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#1 Thu 14 April 2016 13:41

Participant assidu
Lieu: Paris
Date d'inscription: 25 Jul 2006
Messages: 156
Site web

Enquête projet giCASES - collaboration formation/secteur privé/public


L’AFIGEO relaye une invitation de l’Université de Louvain, partenaire du projet giCASES à participer à une enquête : .
Celle-ci a pour objectif d’identifier la façon dont les organismes de formation en géomatique collaborent avec d’autres organisations privées, publiques,…  du domaine de l’information géographique en matière de conception et de délivrance des enseignements.

Nous vous remercions vivement pour votre participation et l’AFIGEO ne manquera pas de valoriser les bonnes pratiques identifiées à l’échelle européenne.

Bien cordialement

P/O Le Pôle formation – Recherche AFIGEO

Participate in the giCASES survey on collaboration in GIS&T education!

The European giCASES project is investigating how higher education institutions are working together with private companies and public administrations in the design and delivery of GIS&T education in Europe. Therefore, giCASES would like to invite individuals and organizations from the higher education sector but also from the public and private sector to participate in a survey  on collaboration between higher education institutions and other stakeholders in the design and delivery of GIS&T education. 

This short survey is a unique opportunity for teachers, program coordinators but also GI professionals in the private or public sector to share their experiences with and views on collaboration in GIS&T education. In addition, the survey also aims to collect good practices in collaboration between higher education institutions and other stakeholders in the design and delivery of GIS&T education.
The survey can be accessed here.

giCASES is a Knowledge Alliance project under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. The project aims to enable and strengthen innovation in GIS&T education and practice, and facilitate the collaborative creation, management and sharing of knowledge between different stakeholders. The giCASES project will develop and test new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching, learning and knowledge management in the area of GIS&T.

The survey is the first step in the project, and will help the project partners to better understand current ways of collaboration in GIS&T education and the needs and expectations of different stakeholders regarding this collaboration. Should you have any comments or questions regarding this survey, please feel free to contact the survey organizers.

Thank you in advance for your participation! We appreciate your time and valuable input.

The giCASES consortium.

AFIGEO - Association Française pour l'Information Géographique -
01 43 98 82 62

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