
Le portail francophone de la géomatique

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Contenu de polygon.eng à traduire :

   1 "Copying polygons" @ 
   2 "Copy topology" @ 
   3 "Initialize polygons" @ 
   4 "Extract topologies" @ 
   5 "Store topologies" @ 
   6 "Check islands" @ 
   7 "Link islands" @ 
   8 "Calculate areas of polygons" @ 
   9 "Calculate new polygon areas" @ 
  10 "Copy Segments" @ 
  11 "Label polygons" @ 
  12 "Recode Polygons" @ 
  13 "Store polygon codes" @ 
  14 "Creating object definition file" @ 
  15 "Retrieve polygon codes" @ 
  16 "Create new domain" @ 
  17 "Polygonizing" @ 
  18 "Inclusions" @ 
  19 "Determine number of polygons" @ 
  20 "Numbering '%S'" @ 
  21 "Transforming segments" @ 
  22 "Rasterizing" @ 
  23 "Unpatching" @ 
  24 "Initializing map" @ 
  25 "Set segment codes to 'a00'" @ 
  26 "Storing polygon names" @ 
  27 "Domain Conversion" @ 
  28 "Converting" @ 
  29 "Check outer polygons" @ 
  30 "Scan Topologies" @ 
  31 "Split Topologies" @ 
  32 "Sort Split Points" @ 
  33 "Split Polygons" @ 
  34 "Remove Outer Polygons" @ 
  35 "Compact PolygonMap" @ 
  36 "Transforming segments for '%S'" @ 
  37 "Calculating grid cells" @ 
 200 "Topology Error" @ 
 201 "Importing 1.4 polygon map '%S'" @ 
 202 "Export polygon map to ILWIS 1.4" @ 
 203 "Export polygon map to ILWIS 2" @ 
 400 "Unexpectedly high number of boundaries in polygonnProcessing aborted; is the data used valid?" @ 
 401 "Too many boundaries in polygon %li" @ 
 402 "Invalid domain type for attribute column: '%S'" @ 
 403 "Too many segments created" @ 
 404 "Errors found during polygonizingnPolygon Map can not be computed" @ 
 405 "Impossible: Azim 0 Error" @ 
 406 "Impossible: No Topology Found Error" @ 
 407 "Not implemented for real-value maps" @ 
 408 "Too many polygons, only first %i will be exported" @ 
 409 "Use of attribute maps is not possible: '%S'" @ 
 410 "Could not find CoordSystem %S" @ 
 411 "Could not open %S" @ 
 412 "Specify input parameters" @ 
 413 "Invalid domain type for table %S" @ 
 414 "Could not find table %S" @ 
 415 "Define the origin coodinate X,Y" @ 
 416 "Externalling direction point" @ 
 417 "Externalling opposite coordinate" @
main/logiciels/ilwis/fichiers/polygon.eng.txt · Dernière modification: 2009/04/16 18:21 (modification externe)
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