#1 Sun 21 May 2006 16:17
- Thierry Badard
- Participant occasionnel
- Lieu: Québec, Canada
- Date d'inscription: 5 Sep 2005
- Messages: 23
- Site web
Encore quelques places disponibles ...
Il reste encore quelques places pour assister au 1er atelier international
en réalité augmentée géospatiale mobile !
Pour vous inscrire, veuillez consulter l'URL suivante :
Le nombre de places restantes étant très limité, les inscriptions seront
traitées sur la base du *premier arrivé, premier servi* ! Ne tardez donc
pas pour vous inscrire.
Merci de diffuser cette information à vos collègues, étudiants ou
connaissances potentiellement intéressés.
En m'excusant par avance pour les envois multiples,
Dr. Thierry Badard.
Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward to interested colleagues
and students.
There are still a *very limited number of places left* to attend the
workshop ! Please register as soon as possible, allocation will be
performed on a *first come, first served basis* !
Last Call for participation
May 29-30, 2006
Banff Centre
Banff, Alberta, Canada
The research team of the REGARD laboratory (a component of the CRG -
Center for Research in Geomatics) is proud to invite you to the first
international workshop on mobile geospatial augmented reality (AR),
which will be held on May 29 and 30 in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Initiated through a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation
(CFI), the REGARD laboratory is the first Canadian research laboratory
for mobile geospatial augmented reality. It provides the research group
with innovative technologies in augmented reality for emerging
applications in geomatics. The research applications implemented on this
infrastructure aim to provide users with geospatial information, in a
mobile context, adapted to their needs and their location. This will
greatly help the users to better understand and interact with their
surrounding environment.
*The aim and scope*
The purpose of this first international workshop on mobile geospatial
augmented reality is to establish an interdisciplinary forum for leading
researchers from universities, government agencies, and private firms in
order to present and exchange state-of-the-art research and applications
in this field. The workshop is meant to promote networking between the
participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge
technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and to promote
international collaboration. The key issues that will be covered during
the workshop include:
1. Dynamic 3D modeling and simulation
2. Location Based Services and real time geospatial data delivery
3. Acquisition and spatial reference
4. Multi-modal cognition and visualisation
Although the workshop focuses on researches in mobile geospatial AR, the
key issues targeted by the workshop do not exclude research works
dealing with sedentary augmented reality or practical applications that
merge AR and geomatics.
*Key note speakers*
4 key note speakers will share their experiences, points of view and
prospects in the domain of mobile geospatial augmented reality.
1. Christopher Gold, University of Glamorgan, UK
2. Nicholas Hedley, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
3. Tobias Höllerer, University of California in Santa Barbara, CA, USA
4. Wayne Piekarski, University of South Australia, Australia
For further details about key note presentations and speakers, please
visit: http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca.
*Detailed program*
May 29, 2006:
08:00 Registration + breakfast
08:45 Welcome by workshop chairs
Session 1: Dynamic 3D modeling and simulation
09:00 Keynote presentation: "Dynamic data structures and simulation"
Christopher Gold, University of Glamorgan, UK
09:30 "User localization using a typology of 3D queries"
10:00 "A method to create multiscale urban environments and associated
Walid Chaker, Bernard Moulin, Marius Thériault
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 "An Integrated Approach for the Analysis and Visualization of
Moving Objects"
Andrew Hunter, Jerome Cranston, Naser El-Sheimy, Gordon Stenhouse
11:30 "Interactive multidimensional GIS and geo-simulation"
Mir-Abolfazl Mostafavi
12:00 Lunch
Session 2: Multi-modal cognition and visualisation
13:30 Keynote presentation: Title to be defined
Nicholas Hedley, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
14:00 "On a conceptual framework for multimodal interaction on the Web:
a usability perspective"
Monica Wachowicz
14:30 "Mobile Geographic Information Display for Urban Search and Rescue
and Disaster Management"
C. Donald Heth, Edward H. Cornell, Grzegorz Dostatni
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 "A Hybrid Model for Indoor Spatial Reasoning"
Bernhard Lorenz, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach
16:00 "Cognitive Design Factors for Mixed Reality Environments"
Geoffrey Edwards, Marie Louise Bourbeau
16:30 Day #1 round table discussion
17:30 Ice breaker party
18:30 social event (BBQ)
May 30, 2006:
08:00 Breakfast
Session 3: Location Based Services and real time geospatial data
09:30 Keynote presentation: "Adventures In Mobile Outdoor Augmented
Wayne Piekarski, University of South Australia, Australia"
10:00 "A Mobile Augmented Reality Demonstrator"
Andrew Radburn
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 "Landscape Visualisation: From lab to field"
Gary Priestnall and Gemma Polmear
11:30 "Geospatial Service Oriented Architectures for Mobile Augmented
Thierry Badard
12:00 Lunch
Session 4: Acquisition and spatial reference
13:30 Keynote presentation: "Your World, Registered - A Path to Anywhere
Tobias Höllerer, UCSB, CA, USA
14:00 "Simple Collaborative Indoor-Outdoor Modelling Using Mobile
Augmented Reality"
Wayne Piekarski
14:30 Coffee break + poster/demo session
15:30 "Integration of Photogrammetric and LIDAR Data for realistic 3D
Model Generation"
Changjae Kim, Mwafag Ghanma, and Ayman Habib
16:00 "3D Multi Representations of Building for Mobile Augmented
Sylvie Daniel
16:30 Day #2 round table discussion
17:30 End of the workshop
*Program chairs*
Thierry Badard, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Sylvie Daniel, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Geoffrey Edwards, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
*Scientific committee*
Ronald Azuma, HRL Laboratories, CA, USA
Thierry Badard, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Michela Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
Nicholas Chrisman, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Christophe Claramunt, IRENav, École Navale, France
Marc Cocard, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Sylvie Daniel, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Matt Duckham, University of Melbourne, Australia
Geoffrey Edwards, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Naser El-Sheimy, University of Calgary, AB, Canada
Frank Ferrie, McGill University, Canada
Marc Gervais, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Christopher Gold, University of Glamorgan, UK
Nicholas Hedley, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
Tobias Höllerer, UCSB, CA, USA
Songnian Li, Ryerson University, Canada
Jim Little, University of British Colombia, Canada
Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Bernard Moulin, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Silvia Nittel, University of Maine, USA
Wayne Piekarski, University of South Australia, Australia
Stéphane Roche, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
Darren Scott, Mc Master University, Canada
Monika Sester, University of Hannover, Germany
Cyrus Shahabi, University of Southern California, USA
Monica Wachowicz, Wagenigen University, The Netherlands
Robert Weibel, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Michael Worboys, University of Maine, USA
This workshop is financially supported by the GEOIDE Network of Centres
of Excellence.
Dr. Thierry Badard.
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