#1 Fri 13 July 2001 15:27
- Corinne LAMACHE
- Invité
ReponsesVMAP / DCW
Voici les reponses que j'ai eu concernant le base de donnees mondiale VMAP (DCW).
Merci a tous ceux qui m'ont repondu .
The US Geological Survey markets the DCW for the National Imagery and
Mapping Agency.This version would be in tile format and not Arc converted.
This library has edition 003 (1997), so I would hope that the national
boundaries would be more up-to-date than on our Web site (which is based on
the 1992 edition). It can be ordered from them for and is identified
as Vector Map (VMAP) Level 0/Digital Chart of the World, 01-VMAP. The Web
page is at http://mapping.usgs.gov/mac/isb/pubs/forms/nimapl.html
The Arc version DCW, in tile format, was produced by ESRI using 1992 data.
I do not know if ESRI has an updated versions available. I have been told
that it costs about . ESRI has an office in Meudon, France and their
email is rgal@ with a Web site at esrifrance.frwww.esrifrance.fr.
The DCW on our Web page is the ESRI version that personnel, no longer
employed by the University, modified to allow downloading by individual
country. I expect that should you buy either versions of the DCW mentioned
above that you would have to build your areas from the tiles.
Les couvertures du DCW pour le monde entier sont telechargeables
depuis l'adresse suivante :
Je cherche a me procurer la base de donnees mondiale Vmap, ex-DCW. Auparavant
Esri France etait revendeur en France mais ce n'est plus le cas.
Aupres de quel organisme puis-je m'adresser pour me la procurer ou me procurer
une base de donnees equivalente.
Une grande partie de la base DCW est disponible sur le site
Vous pouvez utiliser et telecharger VMAP sur http://geoengine.nima.mil. Je
pense que le format de distribution est VPF, directement et convertissable
en shp dans ArcView 3.2 et 8.1