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#1 Wed 12 October 2016 19:13
- Marc Leobet
- Participant assidu
- Lieu: Nowhere
- Date d'inscription: 19 Sep 2005
- Messages: 1108
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Services for organisation of INSPIRE Conference in Strasbourg 2017
Adresse de l'expéditeur : marc.leobet@
[Le message ci-dessous est un résumé en anglais d'un appel d'offres lancé par le ministère allemand de l'intérieur pour son compte et celui du ministère français de l'environnement]
Description of the call for tendering: Services for organisation, implementation, graphical design and follow-up of the INSPIRE Conference 2017 in close cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Interior.
Place and date of the Conference: 4th and 5th September 2017 in Kehl (Germany); 6th to 8th September 2017 in Strasbourg( France)
Scope of the procurement (services):
Following services shall be provided by the event agency:
Organisation and implementation of the Conference:
Design of Conference logo (preparation of 2 draft Conference logos in close cooperation with the Ministry to be delivered until 31.12.2016)
Design of template for Conference programme including the agreed Conference logo (to be delivered until 31.5.2017)
Registration form in English (to be delivered until 1.3.2017)
Programming a web-site for on-line registration of the participants (to be functional from 1.3.2017)
Provision of services related to management of participants and support before and during the Conference including Technical Secretariat
Provision of necessary personnel (hostesses and interpreters)
Selection of hotels and pre-booking of rooms for the participants (to be delivered until 1.3.2017)
Management of participants, speakers and sponsors
Registration of participants
Management of participants, speakers and sponsors
Financial management of registration fees and sponsoring
Technical Secretariat (to be functional from 1.3.2017)
Secretariat and accreditation of participants during the Conference
Coordination of speakers
Coordination of sponsors
Preparation and delivery of following Conference materials
Badges and lanyards
Conference bags
Pens and notepads with conference logo
Certificates for the participants
Procedure and deadlines for participating at the call for tender:
Time limit for requesting the tender documents: 11.11.2016
Time limit for asking clarification from the public procurement authority (Public Procurement Office): 2.11.2016
Date for sending the catalog of questions and answers to all participants in the tender procedure: 4.11.2016
Time limit for submitting the tender documents: 11.11.2016
The call is published under the following link: … ;id=137666
Should a potential participant have any question regarding the published call, the information and clarification should be required in German from the
Public Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior
Address: Brühler Straße 3, 53119 Bonn
Contact persons: 1. Martin Krüger, phone + 49 228 99 610 1013, e-mail: martin.krueger@
2. Annekatrin Holder, phone + 49 228 99 610 1015, e-mail: annekatrin.holder@
The entire tender procedure runs in German language.
Marc Leobet
@MarcLeobet sur Twitter
Hors ligne
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- Sujet précédent - Services for organisation of INSPIRE Conference in Strasbourg 2017 - Sujet suivant