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AllClock : Déterminer le sens des régions

Manuel en français

Cet outil s'assure que toutes les régions d'une table ont été dessinées dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre. [Traduction à terminer]

English Manual

AllClock makes sure that all the regions in a table are drawn clockwise. For a polygon, clockwise means that the direction of drawing of its border is such that the inside of the polygon is to its right. For a multi polygon regions, all “external” polygons are clockwise, but the “internal” ones (delimiting a hole) are counterclockwise. (See discussion on the subject in the MI_Enviro section, under Lines | Outlining regions with offset styles)

AllClock respects the original region topology of multi polygon regions. The output is a copy of the original table with “_clk” appended to its name.

The program uses offset styles as defined in the MAPINFOW_OFF.PEN available in the P. Blanc's articles in the same section as mentioned above to display (optionnaly) the results.

main/logiciels/mapinfo/outils/allclock.txt · Dernière modification: 2009/04/15 20:59 (modification externe)
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