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#1 Mon 08 November 2004 10:34

Nicolas Devoucoux

solution pour PDA

Bonjour au Reseau !

Existe-t-il une solution MI pour PDA. Si oui, sous quel environnement fonctionne-t-elle (pocket PC ou Palm) et quelle doit etre les caracteristiques techniques de l'assistant personnel ?

Merci par avance.


#2 Mon 08 November 2004 12:42

Christophe Barbier

Re: solution pour PDA


Le SDK (Software Development Kit) MapX Mobile est une version de MapX
dediee aux PDA afin de developper des applications SIG sur PDA compatibles
avec le format de donnees MapInfo.

Tout PDA compatible avec le systeme d'exploitation Windows pour Pocket PC
(PPC) peut executer une application MapX-Mobile .
Par contre, je crois que seul le processeur StrongARM est supporte.

Voir l'adresse suivante: … uctid=1661

Pour developper avec MapX Mobile, il faut utiliser les Visual Tools de la
suite de developpement Visual Studio (Microsoft)


Christophe Barbier, I²G


#3 Mon 08 November 2004 12:42


Re: solution pour PDA

Ci-apres une reponse faite sur direction's mag aujourd'hui sur un sujet

The precision agriculture community uses PDAs every day on the farm and in
the tractor. Most do well but others do better. There are several devices
out there you should consider. Whatever your do get one with Bluetooth

Trimble has two WinCE devices that are well hardened and include integrated
GPS. One gives WAAS accuracy of say 3m or better. The second can get into
the sub-meter region with post processing. Both are expensive but first
grade quality. (

Magellan has several really great devices as well. IMHO I think you should
take a close look at them as one or two of the hardened solutions have
excellent built-in field data collection solutions... and you can load your
favorite background maps as well. (

Another solution that sleeves on to many iPAQ models is the Navman solution.

Lastly, if Trimble's costs are too much and you prefer a WinCE over the
Magellan or Garmin GPS-centric solution, give Tripod a look. Tripod is a
Trimble company but without the attitude would be the best way to describe
them. These handhelds are desperate for a integrated Bluetooth but do have a
serial cable system that allows connection to GPS without Bluetooth
broadcast. (

As for WinCE software, well you can go a number of ways.. The ESRI solution
is sophisticated as well as a ESRI-centric. MapInfo also has several VAR
building on their MapMobile solution as well.

As an alternative you might want to consider Trimble's EzMAP product.
( While aimed at Precision Ag if
you study it a bit you will find that it has very powerful features for
specialized configuration unique to your purpose. If you take a serious look
at this package I think you will be impressed and it's a good value IMHO
when compared to other like products.

As for the GPS side, I prefer the Bluetooth GPS solutions. At under
they solve the old cable gets in your way issues. Just sticky Velcro it to
your hat and your mobile. You can get 5-6 hours from a charge.
( … Version=EN)

On a general note for WAAS receivers... be aware that the WAAS correction
systems may not be reliable for you in the Far North reaches as the
corresponding satellites will be relatively low on the horizon - read easily
blocked line-of-sight. Best to check the WAAS site.

Lastly, take a look at the Oziexplorer solution. Real low cost and
surprisingly useful (

MidNight Mapper
Aka neil

From: Carl Schaefer []
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 11:45 AM
Subject: MI-L Digital field data collection and GPS

Hello all,

While not directly a MI question, I'm sure many of you can point me in
the right direction.

I'm just starting to research the use of PDA's with wireless GPS and
simple data collection apps for use in somewhat harsh environments
(wet, chilly, windy, buggy, dirty environments of Alaska) for the
collection of field data (samples and descriptions mostly).

Does anyone have a system they are successfully using? Or a review- type
website where they document their trials and tribulations using
various pieces of hardware and software?

Much appreciated,

Chef de Projet RFU
B.P. 6955 - Libreville


#4 Wed 17 November 2004 09:01

Bachelot Gwenaël - GBache

Re: solution pour PDA


Pour completer l'information ci-dessous, les processeurs StrongARM (du
fabriquant ARM) sont desormes nommes Xscale par le nouveau fabricant :
C'est ce processeur qui est present sur la majorite des PDA sous OS

Gwenael Bachelot
Directeur des nouvelles technologies -
Acxiom - 235, avenue le Jour se Leve
92651 Boulogne Billancourt cedex


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