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#1 Sat 07 September 2013 17:57

Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 7 Sep 2013
Messages: 9

how to change a widget flexviewer 3.4 in flash builder 4.6


I work with flex viewer 3.4 and flash builder 4.6 i want to know how to change a widget in flash builder. I just change the appearance of appilcation (title, color ...) I also add another widget now I try to change these widgets to suit my application

any help please, thanks.

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#2 Sat 07 September 2013 18:40

Lieu: Nantes
Date d'inscription: 9 Sep 2005
Messages: 946
Site web

Re: how to change a widget flexviewer 3.4 in flash builder 4.6


It seems you misunderstand the purpose of this forum. It is dedicated to French speaking people that work on on-line mapping.
Your message is in English and don't specify flex viewer 3.4 is an ESRI product.
For this reason, I doubt you will get an answer. You can maybe go to the ArcGIS Resources part dedicated to Flex viewer e.g … 10000000/. I also advise you to go at the website to get more valuable feedback.



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#3 Sat 07 September 2013 22:05

Franck B
Lieu: PACA
Date d'inscription: 6 Sep 2005
Messages: 1382
Site web

Re: how to change a widget flexviewer 3.4 in flash builder 4.6

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#4 Sat 07 September 2013 22:36

Juste Inscrit !
Date d'inscription: 7 Sep 2013
Messages: 9

Re: how to change a widget flexviewer 3.4 in flash builder 4.6

merciiiiii bq pour votre aide et désolé ThomasG d'avoir intervenir en anglais smile

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