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CELL MAPS : création de cartes cellulaires

Manuel en français

  • version : 1.0 pour MB4.5
  • Date de création : Oct 1998
  • Taille : 19KB
  • Description : CELLMAP est une application pour gérer les cartes faites de régions de forme carré. Il a 3 fonctions pricnipales utilisées généralement successivement, que l'on peut utiliser séparément.

Plus d'infos sur les cartes cellulaires:

English manual

  • version : 1.0 pour MB4.5
  • Creation date : Oct 1998
  • Size : 19KB
  • Content : CELLMAP.mbx MapBasic executable ; CELLMAP.doc Installation and instructions Word document
  • Description : CELLMAP is an application that deals with maps made up of 'square' regions. It has 3 main functions used generally in sequence, but accessible also directly.
  • CREATING requires a REFERENCE map on which a rectangular grid of square regions will be drawn. The position and extent of the grid and cell size are defined by the user. The result is a CellMap.
  • REFINING requires a CellMap and its REFERENCE map. The user can select the cells he wants to delete, or those to split (in 2×2, 3×3, 4×4 or 5×5). Multiple passes possible, including 'cascading' splits.
  • LOADING data requires a CellMap and a (region) DATA map. The user defines the column of the data map for which the values will be transferred to the CellMap (same name, same type). The value is that of the data region in which falls the cell centroid.
main/logiciels/mapinfo/outils/cell_maps.txt · Dernière modification: 2009/04/15 20:59 (modification externe)
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