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Le portail francophone de la géomatique

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[livre] - DAVIS D.E. - 2003 - Gis for Everyone : Exploring Your Neighborhood and Your World With a Geographic Information System - ESRI Press.

Rubrique : SIG, Généralités / Présentation des SIG

Description : With a personal computer using technology known as geographic information systems (GIS), anyone can easily access information about which highways to travel to get to work, school, or vacation spots; how close a home is to stores, parks, and schools; and which areas are at risk from floods, fires, earthquakes, or pollution. Using the GIS software that comes with this book, readers will be able to use this information to do everything from creating customized maps and choosing vacation destinations to monitoring environmental hazards and tracking crime trends in their neighborhoods. Included are illustrated exercises using real data to teach readers how to begin using geographic information. A companion web site keeps the provided geographic data updated.

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