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#1 Sun 27 January 2013 12:20

Participant actif
Lieu: Carentan-les-Marais
Date d'inscription: 4 Oct 2005
Messages: 65
Site web

MAPA: Mise en place d'une plateforme websig - Audit SIG xpartenaire

Adresse de l'expéditeur :

Bonjour, dans le cadre d'un projet Interreg franco-anglais, les partenaires du projet CORDIALE lance une étude dont le détail est présenté ci-dessous rapidement en français et suivi d'une version en anglais :

- lot 1 : Mise en place d'une solution simple de websig pour présenter l'état des connaissances / à la thématique de suivi et de caractérisation des paysages.
- lot 2 : Audit SIG multipartenaires

Pour toute information, vous pouvez contacter :

Contact anglais: Mr Ben Jones
Email Address:
Telephone: 01392 384622
Fax: 01392 382959
    County Hall Room 248
    Topsham Road
    EX2 4QD
    United Kingdom

Contact français : M. ALBORINO laurent (Parc naturel régional des Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin)
Email :
Tél : 02 33 71 61 90

Annonce officielle plateforme : … &from=

    CORDIALE was selected under the European Cross-border Cooperation Programme
    INTERREG IV A France (Channel) - England, co-funded by the ERDF.
    The CORDIALE project bid was approved by the Joint Technical Secretariat on October 14th 2010. The Project will run until December 2013 (date to be confirmed)

    CORDIALE deals with sustainable landscape management in SW UK / Finistère and   Basse-Normandie. It aims to:
    a) To build deeper understanding of the distinctive character of landscapes in the cross-border region.
    b) To inspire stakeholders and communities to engage with landscapes. 
    c) To demonstrate the multiple functional benefits provided by adapted and resilient landscape management.
    d) To support integrated decision making.

    The project has 9 partners: Devon County Council (Lead partner), South West Protected Landscapes (SWPL), Parc Naturel Régional d’Armorique, Parc Naturel Régional des Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin, University of Plymouth, North Devon AONB, Tamar Valley AONB, Chambre d’agriculture du Finistère, CIVAM Finistère.

    Landscape Atlas Contract

    This contract consist of two Lots

    Lot 1 Outline
    The Partners wish to raise awareness amongst the general public regarding landscape character and landscape dynamics, and to improve communication of common landscape values within the project region. It has been decided that an online map-based interface represents a flexible and accessible approach to achieving this aim. Tenders are invited to design, develop and implemented this tool.

    Lot 2 Outline
    The CORDIALE Partner’s vision for the outcome of this work is to have a common GIS platform tailored for use in landscape management. Its purpose would be to enable the monitoring of progress against management plans and strategies, and to analyse trends and issues to inform the identification of future management policies and activities.
    Mr Ben Jones
Email Address:
    01392 384622
    01392 382959
    County Hall Room 248
    Topsham Road
    EX2 4QD
    United Kingdom

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