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AF Manager : barre de lancement d'application personnalisée

Manuel en français

Utilise une barre d'outils personnalisée pour lancer des applications.

Initialement conçue pour des applications de type fonction (comme des application ne créant aucun menu et disparaissant dès leur travail terminé), cet outil peut aussi être utilisé comme un Gestionnaire d'outils alternatif pour la plupart des applications. [traduction à terminer]

English Manual

Uses a custom designed toolbar to launch applications.

Initially conceived for function-type apps (i.e. app creating no menus and disappearing when they have done their work) it can also be used as an alternate to Tool Manager for regular applications. The function-type apps are awKward to load via the Tool Master or must be “found” each time they are required. They could be MBX (default) or WOR (change the extension in the browser)

The application definitions are stored in the INI language file; they are the application path, a text to appear as a tool tip message (by default the file name), the selected icon # and the name of the dll for external resources (blank for MI own icons).

Each application is assigned to a pushbutton. The definition of the applications can be entered directly in the INI file while resppecting the format requirements, or by using the interface provided by the program. It offers “Browser” buttons for selecting the application, the icon from the MI internal ressources, or the dll and its icon if using external resources.

The use of the Browse buttons of AF_MANAGR requires the presence of the ICONPICKER.dll (in this zip of from the author's site at in the normal path of search if one wants to use external resources, and of the ICONS.DEF file (comes with MapBasic, get one for your MI version from a friend) located anywhere if one wants to use MI icons.

The toolbar can be docked or floating and its position recorded as an option.

main/logiciels/mapinfo/outils/af_managr.txt · Dernière modification: 2009/04/15 20:59 (modification externe)
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