#1 Fri 29 December 2006 10:04
- Fpouget
- Invité
Erasmus Mundus stipends for non-EU students and scholars
Dear all,
We would like to announce the new Masters Program in Geospatial
Technologies. It is supported by the European Commission, Erasmus Mundus
Programme, by providing stipends for non-EU
* *students* (18 months, 31.500 €)
* visiting *scholars* (research and teaching, 4 months, 13.000 €).
Deadline for applications is on *January 31, 2007*.
We kindly ask you to distribute this information and the attached flyer
to all potentially interested students and scholars.
The Masters Program in Geospatial Technologies is a common international
program offered by
* University of Münster, Institute for Geoinformatics, Germany
* Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Estatística e
Gestão de Informação, Portugal
* Universitat Jaume I, Department of Computer Languages and Systems,
Castellón, Spain.
The three-semesters Masters Program targets holders of a Bachelors
degree in *application areas* of geographic information. The additional
know-how and experience in Geospatial Technologies qualifies for a
professional career in the following domains:
1. Private sector: GI applications and consulting in the domains of
regional planning, landscape planning, financial services
industry, energy providing industry, transportation, agriculture
and forestry, and retailing/marketing.
2. Research: Applied sciences at universities and other research
3. Public sector: GI applications and consulting in local and
regional adminstrations, especially in cadastre and different
types of planning (e.g., regional, traffic, ecology).
For further information, please see http://geotech.uni-muenster.de
Thank you very much for your support by disseminating this information.
Kind regards
Christoph Brox
Dr. Christoph Brox
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi)
University of Muenster
Robert-Koch-Str. 26-28
D-48149 Muenster
Phone: +49 (0)251 8334721
Fax: +49 (0)251 8339763