 28 juin - Paris
Adresse de l'expéditeur : florian.brandi-dohrn@
AED-SICAD vous invite à Paris pour la 6ème édition du "European Utility Forum" les 27 & 28 juin à Paris
Découvrez le programme complet de cet événement ou vous pourrez rencontrer les équipes d'AED Sicad et d'Esri … -2011.html
AED-SICAD is pleased to announce its 6th European Utility Forum, which after Paris, Amsterdam, Vienna, Brussels and Berlin is now going to take place at the
Hotel Lutetia
Paris, France
It will be a stimulating event to meet other customers, listen to peer project implementation experiences and also get to meet fellow GIS professionals in the utility industry as well as AED-SICAD and Esri Inc staff. The European Utility Forum focuses on:
• Customer Case Stories
• In-depth Live Product Presentations
• Exchange of Experiences
AED-SICAD has also taken up recommendations from past events and has continued to host parallel technology tracks targeted this year to system integration and technology experts. For those who do not know the ArcFM UT technology yet, we have set up a 90-min pre-seminar on the first day before the conference starts.
Program and Conference Registration
The detailed program and registration form as well as further useful information in terms of location and organizational details is included: See attached PDF file : … tation.pdf
Please note that the conference fee will have to be paid in advance upon reception of the invoice.
Accommodation Booking
AED-SICAD has selected this year a separate hotel for accommodation, which is the Hotel Montparnasse. There is a room contingent guarantueed until May 17, 2011 at the rate of EUR 190.-/night including breakfast. For detailed instructions on how to reserve, please refer to the attached Word Document … 202011.doc
All information in this email can also be found on our Web page. If you have any questions in advance, do not hesitate to contact
EUF 2011 Conference Organization
+49 89 45026 217