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Recover : pour retrouver des enregistrement effacés dans un .DAT

  • Version : 5 novembre 1999
  • Auteur : Anssi Joutsiniemi
  • Descriptif : permet de retrouver des enregistrement perdus par suppression. Ca ne marche que si les tables n'ont pas été compressées.
  • Descriptif en anglais : Recover.MBX is made to recover deleted records from a MapInfo table. Deleted records are indicated as grayed-out rows in a browser, but can be recovered as long as you have not packed the table. So if you accidentally delete and save your edits and haven't packed the table yet, you can try my application. The application makes a backup copy of your files into your Temp directory. If you wish to make a backup yourself DO NOT use the MI “Save As” option in File menu, but copy files one by one in Windows Explorer instead.
main/logiciels/mapinfo/outils/recover.txt · Dernière modification: 2009/07/06 10:53 par Robin
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