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[livre] - BURIDC W.S. - 1968 - Radar signal analysis - Prentice-Hall.

[livre] - CARPENTIER M. - 1984 - Radars bases modernes - Masson, 5e éd. rev. et compl.

[livre] - HARGER R.O. - 1970 - Synthetic aperture radar systems : theory and design - Academic Press.

[livre] - MAITRE H. - 2001 - Traitement des images de RSO - Hermès - Paris.

[livre] - MERRILL I. SKOLNIK - 2003 - Introduction to Radar Systems.
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[livre] - POLIDORI L. - 1998 - Cartographie radar - Gordon & Breach Science Publishers.
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Description : Ce livre fait le point sur les applications du radar, tant aeroporte que spatial, en cartographie. La cartographie topographique est le sujet principal de l'ouvrage qui se ... Lire la suite

[livre] - SCHREIER G. - 1993 - SAR geocoding  : data and systems.

[livre] - SKOLNIK M.I. - 1980 - Introduction to radar systems - McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition.

[livre] - ULABY F.T., ELACHI C. - 1990 - Radar polarimetry for geoscience applications - Artech House.
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Description : Offers the only consolidated reference on radar polarimetry design, analysis, and application and explains the most recent development in polarization system design and ... Lire la suite

[livre] - ULABY F.T., MOORE R.K., FUNG A.K. - 1981 - Microwave remote sensing : active and passive (Vol 1 à 3) - Artech House.
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[article] - WOODHOUSE I.H. - 2000 - Tutorial review - Stop, look and listen : auditory perception analogies for radar remote sensing - International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 21 (15).

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