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    4011 éléments (9 non lus) dans 54 canaux

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    • sur KAN T&IT Blog: XVII Jornadas IDERA: Nuestra Experiencia

      Publié: 25 August 2023, 7:56pm CEST

      Cada año, desde 2007, la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la República Argentina (IDERA) extiende su invitación a los apasionados de la información geoespacial a unirse a las Jornadas IDERA. Este evento anual se ha convertido en una tradición, y en 2023, se llevó a cabo en la hermosa ciudad de Santa Rosa, provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Es un hecho que IDERA se enorgullece de propiciar un espacio donde los expertos pueden compartir y celebrar los avances en el campo de la información geoespacial.

      El equipo de Kan participó de este evento, que tuvo como objetivo central impulsar la publicación de datos, productos y servicios geoespaciales de manera eficiente y oportuna, con la finalidad de respaldar la toma de decisiones basadas en evidencias. Las XVII Jornadas IDERA fueron el punto culminante de este esfuerzo, transformándose en el evento geoespacial del año en Argentina. Fue un momento invaluable para intercambiar ideas y debatir sobre los avances y desafíos relacionados con la publicación y utilización de información geoespacial abierta, interoperable y accesible para el desarrollo del país.

      Bajo el lema “La comunidad de IDERA hacia un marco integrado de información geoespacial”, las XVII Jornadas IDERA proporcionaron un espacio de reflexión sobre las propuestas globales emergentes destinadas a desarrollar, integrar y fortalecer la gestión de información geoespacial. Este enfoque permitirá mejorar las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales en los diferentes niveles jurisdiccionales de Argentina.

      La agenda de las XVII Jornadas IDERA estuvo repleta de eventos emocionantes y presentaciones interesantes. Los talleres y ponencias que realizamos desde Kan fueron los siguientes:

      Presentación institucional de KAN en el espacio de networking

      Taller “Potenciá el uso de tus datos geo con Geonode 4” 

      Presentación de casos de éxito en el grupo de provincias

      Taller “Recolección de datos en campo con Kobo” Ponencia “

      Desarrollo de un Sistema de Monitoreo y Manejo Integral de Humedales a partir de Información Satelital” 

      Además aprovechamos para compartir y asistir a otras charlas y muestras de nuestros colegas. Muchísimas gracias IDERA por esta oportunidad única para conectarnos con otros expertos, dejarnos aprender de sus experiencias y contribuir al avance de la comunidad de información geoespacial en Argentina. ¡Nos vemos el próximo año!

    • sur Finding Shade from the City Heat

      Publié: 25 August 2023, 9:52am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you need to find a shaded oasis in the concrete jungle of New York City then you can use Cornell University's new Tree Folio NYC interactive map. Tree Folio NYC uses data from a 2021 New York LiDAR survey and the 2015 New York Street Tree Survey to map the shadows cast by buildings and individual tree canopies in New York at any time of day and on any day of the year. If you zoom-in to any
    • sur A New Google Map of the Brain

      Publié: 24 August 2023, 9:12am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you've ever wanted to look inside someone's brain then you might like the European Commission's new 'Google Map' of the human brain. This new 3D map allows you to take a look inside a human skull and explore atlases of the brain's regions and neural connections.The European Brain Research Infrastructure (EBRAINS) is funded by the European Commission to accelerate brain research and
    • sur Stefano Costa: Gli atti del workshop Archeofoss 2022 sono stati pubblicati

      Publié: 23 August 2023, 12:38pm CEST

      Gli atti del workshop Archeofoss 2022 sono stati pubblicati in open access su Archeologia e Calcolatori. Li trovate qui [] come numero 34.1 della rivista.

      Ho curato insieme a Julian Bogdani l’edizione di questo volume ed è quindi motivo di soddisfazione, anche per i tempi rapidi con cui siamo arrivati alla pubblicazione grazie al lavoro collettivo degli autori e autrici, di chi ha fatto il referaggio, della redazione e della casa editrice.

      Rimane una mancanza in questo volume rispetto alla ricchezza dei due giorni di incontro, delle sette sessioni tematiche, delle discussioni guidate da chi ha moderato le sessioni, ibride eppure vivacissime. La mancanza in parte è fisiologica ma in parte deriva da un certo numero di autrici e autori che non hanno presentato il proprio contributo per la pubblicazione. Ad esempio, nella sessione sui dati stratigrafici che ho moderato con Emanuel Demetrescu erano stati presentati 7 interventi ma solo 2 sono confluiti come paper nel volume.

      Nei prossimi anni dovremo fare di più per fare in modo che gli atti raccolgano ancora più fedelmente il convegno.

      Ci ritroveremo con la comunità Archeofoss a Torino nel mese di dicembre 2023.

    • sur Using AI to Geolocate Photos

      Publié: 23 August 2023, 11:25am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Recently Google added Google Lens to Bard, its AI chatbot. Today I decided to test how good Bard is at identifying locations in photographs by giving it a few screenshots of random locations from Street View and seeing how accurate Bard is at geolocating the actual locations shown. Let's start with an easy one. I showed Bard the above picture of Tower Bridge in London and asked it 'Where was
    • sur QGIS Blog: QGIS server 3.28 is officially OGC compliant

      Publié: 22 August 2023, 12:05pm CEST

      QGIS Server provides numerous services like WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS and OGC API for Features. These last years, a lot of efforts were made to offer a robust implementation of the WMS 1.3.0 specification.

      We are pleased to announce that QGIS Server LTR 3.28 is now certified against WMS 1.3.0.

      This formal OGC certification process is performed once a year, specifically for the Long Term Release versions. But, as every change in QGIS source code is now tested against the formal OGC test suites (using OGC TeamEngine) to avoid any kind of regressions, you can always check any revision of the code against OGC failures in our Github continuous integration results.

      All this has been possible thanks to the QGIS’s sustaining members and contributors.

    • sur Unlocking America’s Visual Time Machine

      Publié: 22 August 2023, 9:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      As well as having an insatiable passion for maps I also really enjoy browsing old photographic collections. Like maps vintage photographs have the power to transport our imaginations to completely different times and places. For example Yale University's Photogrammar collection can instantly take you back to the bygone era of mid-20th Century America. Photogrammar provides access to a huge
    • sur OGC, UKHO, and partners release the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap

      Publié: 21 August 2023, 3:00pm CEST par Simon Chester

      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is pleased to host and release the first iteration of the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap and supporting materials for community consideration and engagement across not only the marine domain, but any geospatial domain connected to the oceans. 

      Developed as part of OGC’s ongoing Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (FMSDI) Initiative, the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – (Marine) Spatial Data Infrastructure (IGIF-(M)SDI) Maturity Roadmap is a quick-start guide for nations and marine organizations that seeks to advance and simplify efforts in Marine SDI and ensure their alignment with the UN-IGIF principles

      “The IGIF-MSDI maturity roadmap is an important step that supports a holistic understanding of data-exchange and -processing environments,” commented OGC Chief Technology Innovation Officer, Ingo Simonis, Ph.D. “The Roadmap enhances and complements the usual technological focus of SDIs with the equally important criteria outlined in the IGIF Principles. With the Roadmap, OGC continues its engagement and research in support of powerful, sustainable, interoperable geospatial ecosystems at all levels, including technology & standards, policies, communities, education, and capacity building efforts.”

      One of the key messages of the document is that an (M)SDI is a continual journey and not an “end state” of expensive technological solutions. The document asserts that nations are sovereign in what manner of (M)SDI they genuinely need for their national requirements, and not governed by an externally imposed or presumed level of technological sophistication.

      “Working collaboratively with partners at the World Bank, NOAA, OGC, IHO, and private industry, The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) believes that the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap will help many Governments begin their IGIF-aligned digital transformation journeys – whether that be within the Marine or Terrestrial domains,” commented Dr. Gerald J Wong, Data Governance Lead, UKHO. 

      “As an accessible “Quick Start” or “Stepping Stone” toolkit, the core of the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is formed by the World Bank SDI Diagnostic Toolkit where, with contributions from IHO and OGC, its Terrestrial heritage was augmented to maximize its benefits to the Marine community. The IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is aligned with the UN-IGIF principles and is fully interoperable with Terrestrial interests.”

      When properly executed, the resulting MSDI Diagnostic Toolkit provides a quantitative assessment for nations or marine agencies to baseline their MSDI maturity, as aligned to the UN-IGIF principles. The modular IHO and OGC additions ensure interoperability with the World Bank IGIF methodology, which can lead to the financing of approved MSDI development projects. Even as an independent tool, undertaking an MSDI assessment provides a clear reference point that’s aligned with international Best Practice. Without such a starting point, progress towards any MSDI end state will be difficult to govern and manage.

      “As the provider of ADMIRALTY navigation products and services worldwide, the UKHO supports nations in unlocking the many and varied benefits of their marine space,” commented James Carey, Deputy Chief Data Officer at the UKHO “We are a strategic member of the Open Geospatial Consortium and proudly lend our expertise to the development of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI), as an enabler of security, prosperity, and environmental stewardship. By fusing marine data with spatial insights it is possible to forge a path to a more interconnected world where oceans inspire growth and communities prosper.” 

      The IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap and related resources are available for free on OGC’s IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap webpage

      To best inform future revisions, iterations, and the optimization of the Roadmap, feedback and applied experiences from the geospatial community are sought via OGC Member Meetings, Forums, or directly.

      The IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is an independent initiative not endorsed by or officially connected to, but in alignment and support of, the mission, vision, and goals of the United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM).

      The post OGC, UKHO, and partners release the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Mapping Water Scarcity

      Publié: 21 August 2023, 8:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Last week the Washington Post reported on a new analysis from the World Resources Institute which found that half of the world's population already experiences water stress at least once every year. According to the WRI's analysis 25 countries around the world are now exposed to extreme water stress and the global demand for water is now exceeding what there is available.The Post's article
    • sur Sean Gillies: Bear training week ~6 recap

      Publié: 20 August 2023, 8:14pm CEST

      For fun I'm using the bitwise complement operator ~ in the title of this post. Race week is week ~0. On Monday, it was 6 weeks to race week. I'm starting to feel fit, close to my 2020-2021 form.

      The numbers for the week:

      • 16 hours, 54 minutes

      • 71 miles

      • 12,165 feet D+

      I've run six days in a row and my shortest run was today's: an hour and 20 minutes. I went out for five hours in Rocky Mountain National Park on Wednesday, two hours in Lory State Park on Friday, and five and a half hours at Horsetooth Open Space on Saturday.

      Soaking hot and tired feet in the Big Thompson River below Fern Lake in RMNP.

      Below the Westridge Wall in Lory S.P.

      Alone on Arthur's Rock, looking NE across the reservoir and plains.

      Towers trail tailgating

      A bear was active around Towers Trail yesterday, but successfully avoided me. According to some bikers, it crossed the trail behind my back near the top during my first lap. If I'd turned when I heard them shouting, I might have seen it. I know there are bears up there, but have never seen one while I've been on the trail. It's a good time to be filling up on chokecherries, that's for sure.

      Next week I'm going to increase my training volume a little more. Instead of two 5.5 hour runs, I'll aim for 3 x 4 hours.

    • sur Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: I’ve archived my Tweets: Goodbye Twitter, Hello Mastodon

      Publié: 20 August 2023, 4:38pm CEST

      Today, Jeff Sikes, alerted me to the fact that “Twitter has removed all media attachments from 2014 and prior” (source: [https:]] ). So far, it seems unclear whether this was intentional or a system failure (source: [https:]] ).

      Since I’ve been on Twitter since 2011, this means that some media files are now lost. While the loss of a few low-res images is probably not a major loss for humanity, I would prefer to have some control over when and how content I created vanishes. So, to avoid losing more content, I have followed Jeff’s recommendation to create a proper archival page:


      It is based on an export I pulled in October 2022 when I started to use Mastodon as my primary social media account. Unfortunately, this export did not include media files.

      To follow me in the future, find me on:


      Btw, a recent study published on Nature News shows that Mastodon is the top-ranking Twitter replacement for scientists.

      To find other interesting people on Mastodon, there are many useful tools and lists, including, for example:

    • sur The AI Diplomacy Map

      Publié: 19 August 2023, 9:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      According to the interactive map Deeplomacy the "relationship between Iraq and the United States has been turbulent, complex, and marked by periods of conflict and cooperation." Deeplomacy also informs me that the relationship between Russia and Ukraine has recently "drastically worsened".Deeplomacy is a new map tool which can explain the historical and current diplomatic relationships between
    • sur GeoClash

      Publié: 18 August 2023, 9:09am CEST par Keir Clarke
      After last week's post on the growing number of interactive map games called City Guesser I was contacted by DoudouOSM on Mastodon, who pointed me towards GeoClash, an alternative to GeoGuessr built on Mapillary panoramic images and Leaflet rather than Google Maps. GeoClash, like GeoGuessr requires you to identify locations based on 'Street View' type images. To play GeoClash you first need to
    • sur European Innovation, Global Impact

      Publié: 17 August 2023, 10:49am CEST par Simon Chester

      From Europe to the World, OGC’s Collaborative Solutions and Innovation (COSI) Program is proud of its ongoing contributions to European research topics related to geospatial data. The research topics are driven by projects co-funded by the European Commission (EC) and cover many different domains and fields of application, including data spaces, climate, digital building permits, agriculture, digital twins for the oceans, knowledge generation, and beyond. While these topics are high on the European research agenda, the challenges – as well as their solutions – have global application.

      These EC-funded projects are organised as small or large consortiums where different organisations cover different aspects of the projects’ objectives. As one such organisation, OGC is proud to play its part in the European Digital Strategy that is helping to ensure a secure and sustainable life for citizens of Europe and beyond.

      OGC’s COSI Program conducts and organises its research around a central theme of “Full Spectrum Interoperability and Agile Reference Architecture.” Full Spectrum Interoperability refers to capturing the many different facets of interoperability that exist between systems. Agile Reference Architecture explores how software architectures can be developed and operated in a cost-efficient, agile, and sustainable manner that also maximises interoperability between systems. This research theme is therefore complementary to the European Digital Strategy.

      Much of OGC’s current European work was showcased at the OGC European Innovation Days at Data Week Leipzig 2023. This blog post serves to provide an overview of that work and more for those who couldn’t attend – and who don’t want to have to wait for the next OGC European Innovation Days showcase, to be held July 2024 at FOSS4G Europe in Tartu, Estonia.

      Data Spaces

      Strong progress is being made towards Common European Data Spaces with the projects All Data for Green Deal (AD4GD) and Urban Data Space for Green Deal (USAGE). In both of these projects, OGC is contributing to the development of interoperable, federated systems that support information dissemination and knowledge generation. Such systems will use OGC Standards to enable interoperability at several technical and administrative levels and optimise the value chain that transforms raw data into decision-ready information.

      AD4GD’s mission is to co-create and shape the European Green Deal Data Space as an open hub for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data and standards-based services that support the key priorities of pollution, biodiversity, and climate change. The focus is on interoperability concepts that will bridge the semantic and technology gaps that are currently preventing stakeholders and application domains from accessing multi-disciplinary and multi-scale data. These gaps are also impeding the full exploitation of processing services and processing platforms at different levels, including Cloud, HPC and edge computing. AD4GD recently published this blog post summarising its second plenary meeting, which was co-located with Data Week Leipzig 2023.

      The Horizon Europe USAGE project aims to provide solutions and mechanisms for making city-level environmental and climate data FAIR – and thus available to everyone. Leveraging standards for data and service interoperability, such solutions combine innovative governance mechanisms, consolidated arrangements, AI-based tools, and data analytics to streamline the sharing, access, and use of authoritative and crowdsourced city-level Earth Observation (EO) and Internet of Things (IoT) data.

      In both of these projects, OGC Standards will play a fundamental part in enabling the resulting FAIR solutions. The main research challenge is developing Building Blocks for common data problems. These Building Blocks bring together data models, examples, code snippets, and schemas, and undergo continuous testing to make them easily accessible and usable by developers, modellers, and users. The goal is to identify and describe common patterns that exist across communities. This will lead to enhanced interoperability within and between data spaces. 

      Interested in learning more about Data Spaces? OGC will host a session on European common data spaces at the 2023 INSPIRE Conference this November


      OGC’s current crop of climate-related projects seek to support FAIR climate services and streamline the value chain that transforms raw data into decision-ready information.

      Specifically, as part of the Climate Intelligence (CLINT) project, OGC is developing blueprints for transforming scientific algorithms into climate application packages that can be deployed, regardless of their backend, in the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). More widely, the CLINT project seeks to develop Machine Learning (ML) techniques and algorithms that climate scientists can use to process the large climate datasets required for predicting and identifying the causes of extreme events such as heatwaves, warm nights, droughts, and tropical cyclones.

      Focusing on the health impacts of climate change, the CLIMOS (Climate Monitoring and Decision Support Framework for Sand Fly-borne Diseases Detection and Mitigation with COst-benefit and Climate-policy MeasureS) project aims to mitigate the emergence, transmission, and spread of pathogens by sand flies. The project is establishing an Early Warning System and decision support tools for more accurate climate and health models. It will also provide predictions of infection risk and spread, as well as adaptation options. OGC is addressing the interoperability challenges faced when combining health, environmental, Earth observation, and climate model data.

      Digital Building Permits

      OGC is bringing its geospatial expertise to the digitalisation of building permits across two projects: ACCORD and CHEK. Albeit with a different focus, both projects aim to transform what is currently a largely manual process into a semi-automated one that allows building applications to be submitted in digital form. 

      In support of sustainability and resource conservation, the ACCORD (Automated Compliance Checks for Construction, Renovation, or Demolition works) has a strong focus on regulations analysis and the use of ontologies and linked data to automate the compliance checks. ACCORD will develop a semantic framework for European digital building permit processes, regulations, data, and tools. This framework will drive the formalisation of rules and the integration of existing compliance tools as Standards-based microservices, for example using OGC APIs. The solutions and tools being developed by ACCORD will provide consistency, interoperability, and reliability with national regulatory frameworks, processes, and standards.

      The CHEK (Change toolkit for digital building permit) project is looking at the entire workflow for the digitalisation of building permits and is facilitating the introduction of digital building permit procedures for municipalities by developing flexible, adaptable solutions that take into account all the rules and conditions of the procedure. As with ACCORD, CHEK is using a Standards-based microservices approach to its architecture. CHEK will also develop training for municipalities, which will be made available through the Location Innovation Academy (see below). 

      As part of CHEK, OGC is investigating how needs-based data models can be derived dynamically as profiles of common conceptual models. The goal is to leave behind the basic problems of standardised data models. Due to their ambition to comprehensively represent a domain, they tend to be over-specified. On the other hand, to adapt to the needs of different use cases, they allow too much flexibility in implementation and modelling details. OGC is currently focused mostly on the transformation of administrative data using ontologies generated from CityGML and CityJSON. 


      The DEMETER project, which is now coming to an end, has helped to digitally transform Europe’s agri-food sector. DEMTER adopted advanced IoT technologies, data science, and smart farming to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the agriculture sector. One of the key results is the production of an Agriculture Information Model (AIM). The AIM is a data model and ontology for agriculture applications that ensures semantic interoperability between data and components involved in agri-food applications. To further enhance the AIM, OGC has now formed the Agriculture Information Model Standards Working Group (AIM SWG). The OGC AIM will provide a common language for agriculture applications to harmonise and improve data and metadata exchange by defining the required data elements, including concepts, properties, and relationships relevant to agriculture applications, as well as their associated semantics/meaning for information exchange. 

      Oceans and the Blue Economy

      The Iliad Digital Twins of the Ocean project is developing a federated, multidimensional representation of the maritime and oceanic ecosystem. As with many of these projects, OGC Standards will be used to enhance the value chain as data sourced from smart IoT, satellite Earth Observations, and Citizen Science is transformed into decision-ready information and knowledge. As such, it fits perfectly into the OGC focus theme of “marine spaces.” 

      Iliad is developing several Digital Twin pilots in a number of key areas, including: wind energy; renewable energy from the ocean (currents, waves & floating solar); fisheries & aquaculture; marine traffic & harbour safety; pollution; met ocean data (hind, now & forecasts); biodiversity assessments & monitoring; and insurance for marine & maritime activities. 

      OGC is involved in defining the standards-based Data Transfer Object (DTO) data management APIs built on the OGC APIs framework, as well as ensuring semantic interoperability between the APIs, Citizen Science, and thematic domains. Finally, we are leading standardisation and best practice tasks to enable the solution to fit within the ecosystem of the Digital Twin of the Earth.

      Location Innovation Academy

      The recently launched Location Innovation Academy is a free online training program based on the knowledge and ideas generated by the GeoE3 project. The free online academy empowers users to improve the accessibility, interoperability, and integration of their geospatial data and services. The academy is currently targeted towards national mapping agencies, meteorological institutions, and other organisations producing or using geospatial data from different countries. The Academy aims to help overcome the interoperability gaps that still exist between European countries.

      The growing online training package currently includes three different courses for developing skills in: Data Management; Service Management; and Data and Service Integration.

      The Location Innovation Academy also serves as the experimentation platform for a future OGC Academy that will help learners access and exploit the enormous amounts of knowledge generated by OGC. The Location Innovation Academy is hosted by OGC at In support of the academy, OGC is also a Pact For Skills Member.

      The Academy continues to be the main component of the DIS4SME project. DIS4SME aims to provide SMEs with high quality specialised training courses on data interoperability across different areas, including location data.

      By Europe, for the World

      As a participant in projects funded by the European Commission, OGC’s COSI Program – with its complementary research theme of “Full Spectrum Interoperability and Agile Reference Architecture” – is proud to develop valuable solutions that support the European Digital Strategy and help ensure a secure and sustainable life for not only the citizens of Europe, but the entire world.

      The next OGC European Innovation Days showcase will be held July 2024 at FOSS4G Europe in Tartu, Estonia.

      OGC is also hosting a session on European common data spaces at the 2023 INSPIRE Conference this November.

      To stay up to date on all things OGC, including European projects, funding opportunities, Standards development, events, and more, subscribe to the OGC Newsletter.

      The post European Innovation, Global Impact appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Cinematic Mapping

      Publié: 17 August 2023, 10:06am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Steve Attewell has created a fun Akira Kurosawa inspired interactive map. His Akira map allows you to explore a 3D map of the world through the lens of the most famous Japanese film-maker.I don't know enough about Kurosawa's films to judge if Steve's map is an accurate simulation of the great director's style and aesthetic. I do know (by peaking at the HTML) that Steve's map works by applying a
    • sur QGIS Blog: Plugin Update June & July 2023

      Publié: 16 August 2023, 8:27pm CEST

      In this summer plugin update, we explore 51 new plugins that have been published in the QGIS plugin repository.

      Here’s the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions piques your interest, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below the screenshot.

      The QGIS plugin is used by agencies in the West Java provincial government to upload data and create map services on the geoserver in order to publish data internally and publicly
      BD TOPO® Extractor
      This tool allows you to extract specific data from IGN’s BD TOPO®. The extraction is based on either an extent drawned by the user on the map canvas or a layer’s extent.
      Opacity Set
      Sets opacity 0.5, 0.75 or 1 for selected raster layer.
      USM toolset (Urban Sprawl Metric toolset)
      The USM Toolset was developed to facilitate the calculation of Weighted Urban Proliferation (WUP) and all components of urban sprawl for landscapes that include built-up areas (e.g., dispersion (DIS), land uptake per person (LUP).
      DAI (Daily Aerial Image)
      France Commune Cadastre
      Search for a cadastral parcel with the French cadastre API
      Two distances intersection
      Get the intersection of two distances (2D cartesian)
      Plugin providing easy access to data from different SDI
      SPAN is a flexible and easy to use open-source plugin based on the QGIS software for rooftop mounted PV potential estimation capable of estimating every roof surface’s PV potential.
      CSV Batch Import
      Batch import of CSV vector layers
      Imagine Sustainability
      sustainability assessment tool based on geographic MCDA algorithms. Especially suitable for Natura 2000 sites, based on pyrepo-mcda package( [https:]] )
      QGIS Hub Plugin
      A QGIS plugin to fetch resources from the QGIS Hub
      VFK Plugin
      Data ?eského katastru nemovitostí (VFK)<br><br>Czech cadastre data (VFK)
      Tools for linear referenced data
      CIGeoE Circumvent Polygon
      Changes the line to circumvent a polygon between the intersection points
      UA XML importer
      ???????? ????????? ???????, ????????, ????? ?? ?????????????? ??? ? ???????????? ????????? ????? XML
      QGIS eAGRI plugin
      Geojson Filling
      Allows to fill imported geojson layers with pre-defined field values
      Save All
      File saving script that saves qgis project file and all vector and raster layers into user-specified folder. Automatically detects file type and saves as that file type (supports SHP, GPKG, KML, CSV, and TIF). All styles and formatting are saved with each layer (except for KML), ensuring that they are opened up with the proper style the next time the project is opened. Temporary layers are made permanent automatically.
      Fast Density Analysis
      A fast kernel density visualization plugin for geospatial analytics
      This plugin manages the Street Smart imagery
      Copies the path of layer
      pandapower QGis Plugin
      Plugin to work with pandapower or pandapipes networks
      Qgis Pip Management
      Infra-O plugin
      Plugin for Finnish municipal asset management.
      Add to Felt
      Create a collaborative Felt ( map from QGIS
      Lahar Flow Map Tools
      This plugin is for opening and processing results from LaharFlow
      Station Offset
      This plugin computes the station and offset of points along polylines and exports those values to csv for other applications
      This plugin is used to load the daily new map provided by Siwei Earth.
      Easily draw and select entities in the drawing footprint. Installation of the plugin “Memory layer saver” highly recommended. See Read_me.txt file in the Help folder of the plugin. Dessiner et selectionner facilement les entités dans l’emprise du dessin. Installation du plugin “Memory layer saver” fortement recommandé. Voir fichier Lisez_moi dans le dossier Hepl du plugin. Merci !
      Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
      This plugin implements the fuzzy inference system
      A plugin to plot feature space and export areas as raster or vector
      Panorama Viewer
      Plugin for QGIS to view 360-degrees panoramic photos
      Map Segmenter
      Uses machine learning to segment a map into ares of interest.
      ALKIS Plugin
      Das Plugin verfügt über zwei Werkzeugkästen und insgesamt vier einfache Werkzeuge. Im Werkzeugkasten “Gebäude” finden Sie drei nützliche Werkzeuge, um ALKIS-Gebäudedaten aufzubereiten. Sie können Dachüberstände erstellen, Gebäude auf der Erdoberfläche extrahieren und redundante Gebäudeteile eliminieren. Im Werkzeugkasten “Nutzung” steht Ihnen ein weiteres Werkzeug zur Verfügung, mit dem Sie die Objektarten in den Objektartengruppen Vegetation, Siedlung, Verkehr und Gewässer zuordnen können. Das Plugin erfordert als Datengrundlage ALKIS-Daten im vereinfachten Format, die in NRW, Deutschland, frei verfügbar sind. Dieses Plugin wurde zu Demonstrationszwecken entwickelt. Das Ziel besteht darin, in einer Videoreihe die Entwicklung eines Plugins ohne die Anwendung von Python vorzustellen. Die Tutorials dazu findet ihr in der folgenden Playlist: [https:]]
      Isobenefit Urbanism plugin for QGIS.
      Tools for
      assessment the positional quality of geographic data
      Implementation of popular topographic correction algorithms and various methods of their evaluation.
      The goal is to find the location of the contamination as soon as possible.
      Azure Maps Creator
      Provides access to Azure Maps Creator services
      CIGeoE Identify Dangles
      Identifies dangles in a viewport
      Delete Duplicate Fields
      Delete duplicate or redundant fields from a vector file
      Allow QGIS to use LocationFinder (interactive geocoding)
      COA TPW Polygonizer
      This plugin can be used to create polygons that track the shape of a line network, including the proper handling of intersections with common nodes of the line segments.
      Create XPlanGML from polygon(s)
      Tweet my river
      AI Tweet classifier for river layers
      3DCityDB Tools
      Tools to visualize and manipulate CityGML data stored in the 3D City Database
      A toolset for Seafloor Caracterization
      Faunalia Toolkit
      Cartographic and spatial awesome analysis tool and much much more!
    • sur US Air Force WWII Photos

      Publié: 16 August 2023, 8:48am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This aerial photo shows Manchester United's Old Trafford football stadium. The photo was taken during World War II, on May 30, 1944, by a US Air Force photographic reconnaissance (PR) aircraft. The stadium (top left) was hit by a German bomb in March 1941 and the damage caused to the south stand can be seen in the USAAF aerial photograph.This aerial reconnaissance photo of Manchester is just
    • sur The Meteor Shower Map

      Publié: 15 August 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If, like me, clouds and city lights have so far ruined your view of the Perseid meteor shower then you might enjoy this beautiful Meteor Showers From Space interactive map. The peak viewing time to see the Perseids was on Aug 12 & 13, although the shower will be active for much of August. The Perseid meteor shower is caused by Earth passing through the ice and rock debris tail of Comet
    • sur PostGIS Development: PostGIS 3.4.0

      Publié: 15 August 2023, 2:00am CEST

      The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.4.0! This version works with versions PostgreSQL 12-16, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL features, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.


      This release is a major release, it includes bug fixes since PostGIS 3.3.4 and new features.

    • sur Neighborhood Colors

      Publié: 14 August 2023, 8:27am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Kiezcolors is an interactive map which shows the distribution of land use in Berlin neighborhoods. On the map areas are colored to show whether they are used for business, housing, roads, nature etc. Alongside the street map a tree-map is also used to show the percentage of land used by each category within the highlighted area (the circle of 'undefined' radius). You can use the map's
    • sur Competing in the Tour de France

      Publié: 12 August 2023, 9:30am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The New York Times has discovered a way for amateur cyclists to compete against the world's elite in the Tour de France. In Watch Amateurs Race Against the Tour de France's Top Climbers the newspaper has used Strava data to compare how amateur cyclists have performed on certain mountain stages in the Tour de France when compared to the fastest Tour de France cyclists (who posted their rides to
    • sur Mapping the Amazon Underworld

      Publié: 11 August 2023, 10:25am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Welcome to the Amazon Underworld is an in-depth investigative series examining the crime and violence that is ravaging the Amazon rainforest. The project, which was conducted by 37 journalists and media professionals from 11 countries, uses satellite imagery, data analysis, and field reporting to map out the criminal gangs and the illicit economies that are driving deforestation, violence, and
    • sur City Guesser

      Publié: 10 August 2023, 9:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      One little known rule of GIS is that if you make an interactive geography game then you have to call it 'City Guessr' or 'City Guesser'. At least I assume that is why there are so many online map games bearing that epithet. CityGuessr is a fun daily challenge which requires you to identify a location shown on an interactive map. Identifying a location from an unlabeled map can be very hard so
    • sur Mapping 3D Game Worlds

      Publié: 9 August 2023, 8:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      noclip is an amazing website which lets you move around and explore some of your favorite computer games in glorious 3D. The term 'noclip' is a common command used to debug computer games. It refers to the process of turning off collision detection in a game world so that the player may pass through solid objects in the rendered environment. This is exactly what the noclip website allows you to
    • sur OGC API – Environmental Data Retrieval v1.1 Adopted as Official Standard

      Publié: 8 August 2023, 3:00pm CEST par Simon Chester

      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce that version 1.1 of the OGC API – Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) Standard has been approved by the OGC Membership for adoption as an official Standard. 

      The Standard is part of the OGC API family of Standards that each help advance OGC’s Mission to make the world’s location information FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

      The OGC API – EDR Standard makes it easy to access a wide range of data through a uniform, well-defined, simple Web interface that provides users with purely the data they require while shielding them from the complexities of the underlying data storage technologies.

      A major use case for an EDR API is to retrieve small subsets from large collections of environmental data, such as weather forecasts, though many other types of data can be accessed. The important aspect is that the data can be unambiguously specified by spatio-temporal coordinates.

      The Standard describes a series of requirements for developing an EDR API, including lightweight query interfaces that allow users to request spatio-temporal data at a specific Position, within a Radius, within a Cube, within an Area, along a Trajectory, or through a Corridor. 

      Version 1.1 of the Standard offers a number of backwards-compatible enhancements. One major enhancement is support for the HTTP POST method. This enhancement will make it possible to handle requests with large payloads, such as complex filter constraints. Another enhancement is greater flexibility in selecting a default Coordinate Reference System (CRS) to be used when a client application has not indicated a preferred CRS. This enhancement will make it easier to serve data that is referenced to national or regional coordinate reference systems.

      The other major enhancement is support for additional custom or categorical dimensions to use in queries in addition to the usual (x,y,z,t) continuous spatio-temporal dimensions. An example use case would be to request data for a specific wavelength or select from a specific waveband. A common meteorological use case would be to query data from a specific forecast from an ensemble of simultaneous forecasts.

      The OGC API – EDR Standard supports a full range of use cases: from retrieving time-series observations to sub-setting multi-dimensional data cubes along user-supplied sampling geometries. Such sampling geometries are provided by a client through query patterns that use a set of common parameters. These query patterns provide useful building blocks to allow the composition of APIs that satisfy a wide range of geospatial data use cases. By defining a small set of query patterns, the OGC API – EDR Standard helps to simplify the design of systems, as they can be performance tuned for the supported queries – thus making it easier to build robust and scalable infrastructure.

      To help users implement the OGC API – EDR Standard, an OpenAPI definition document and schema definition files have been published, alongside the Standard, on the OGC API – EDR page.

      To learn more about how the family of OGC API Standards work together to provide modular “building blocks for location” that address both simple and the most complex use-cases, visit

      OGC Members interested in staying up to date on further progress of this standard, or contributing to its future development, are encouraged to join the OGC API – EDR Standards Working Group via the OGC Portal. Non-OGC members who would like to know more about participating in this SWG are encouraged to contact the OGC Standards Program.

      As with any OGC Standard, the OGC API – Environmental Data Retrieval 1.1 Standard is free to download and implement. Interested parties can view and download the Standard from the OGC API – EDR page.

      The post OGC API – Environmental Data Retrieval v1.1 Adopted as Official Standard appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Global Burning

      Publié: 8 August 2023, 9:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Pudding has released another stunning data visualization story. Mapping Record-High Heat in U.S. Cities is an interactive map which shows how many days since your city recorded its record high temperature (for today or of all time).July was the hottest month on Earth in the last 120,000 years. This followed the hottest June ever recorded. Global Heating is happening, which is why The
    • sur 30 Second Data Viz with OSM GPT

      Publié: 7 August 2023, 8:22pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      I reviewed OSM GPT for the first time earlier today and I have to say I was very impressed with how easy it is to use in order to extract data from OpenStreetMap. OSM GPT's natural language interface for searching OSM is great for geographical searches - for example to find all cafes within 1,000 meters of a location ('get cafes within 1000 meters'). OSM GPT can also be used for creating some
    • sur OGC Welcomes Dr. Simon Cox as next Visiting Fellow

      Publié: 7 August 2023, 3:00pm CEST par Simon Chester

      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to Welcome Dr. Simon Cox as our next Visiting Fellow. Simon will use his expertise and experience to help the organization take the new “OGC Rainbow” interoperability environment to the next level.

      With its OGC Rainbow, OGC is building the most advanced interoperability framework in the geospatial domain. OGC Rainbow connects taxonomies, profiles, Standards, schemas, metadata, and other elements and enables reliable knowledge generation and decision making, all in a machine- and human-friendly environment. 

      Dr. Simon Cox will help OGC to further develop the conceptual model behind OGC Rainbow and review all of the underlying assumptions and use cases. Simon will also play a critical role in communicating and coordinating OGC Rainbow with other standards organizations.

      “I am excited that Simon will join our work to enhance the level of interoperability seen in the geospatial domain,” said OGC Chief Technology Innovation Officer, Dr. Ingo Simonis. “Simon has excellent expertise in data modeling and extracting modeling patterns and mechanisms. I am confident that Simon will help us take the work around our ‘OGC Rainbow’ interoperability environment to the next level.”

      Dr. Simon Cox worked for many years for the leading Australian science and technology organization, CSIRO. Simon has been involved in OGC activities since the year 2000, and received an OGC Gardel’s Award in 2006. Recently, Simon made substantial contributions to the joint OGC/W3C efforts on spatial data on the web

      Simon was the primary driving force behind the creation of the initial resources upon which OGC Rainbow has been built and led the establishment of the OGC Naming Authority – the group that governs OGC’s registries and Standards schemas. After retiring from CSIRO earlier this year, he has maintained an involvement in vocabulary management and publication, and in cross-domain metadata through CODATA and DDI.

      “I’m looking forward to renewing my engagement with OGC,” said Simon. “I’ll bring perspectives from recent engagements in environmental and social sciences where adaptation of OGC and W3C standards to specific applications, and presentation of that to a variety of audiences, remains a challenge.”

      OGC’s Visiting Fellow program was established to support OGC’s integrated standards and innovation strategy, which falls under the leadership of OGC’s Chief Standards Officer, Scott Simmons, and Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Dr. Ingo Simonis. The program welcomes highly accomplished, seasoned experts from around the world to augment OGC’s leadership team with external targeted expertise and support the strategic objectives of the Consortium for durations of 3-9 months.

      If you are interested in the OGC Visiting Fellow program and wish to be considered, please contact OGC using the form at

      The post OGC Welcomes Dr. Simon Cox as next Visiting Fellow appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur OSM GPT

      Publié: 7 August 2023, 9:28am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This week's OSM Weekly links to a new interactive chatbot which allows you to interact with OpenStreetMap data. Rohit Gautam's OSM GPT allows you to use natural language queries to search OpenStreetMap. For example the screenshot above shows the results of 'Get all bars' in New York. It also shows the results of a query to 'Get all McDonald's restaurants'.I don't know how OSM GPT works but I
    • sur Jackie Ng: Where's the new Maestro API nuget packages?

      Publié: 7 August 2023, 1:34am CEST

      There were a few things I left out of the previous announcement that I'll use this post to address.

      Firstly, the 6.0m12 release of MapGuide Maestro formally drops all Fusion editor support for integration with Google Maps tiles and services. We no longer support Google Maps integration in Fusion and the editor in previous releases gave the false impression that this is still possible. That is no longer the case with this release.

      Secondly, the more important thing (and the subject of this post) is that if you are using the Maestro API and consume this through nuget packages from you may be wondering why there are no new versions?

      The answer to that one is simply: My nuget package publishing keys have expired and something in the website or something with my account is preventing me from regenerating these keys or to generate a fresh set. As a result, I currently cannot upload any new nuget packages to

      But do not fret, because there is an alternative solution.

      As part of the MapGuide Maestro release on GitHub, the nuget .nupkg files are also included

      From here, you can set up a local directory-based nuget package source, drop the .nupkg files into it and the this version of the package is available to install in your Visual Studio solution.

      If/when I get a resolution on this publishing key matter, I will upload the .nupkg files for this release and make another announcement. Until then, this local package source is a suitable workaround.

    • sur Narcélio de Sá: A Importância das Conferências do State of the Map para o OpenStreetMap

      Publié: 6 August 2023, 7:46pm CEST

      Se você teve a sorte de participar de uma conferência do State of the Map (SotM), já sabe que elas oferecem alguns dos melhores conhecimentos, habilidades e treinamentos em SIG (Sistemas de Informações Geográficas) e geoespaciais disponíveis. Isso é além de ser um evento de networking fantástico, com muito tempo social divertido e envolvente. Se você é novo na comunidade do OpenStreetMap e ainda não participou de um SotM, ou faz parte de uma empresa pensando em patrocinar um SotM, juntamente com o envio de uma equipe para participar, este post é para você.

      Image credit: Parker Michels-Boyce Photography. Please tag @OpenStreetMapUS in social media posts when using these photos. O que é um State of the Map – SotM?

      Os membros da comunidade do OpenStreetMap (OSM) organizam encontros anuais do State of the Map como uma forma de construir comunidade, compartilhar ferramentas e pesquisas, e estabelecer contatos entre si com o objetivo comum de melhorar o mapa. Esses encontros têm diversos tamanhos e são organizados local, regional e globalmente, mas o objetivo é sempre o mesmo: se reunir para discutir pesquisas sobre a criação de mapas, ferramentas, iniciativas e outros tópicos da comunidade. Os SotMs locais e regionais são organizados por comunidades locais, e o SotM global é organizado pela Fundação OSM.

      As conferências do Estado do Mapa estabelecem pontes entre os mapeadores do OSM e ativistas comunitários, desenvolvedores de código aberto, pesquisadores de universidades e instituições acadêmicas, designers, cartógrafos, bem como profissionais de tecnologia de empresas privadas e instituições públicas.

      Quais Tipos de Tópicos são Discutidos?

      A variedade de tópicos é tão diversa quanto a comunidade. As apresentações variam desde “palestras relâmpago” de 5 minutos até apresentações de 15-20 minutos e workshops de 75 minutos. Eles abordam temas como desenvolvimento de plataformas e ferramentas, análise de dados, mapeamento humanitário e muitos outros. Os apresentadores estão afiliados a comunidades locais, Youthmappers, HOTOSM, maplibre, FOSS4G, academia, outras organizações sem fins lucrativos e empresas pequenas e grandes.

      A conferência global SotM de 2022 em Firenze, Itália, fornece um bom exemplo da variedade de informações e habilidades representadas em um SotM. Aqui estão apenas alguns títulos de sessões: “OSM Carto as Vector tiles; Innovating on Derivative OpenStreetMap Datasets”, Mapping a Small Town”,  “maplibre-rs: Cross-platform Map Rendering using Rust”, “Ten Years iD Editor—The Road Ahead”, “Women Leadership in Mapping Riverside Communities in the Amazon Forest Using OSM.”

      Esses exemplos mal arranham a superfície. Aqui está o programa completo e as gravações das apresentações. Há também uma exposição de pôsteres – sim, até as paredes do SotM de 2022 eram educacionais! E há um resumo dos procedimentos acadêmicos.

      Portanto, como você pode ver, um SotM oferece inspiração e conhecimento para qualquer pessoa interessada no futuro da tecnologia geoespacial, OpenStreetMap e software e dados livres e de código aberto.

      Participe do State of the Map Curitiba 2023

      Faça Parte do State of the Map Brasil 2023: Conectando-se ao Futuro do Mapeamento Geoespacial!

      Prepare-se para uma experiência extraordinária! Estamos animados em anunciar o aguardado “State of the Map Brasil 2023?. De 2 a 4 de outubro de 2023, você terá a oportunidade de se envolver nesse evento imperdível, sediado na renomada Universidade Federal do Paraná, na charmosa cidade de Curitiba. E tem mais: este evento incrível acontecerá em um formato híbrido, permitindo que você participe tanto pessoalmente quanto virtualmente. Ah, e não se esqueça de marcar em sua agenda a pré-conferência, no dia 30 de setembro (sábado), para um mergulho profundo em conhecimento e networking.

      Se você é um aficionado por mapeamento, um pesquisador curioso ou um usuário ávido por dados geoespaciais, esta é a sua oportunidade de brilhar! Estamos convocando você a compartilhar suas experiências, ideias inovadoras e trabalhos científicos através da nossa chamada para resumos de experiências acadêmicas e práticas. Mal podemos esperar para ver as gemas de conhecimento que você tem a oferecer.

      O SOTM Curitiba 2023 é uma chance única para compartilhar sua expertise, conectar-se com colegas entusiastas e explorar as tendências mais recentes no mundo do mapeamento geoespacial. Junte-se a nós nessa emocionante jornada e contribua para construir um futuro mais mapeado e interconectado.

      Para obter mais detalhes e informações sobre o evento, visite o site oficial aqui.

      Não perca essa oportunidade singular. Estamos ansiosos para receber sua contribuição e encontrá-lo(a) pessoalmente no SOTM Curitiba 2023!


      Why State of the Map Conferences Are So Important to OSM


      The post A Importância das Conferências do State of the Map para o OpenStreetMap appeared first on Narcélio de Sá.

    • sur GRASS GIS: GRASS GIS 7.8.8 released

      Publié: 6 August 2023, 1:38pm CEST
      What’s new in a nutshell The GRASS GIS 7.8.8 release provides more than 80 improvements and fixes compared to the 7.8.7 release. This release is expected to be the last 7.8 release. Development continues with GRASS GIS 8.x. The overview of features in the 7.8 release series is available at new features in GRASS GIS 7.8. See also our detailed announcement with the full list of changes and bugs fixed at [https:]
    • sur Swimming in Sewage

      Publié: 6 August 2023, 10:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Over 50 competitors in last weekend's World Triathlon Championship Series in the UK fell ill after swimming in the sea off the coast of Sunderland. The UK's filthy rivers and sewage discharges have been largely blamed for the outbreaks of diarrhoea among those competing in the triathlon. In the UK the privatized water companies are allowed to discharge raw sewage into rivers when the system
    • sur Sean Gillies: Never Summer training weekend recap

      Publié: 5 August 2023, 4:15am CEST

      Thursday, July 27, I drove west on CO-14 up the long Poudre River canyon and over Cameron Pass to Gould, the base for the Never Summer 60K and 100K races, for three days of camping and running in the mountains. Friday I would run the 60K race, Saturday I would go out for a few hours in the morning, and Sunday I would run a few more hours before driving home. Back-to-back-to-back easy long runs at high elevation to help me get in shape for the Bear 100 in September.

      I had completely fair weather for the drive and for setting up my tent. I tossed a drop bag with spare shoes and socks in the truck bound for the Bockman aid station, caught up with other runners who I haven't seen in a while, cooked some quinoa for dinner, and tucked myself in.

      Nokhu crags from Cameron Pass on CO-14

      Thunderstorms passed over Gould almost all night long. I slept fitfully, and struggled to get my act together before the 5:30 a.m. start. I tied my shoes in the last 30 seconds before race director Nick Clark let us go. Not being a morning person, getting to the start on time is always a challenge for me.

      After two miles of rolling along the margin of the valley floor, the course climbs steeply up Seven Utes Mountain. I stopped feeling groggy and started feeling the effort. I hiked the whole thing, comfortable at the back of the pack, and in a little over an hour, I was on top of the first alpine summit.

      Runners heading down from the summit of Seven Utes Mountain, mile 6

      My plan for the day was to go at an average pace of 20 minutes per mile. At the Bear 100, this would equate to a 33 hour finish, comfortably within the 36 hour cut off. I got to the Michigan Ditch aid station (11 miles) ahead of schedule and reached the Diamond Peak aid station (19 miles) 45 minutes ahead of schedule. The segment between them climbs 1000 feet, then becomes a highly runnable downhill. I ate solid food at the aid station, filled some pockets with cookies, and took 3 soft bottles of VFuel (race sponsor) solution to get me through the Diamond Peak climb and the ridge connection to Montgomery Pass.

      Sweltering conditions made the first part of the Diamond Peak climb tough. A steady breeze above treeline helped make the slow, steep slog up the ridge more comfortable. The last unforgettable mile of the climb has a vertical gain of 1370 feet.

      The ridge between North Diamond Peak and Montgomery Pass, mile 21

      I took it easy on top, taking lots of pictures with my phone, and texting them to my family. News from the course always makes my mom happy. I reached the Montgomery Pass aid station a little less than three hours after leaving the Diamond Peak aid station.

      I've been recovering from a back injury, perhaps from my crash at Kettle Moraine, and by the time I reached Montgomery Pass it had seized up. I wasn't able to do any consistent downhill running after this point. Still, seven hours of pain free running and hiking felt like major progress. I hope I'll be close to 100 percent by the Bear. I hiked down to Bockman aid station, did not change shoes and socks, grabbed more drinks and cookies, and hiked and jogged intermittently to the finish. I was just seven minutes over my goal.

      Fort Collins runners Clint Anders and Jenna Bensko won the men's and women's divisions. Full results are here on OpenSplitTime.

      Saturday morning I woke early to the sounds of the 100K race starting, dozed for another two hours, then drove 45 minutes to the Bockman aid station. It was dormant at 9. It is the 100K race's 50 mile mark and the first runner wouldn't be arriving before 2 p.m. From Bockman, I hiked the course in reverse to the Ruby Jewel aid station, then went forward on the course to the pass overlooking Kelly Lake, roughly mile 35. The lead runner and eventual winner, Zachary Russell, caught up to me just before the top. I stuck around to see the next ten runners come over, then headed back to Ruby Jewel. Saturday was warm, and the closer I got to Ruby Jewel, the more suffering I saw on faces. I heard later that 50 runners dropped out there at mile 31.

      Pass above Kelly Lake, mile 35

      I returned to Bockman, hung out there chatting with the aid station crew for a bit, then went for a swim in North Michigan Reservoir, a place where I've camped with my family, and which is full of water again after being drained for maintenance of the dam in 2021. After cooling and washing off, I returned to my camp at the race finish to change and get ready to work at the kitchen. From 6 p.m. until midnight I washed dishes and served food to runners. The kitchen group was a lot of fun and was lead by an actual chef who does the same duty at Hardrock 100 and a few other serious races. People are super grateful for a hot meal after a long day on the trail or at an aid station, and there isn't anywhere to eat in Gould. I would do this again.

      100K finish line

      I slept very little Saturday night. Runners trickled in until 6 a.m., and Brad Bishop (volunteer coordinator and finish line announcer among many roles) read every name and number over the PA system. On the bright side, I did hear names I knew, and was glad for them. My friend Ivan became the 100K race's first 70 year old finisher at 3:50 a.m.

      After breaking camp and packing my car, I said good-bye to people, and drove homewards, stopping at the American Lakes trailhead for one more trip to that beautiful alpine basin. This time I went all the way to Thunder Pass for the view into Rocky Mountain National Park.

      American Lakes basin from Thunder Pass

      Over the weekend, I spent 20 hours on trails, covered 100 kilometers distance, and climbed over 4,000 meters. A successful mountain training camp, for sure. I got signs that my back is healing, did some volunteering, hung out with my favorite runners, and met some fun folks for the first time. I don't know if I'll run this next year, but I'll be back to be a part of it.

    • sur PostGIS Development: PostGIS 3.4.0rc1

      Publié: 5 August 2023, 2:00am CEST

      The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.4.0rc1! Best Served with PostgreSQL 16 Beta2 and GEOS 3.12.0.

      This version requires PostgreSQL 12 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL features, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.


      This release is a release candidate of a major release, it includes bug fixes since PostGIS 3.3.4 and new features.

    • sur Sean Gillies: Laid off

      Publié: 4 August 2023, 6:35pm CEST

      My position evaporated on Monday, one of many layoffs at my job. This is a first for me. If you've got advice, I'm all ears. If you're a former coworker and looking for help finding a new job, hit me up. I'm good at reviewing resumes and enjoy telling hiring managers good things about good people.

      I'm fortunate to be in a good position right now. My family is healthy, we are insured through Ruth's position at CSU, and have some savings. This is not the case for everyone who gets laid off, I know.

      Am I going to let this derail my attempt to finish a 100 miler in September? No way. Looking for work will take time, and I'm picking up more family duties, but it looks like I'll also have more free time to spend on the trail this summer.

    • sur Sean Gillies: Laid off

      Publié: 4 August 2023, 6:35pm CEST

      My position evaporated on Monday, one of many layoffs at my job. This is a first for me. If you've got advice, I'm all ears. If you're a former coworker and looking for help finding a new job, hit me up. I'm good at reviewing resumes and enjoy telling hiring managers good things about good people.

      I'm fortunate to be in a good position right now. My family is healthy, we are insured through Ruth's position at CSU, and have some savings. This is not the case for everyone who gets laid off, I know.

      Am I going to let this derail my attempt to finish a 100 miler in September? No way. Looking for work will take time, and I'm picking up more family duties, but it looks like I'll also have more free time to spend on the trail this summer.

    • sur The X-Files of Paranormal Activity

      Publié: 4 August 2023, 8:13am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I can't decide if the Anomaly Observatory is a brilliantly tongue-in-cheek parody or the work of genuine lunatics. Whatever it is - it is wonderfully weird.According to Google Bard - "Beobachtungsstelle für Anomalien (Anamoly Observatory) is a website that reports on paranormal activities. It was founded in 2008 by an anonymous team and has since collected reports of paranormal activities from
    • sur AI Geo Guessing

      Publié: 3 August 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Meta has released a research project which uses AI to find the location of any photographed image. Meta's OrienterNet uses deep learning to determine the accurate position of an image using data from OpenStreetMap. Unlike previous algorithms which have relied on 3D point clouds to identify the locations depicted in images OrienterNet can determine the orientation and position of an image by
    • sur Where Your County Got its Name

      Publié: 2 August 2023, 11:01am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Canadian County in Oklahoma is around 1,000 miles from Canada. This is because the name of the county doesn't derive from the US's northern neighbor but comes from the Canadian River (which apparently gets its name from some Canadians who were once spotted camping on its banks).I discovered the etymology of Canadian County thanks to Lia Prins' interactive map of US country names. Lia's map
    • sur Jackie Ng: Announcing: MapGuide Maestro 6.0m12

      Publié: 1 August 2023, 10:41pm CEST

      Next stop on the tour: A new release of MapGuide Maestro

      This release includes the following notable changes.

      Improved MapGuide Open Source 4.0 authoring support

      This release improves the MapGuide Open Source 4.0 authoring experience with support for the new label justification setting for basic stylization labels.

      This setting is part of the new v4.0.0 Layer Definition XML schema, whose .xsd file is now also included with this release (so XML validation against this schema will work)

      Fusion editor enhancements for mapguide-react-layout features

      This release includes several enhancements to the Fusion Flexible Layout editor to support various features that can be taken advantage of when loaded into a mapguide-react-layout viewer. These new enhancements are accessible from the layout settings panel and require the latest release of mapguide-react-layout to leverage these new features.

      The Manage Custom Projections button opens up a new dialog that lets you manage and pre-register custom proj4 definitions for your application. By pre-registering these definitions in the Flexible Layout document itself, you can avoid needing to perform a lookup for any projections found in the viewer init process that is not EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857

      The Manage Settings button opens up a different dialog that lets you managed the app settings in the Flexible Layout document. These are arbitrary key/value pairs that your mapguide-react-layout viewer will be initialized with and your viewer code can read such settings at runtime to control and drive whatever custom functionality you may have.

      Other Changes

      • Improved layer editor UI responsiveness when layer points to a feature source with a really large schema
      • Increased schema walk/describe timeout to handle really large schemas
      • Fix: Connection error dialog buttons are no longer cut off
      • Fix: Transactional package drag-and-drop loading works again
      • Fix: Broken rest addin due to missing RestSharp dependency
      • Fix: Fill/line pattern dropdowns in layer editor are working again
      • Fix: MgTileSeeder will now accept bounding boxes outside the [-90, -180, 90, 180] lat/long domain by clamping any outside coordinates to be within this domain.
      Now onto the next stop: Finally giving mapguide-rest some long deserved attention!

    • sur Nieuw bestuur Stichting

      Publié: 1 August 2023, 9:47pm CEST
      Stichting heeft sinds juli 2023 een nieuw bestuur! Dit nieuwe bestuur kijkt onwijs uit om samen met jullie vol enthousiasme en plezier te zorgen dat we samen mensen nog meer bekend maken met het gebruik en de ontwikkeling van open source software voor geo-informatie. Als je benieuwd bent wat er allemaal besproken werd bij het debuut van dit nieuwe bestuur dan is de nota van deze laatste bestuursvergadering is te lezen op de wiki via: [https:]
    • sur GeoSolutions: Free Webinar: GeoNode 4.1.0 release

      Publié: 1 August 2023, 3:23pm CEST

      You must be logged into the site to view this content.

    • sur Learning Countries While Having Fun

      Publié: 1 August 2023, 9:29am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Map Practice: A Game to Learn Countries is a fun new way to learn the locations of countries around the world. The idea behind the game is very straightforward. You are simply asked to identify countries by pointing to their location on a map. Identify the country correctly and it will be colored green on the map.  At the heart of the 'learning' element of this interactive map game is the
    • sur A Message from Prashant Shukle on Behalf of the OGC Board of Directors

      Publié: 31 July 2023, 4:46pm CEST par OGC Admin

      The OGC Board of Directors of the Open Geospatial Consortium congratulate Dr. Nadine Alameh on her selection as the inaugural Executive Director of the Taylor Geospatial Institute.

      As her final week with the Open Geospatial Consortium draws to a close, we know that we have greatly benefitted from her transformational leadership over the last 5 years and are committed to the ongoing process of modernization within the OGC.

      OGC Members and Staff work on very comprehensive and high-impact activities in the areas of Defense and Intelligence, Climate and Disasters, Health, Smart Cities and Digital Twins, the Metaverse, and advanced technology domains including Space and Earth Observation or Cloud Native Geospatial.

      As the board searches for a new Chief Executive Officer, the Board and Staff are committed to ensuring that our focus will be sharp, and our momentum will not slow. We will continue to develop geospatial standards and solve interoperability issues; and serve as the leading geospatial consortium by bringing individuals and organizations together from around the world to collaborate, innovate, and develop solutions to some of the world’s toughest data and technology issues.

      The Board of the OGC has started to develop a transparent, objective, merit-based process for the next Chief Executive Officer of the Open Geospatial Consortium. Please check for any updates.

      I look forward to seeing you at our in-person meetings, webinars, standard working groups, domain working groups, and at various high-level fora and research & innovation initiatives.

      Should you have any questions, please send your enquiries here.

      Prashant Shukle, Board Chair

      On behalf of the

      Open Geospatial Consortium

      The post A Message from Prashant Shukle on Behalf of the OGC Board of Directors appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Developers invited to the 2023 OGC API – Processes Virtual Code Sprint

      Publié: 31 July 2023, 3:00pm CEST par Simon Chester

      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites developers to the 2023 OGC API – Processes Virtual Code Sprint to be held September 18-20, 2023, on Gitter. Registration for the code sprint is free and open to the public.

      Button for registration

      The Sprint will focus on refining the next version of the OGC API – Processes Standard and associated extensions. 

      The OGC API – Processes Standard supports the wrapping of computational tasks into executable processes that can be offered by a server through a Web API and be invoked by a client application. Typically, these processes combine raster, vector, coverage, and/or point cloud data with well-defined algorithms to produce new information. 

      Examples of computational processes that can be supported by implementations of OGC API – Processes include vector data analysis, imagery analysis, and various types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhanced analysis.

      An OGC Sprint is a collaborative and inclusive event driven by innovative and rapid programming with minimal process and organization constraints to support the development of new applications and candidate standards.

      During the virtual code sprint, there will be an opportunity for joint discussion with all participants on the goals and objectives of the event, as well as the final briefing of findings and opinions of the participants. However, the majority of the time will be spent in collaboration between participants in active coding. The virtual code sprint will run from 9:00am to 5:30pm US Eastern Time each day.

      To learn more about how the family of OGC API Standards work together to provide modular “building blocks for location” that address both simple and the most complex use-cases, visit

      Registration for the 2023 OGC API – Processes Virtual Code Sprint is here. The Sprint will take place in the ogc-developer/Sprints Gitter room from 9:00am to 5:30pm (US Eastern) each day from September 18-20, 2023.

      To learn more about future and previous OGC code sprints, visit the OGC Code Sprints webpage or join the OGC-Events Discord Server.

      The post Developers invited to the 2023 OGC API – Processes Virtual Code Sprint appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Visit Barcelona Without Going Abroad

      Publié: 31 July 2023, 10:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Earlier this year Axios created 50 travel itineraries which allow Americans to travel the world without ever leaving their home state. In Visit Paris Without Leaving Home you can enter the name of any state and retrieve an interactive map which shows an optimal route around the towns and cities in your state which share a name with a foreign location. Of course if you are French then you
    • sur The Map of National Animals

      Publié: 30 July 2023, 6:21pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      Two weeks ago I used Map Channels V9 and AI to create a National Stereotypes map. It turns out that I am not the only one who has been inspired by the power of AI to generate geographically themed images. In fact the latest demo map on Map Channels is this International Map of Mascots.The idea behind this map was to create a map of individual country's national animals. According to the notes
    • sur Scrolling the Appalachian Trail

      Publié: 29 July 2023, 9:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Washington Post has published an article which explores the reasons why the world famous Appalachian Trail keeps getting longer. Apparently less than half the original trail remains where it was first laid. It also now 150 miles longer than it was in 1937. You can see all the changes made to the trail over the last 86 years in Why the famed Appalachian Trail keeps getting longer — and
    • sur PostGIS Development: PostGIS 3.4.0beta2

      Publié: 29 July 2023, 2:00am CEST

      The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.4.0beta2! Best Served with PostgreSQL 16 Beta2 and GEOS 3.12.0.

      This version requires PostgreSQL 12 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL features, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.


      This release is a beta of a major release, it includes bug fixes since PostGIS 3.3.4 and new features.

    • sur OGC adopts CityGML 3.0 Part 2: GML Encoding as an official OGC Standard

      Publié: 28 July 2023, 3:00pm CEST par Simon Chester

      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce that the OGC Membership have approved the OGC City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) Part 2: GML Encoding Standard for adoption as an official OGC Standard.

      The CityGML 3.0 GML Encoding Standard presents the GML encoding of the concepts defined by the CityGML 3.0 Part 1: Conceptual Model (CM) Standard, which was approved as an OGC Standard in 2021. The GML encoding is compliant to OGC GML versions 3.2 and 3.3 (thus also ISO 19136). This encoding can be used to store and exchange 3D city models in the GML format as data sets or via web services.

      Since its first publication by OGC in 2008, CityGML has been an open standard used for the storage and exchange of virtual 3D city models. CityGML allows the integration of urban geodata for use across a variety of applications, including urban and landscape planning; Urban Digital Twins for Smart Cities; the Metaverse; Building Information Modeling (BIM); mobile telecommunication; disaster management; 3D cadastre; tourism; vehicle & pedestrian navigation; autonomous driving and driving assistance; facility management; and energy, traffic, and environmental simulations.

      CityGML defines a “City” in a broad fashion to comprise not just built structures, but also the land surface, vegetation, water bodies, city furniture, and more. Despite its name, CityGML is useful for large areas and small regions, not just cities, and can represent real-world terrain and 3D objects at different Levels Of Detail (LOD) simultaneously. CityGML enables the consistent representation of 3D urban objects across different Geographic Information Systems and users.

      CityGML 3.0 is an evolution of the previous versions 1.0 and 2.0 of CityGML that further enables the cost-effective sustainable maintenance of 3D city models. While previous versions standardized a GML exchange format, CityGML 3.0 standardizes the underlying information model and can thus be implemented in a variety of technologies beyond GML. As a result, governments and companies can increase the Return On Investment (ROI) of their 3D city models by being able to put the same models into play across different technology platforms and application fields. 

      This Part 2 of the Standard defines how the concepts developed in Part 1 are realized using XML and GML technologies. The CityGML 3.0 GML encoding represents a full mapping of the Conceptual Model. The encoding is derived fully automatically from the UML model following the UML-to-GML encoding rules as defined by ISO 19136.

      A collection of example data sets for the CityGML 3.0 GML Encoding is available from the OGC CityGML-3.0 Encodings Public GitHub Repository.

      OGC Members interested in staying up to date on the progress of this standard, or contributing to its future development, are encouraged to join the CityGML Standards Working Group (SWG) via the OGC Portal. Non-OGC members who would like to know more about participating in this SWG are encouraged to contact the OGC Standards Program.

      As with any OGC Standard, the open CityGML Part 2: GML Encoding Standard is free to download and implement. Interested parties can learn more about, view, and download the Standard from OGC’s CityGML Standard Page.

      The post OGC adopts CityGML 3.0 Part 2: GML Encoding as an official OGC Standard appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Aurorasaurus

      Publié: 28 July 2023, 10:10am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Aurorasaurus is an interactive map of aurora borealis sightings. The website uses crowd-sourced data from Twitter users reporting aurora sightings and NOAA forecasts to show where there are confirmed aurora sightings and to alert people nearby that an aurora is happening. The map provides "view-lines" which show the predicted areas for an aurora according to the National Oceanic and
    • sur PostGIS Development: PostGIS 3.3.4 Patch Release

      Publié: 28 July 2023, 2:00am CEST

      The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce bug fix release 3.3.4, mostly focused on Topology fixes.

    • sur Stefano Costa: Sono vegetariano da due anni

      Publié: 27 July 2023, 9:07pm CEST

      In questi giorni di fine luglio, due anni fa, ho deciso di smettere di mangiare carne e pesce e animali. Per un po’ di tempo, mi sono detto, ci provo. E sono passati due anni. Perché?

      Non è stata una decisione improvvisa e penso che siano anni che mi porto dietro l’idea di non nutrirmi più di altri animali, ma l’ho sempre considerata molto difficile da attuare, molto faticosa da spiegare. E invece è stato piuttosto semplice.

      Sono arrivato a questa decisione da due strade, il rispetto per gli animali e la convinzione che non esista un futuro per l’umanità carnivora.

      Il rispetto per gli animali mi porta a rimanere inquieto sul consumo di prodotti di origine animale, in particolare latticini e uova, poiché la loro produzione su larga scala richiede necessariamente quegli allevamenti intensivi disumani da cui provengono gli animali destinati alla macellazione. Ho quindi grande rispetto per chi pratica una alimentazione vegana e non capisco perché la prima domanda che mi viene rivolta quando dico di essere vegetariano è se io non sia mica vegano, nemmeno fosse una malattia infettiva. Ho ridotto il consumo di latticini, soprattutto lo yogurt che ho sostituito con prodotti alternativi che sono in prevalenza a base di soia. La coltivazione di soia non distrugge le foreste amazzoniche, per inciso.

      Le considerazioni planetarie sono le stesse che vengono ripetute da anni nell’ambito del discorso sulla crisi climatica globale. L’allevamento consuma una quantità di suolo enormemente superiore alla superficie richiesta per coltivare le piante in grado di fornire lo stesso apporto nutritivo. L’allevamento produce gas serra. Non cedo ai finti fondamentalismi eco-fascisti e credo che le popolazioni che praticano allevamento tradizionale debbano poter continuare a praticarlo. La stessa cosa non può essere detta per l’allevamento industriale tipico dei paesi occidentali. Queste sono convinzioni personali, che vorrei trovassero sponda in ambito politico.

      Sono un archeologo, conosco abbastanza bene la storia della cultura materiale dell’umanità e credo che i cambiamenti culturali che continuamente avvengono siano ben più significativi di qualunque “tradizione” a cui si vuole rimanere aggrappati. La lista delle pratiche oggi ritenute incivili e inconcepibili che “abbiamo sempre fatto” è lunghissima, quindi non c’è nessun ostacolo concettuale ad aggiungerci anche il consumo di carne.

      Ora sono un po’ più tranquillo quando mi siedo a tavola.

    • sur New Worldwide Open Map Data

      Publié: 27 July 2023, 10:16am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Overture Maps Foundation has announced its first release of open map data. This initial release of data includes four 'themes':Places - Point of Interest (POI) Data on approximately 59 million places worldwideBuildings - building footprint and height data for 785 million buildings worldwideTransportation - road network dataAdministrative Boundaries - administrative boundaries for Level 2 (
    • sur QGIS Blog: QGIS Contributor meeting at BIDS ‘23 Vienna

      Publié: 26 July 2023, 5:18pm CEST

      We are happy to announce that OSGeo kindly extended an invitation to have a QGIS contributor meeting joining the OSGeo Community Sprint 2023 during the Big Data from Space 2023 conference in Vienna.

      The 26th QGIS Contributor Meeting will be held from Monday, November 6th to Thursday, 11th.

      • Where: Austria Center Vienna [https:]]
      • When:  Mon 2023-??11-06 09:00 -?? Thu 2023-11-09 12:00

      For more details and to sign up, please visit the corresponding OSGeo announcement page.

      About QGIS contributor meetings

      QGIS Contributors Meetings are volunteer-driven events where contributors to the QGIS project from around the world get together in a common space – usually a university campus. During these events, contributors to the QGIS project take the opportunity to plan their work, hold face-to-face discussions and present new improvements to the QGIS project that they have been working on. Everybody attending the event donates their time to the project for the days of the event. As a project that is built primarily through online collaboration, these meetings provide a crucial ingredient to the future development of the QGIS project. The event is planned largely as an ‘unconference’ with minimal structured programme planning. We do this to allow attendees the freedom to meet dynamically with those they encounter at the event. Those sessions that are planned are advertised on the event web page, and we try to enable remote participation through video conferencing software. Although our hosts are not funded and donate the working space to us, we show our appreciation by making one of our software release’s splash screens in honour of that host, which is a great way to gain exposure of your institution and country to the hundreds of thousands of users that make use of QGIS.

      About OSGeo

      The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has a long tradition of organizing code sprints for developers of Free and Open Source GIS software.

      Since 2009, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has been organizing a yearly Code Sprint of the “C Tribe” OSGeo projects, which has evolved into a full OSGeo Community Sprint and all “Tribes” are included/welcome. Leading developers of projects like GDAL, PostGIS,
      MapServer, GeoServer, GRASS, QGIS, PDAL, pygeoapi and many more get together to discuss new ideas, hack, decide, tackle large geospatial problems and have fun.

      The OSGeo Community Sprint is open to all who wish to participate in one or more projects. There is always plenty to do – it’s not all about programming. Translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, testing – all this is also important for projects so everyone is cordially invited to attend the code sprint!

      About BiDS

      BiDS brings together key actors from industry, academia, EU entities and government to reveal user needs, exchange ideas and showcase the latest technical solutions and applications touching all aspects of space and big data technologies, providing a unique opportunity to discuss and present the most recent innovations and challenges encountered in the context of big data from space. The 2023 edition of BiDS will focus not only on technologies enabling insight and foresight inferable from big data from space. Together, we want to emphasize how breakthrough space data-driven technologies impact society’s grand challenges, such as climate change and the green transition.

      The event, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) together with the European Union Satellite Center (SatCen) and the Joint Research Center (JRC), will take place at the Austria center Vienna, and counts on the support of the partners FFG, Austria in Space and the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria.

    • sur The Heartbeat of the Internet

      Publié: 26 July 2023, 10:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Fair Internet Report has created an interactive map which visualizes where and when in the world internet users ran speed tests over a 24 hour period (data from June 21, 2023). Mapping 24 Hours of Internet Speed Tests shows a total of 3.6 million speed tests being carried out across the world, all over the course of one day in June. Each line on the map represents a speed test carried out
    • sur Isochrone Maps

      Publié: 25 July 2023, 9:09am CEST par Keir Clarke
      time2reach is an interactive map that shows you see how far you travel within a set time period using public transit. The map can currently create isochrone visualizations for 6 global cities: New York, Paris, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. If you double-click on the map in any of these six cities an isochrone visualization will show you how far you can travel from that point
    • sur 2023 Spanish Election

      Publié: 24 July 2023, 8:15am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Yesterday's election in Spain has resulted in no clear winner. Going into the election the opinion polls had suggested that the conservative People’s party (PP) would secure a comfortable win and would likely form a coalition government with the far-right Vox party. After all the votes were counted however PP had won only 136 seats to the ruling left-wing PSOE’s 122 seats. The far-right Vox
    • sur Volker Mische: FOSS4G 2023

      Publié: 22 July 2023, 9:50pm CEST

      Finally, after missing one virtual and one in person global FOSS4G I had again the chance to attend a global in-person FOSS4G conference. Thanks Protocol Labs for sending me. This year it was in Prizren, Kosovo. I’m a bit late with that post, but that’s due to doing some hiking in Albania right after the conference.

      The organization and venue

      Wow. It’s been my favourite venue of all FOSS4Gs I’ve been to so far. The exhibition hall was a great place to hang out, combined with the excellent idea of a 24h bar. I’m not sure if it was used at all times, but definitely for more than 20h a day. Outside, there was plenty of space and tables to hang out, and very close by another set of tables that formed the “work area”. Which was another great place to hang out, with enough power sockets and shade for the hot days.

      The main stage was an open air stage with enough seating for everyone. It was converted for the gala dinner to a stage with an excellent live band and the usual big round tables.

      For me, the best part was that even the accommodation was on-site. The barracks of the former military basis, which now serve as student dorms, were our home for a week. Pretty spartan, but at a conference I don’t really spend much time in my room, I mostly need just some place to sleep.

      Having everything, the talks, exhibition, social events and accommodations on-site makes it easy to maximize the time for socializing, which for me is the number one reason to attend a conference.

      Everything was well organized, and it was great to see so many volunteers around.

      The talks

      I haven’t really selected the talks I went to. I rather joined others where they were going, or listened to recommendations. Often, I just stayed in the rest of the slot to see what else is there. My favourite talks were:

      • Smart Maps for the UN and All - keeping web maps open: For me, it was the first time I saw someone speaking at a FOSS4G about using IPFS that wasn’t me. It’s great to see that it gains traction for the offline use case, where it just makes a lot of sense. UN Smart Maps is part of the UN OpenGIS initiative, it features a wide range of things, even an AI chatbot called TRIDENT that transforms the text into Overpass API calls. Try TRIDENT it out yourself, when you open the developer console, you can see the resulting Overpass API calls.
      • Offline web map server “UNVT Portable”: This talk got into more detail about using Raspberry Pis to have map data stored in IPFS for offline use. It’s very similar to what I envision, the only difference is that I’d also like to keep the storage in the browser. But I surely see a future, where those efforts are combined, to have a small easy server you can deploy, with in browser copies of subsets of the data to be able to work completely offline in the field. The original UNVT Portable repository doesn’t use IPFS, but Smart Maps Bazaar does, which seems to be its successor.
      • B6, Diagonal’s open source geospatial analysis engine: A presentation of the B6 tool for geospatial analysis for urban planning. It has a beautiful interface. I really like the idea of doing things directly on the map in a notebook-style way, where you perform certain steps after each other.
      • Elephant in the room: A talk about how many resources to computations take? Do we always need it? It’s very hard, often impossible, to find out how environmentally friendly some cloud services are. One of the conclusions was that cheaper providers likely use less power, hence are harming the environment less. I would like if there would be better ways (e.g. it misses things like economies of scale of large providers), but I agree that this might be the best metric we currently have. And I also hope there will be more economic pressure to save resources.
      • There was a closing keynote from Kyoung-Soo Eom, who was talking about his long journey in open source GIS, but also his history with Kosovo, where he was also on a mission in 1999. Quite inspiring.
      My talk

      My talk about Collaborative mapping without internet connectivity was about a browser based offline-first prototype that uses IPFS to enable replication to other peers. The project is called Colleemap and is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 license. Although I tried the demo bazillion times before my talk, it sadly didn’t work during my talk. Though, trying it later with various people, I was able to get 4 peers connected once. I even saw it working on a Windows machine. So it really works cross-platform.

      For the future I hope to work closer with the people from the UN OpenGIS initiative, it would be great to combine it with their Raspberry Pi based prototype.

      Things I’ve learnt

      The Sentinel-2 satellite imagery is available from multiple sources, directly from Copernicus Open Access Hub or through cloud providers like AWS, Azure of Google Cloud. From the cloud providers you only get the level-2 data. They might use the original level-2 data or do their own atmospheric correction based on the level-1 data. Or even re-encode the data. So it’s hard to tell which kind of data you actually get.

      As far as I know (please let me know if I’m wrong), there isn’t any mirror of the full level-1c data. You can only get it through the Copernicus Open Access Hub and there the older images are stored in the long term archive on tape, where it can take up to 24h for the data to be available for download (if it works).

      Ideally, there would be a mirror of the full level-1c data (where the ESA would provide checksums of their files) and a level-2 version, where the exact process is openly published, so that you can verify how it was created. The problem is the storage cost. The current level-2 data is about 25 PiB, which leads to storage costs of over $500k USD a month if you would store it on AWS S3 Standard at the current pricing (I used the $0.021 per GB).

      Final thoughts

      It was great to meet Gresa and Valmir from the local organizing committee before the FOSS4G in March at the OSGeo German language chapter conference FOSSGIS in Berlin. That made it easy for me to connect to the event right from the start. If there’s one thing future FOSS4Gs should adapt, it’s the cheap on-site (or close by) accommodation. I think that shared bathrooms is also much smoother to have, if you know that everyone in the accommodation is from the conference. We had something similar with the BaseCamp in Bonn during the FOSS4G 2016 and the international code spring in 2018 during the FOSSGIS conference, where the whole place was rented for the time of the events.

      Though, of course, I also missed some of my longtime FOSS4G friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. I hope you’re all doing well and will meet again soon.

    • sur Electrical Japan

      Publié: 22 July 2023, 11:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Electrical Japan is an interactive map that visualizes electricity supply and demand in Japan. It was created by the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, in order to better understand Japan's energy problems after the 2011 tsunami and to help promote energy conservation. The map shows the location of all of Japan's power plants, as
    • sur KAN T&IT Blog: Jornadas FOSS4G 2023 Kosovo

      Publié: 21 July 2023, 9:00pm CEST

      Querida comunidad, como saben, en junio estuvimos participando en las jornadas del FOSS4G 2023 en Kosovo. Allí presentamos nuestro conocimiento y experiencia en diferentes temas relacionados con las geosoluciones y el software de código abierto. Aquí está el temario que expusimos y que ahora compartimos con ustedes en nuestro blog.


      Automatización de Geoprocesamiento con QGIS y GRASS utilizando Airflow

      Github – Repositorio del Workshop

      El taller tuvo como objetivo implementar en Docker un conjunto de contenedores que permitan la operación de DAGs (flujos ETL) para la automatización de procesos. Se trabajaron los siguientes puntos:

      Implementación de Airflow modificado para geoprocesamiento con QGIS y GRASS.
      Configuración del entorno de desarrollo.
      Montaje de ejemplo de flujo de datos de DAGs para cada caso.
      Generación automática de errores y seguimiento de alertas.

      Implementación de un visor desarrollado con MapLibre  y React en conjunto a GeoNode como Servidor de vector tiles

      Github – Repositorio del Workshop

      El taller abordó los pasos necesarios para personalizar GeoNode como un servidor Vector Tiles. Trabajamos los siguientes puntos:

      Revisión del flujo de datos desde la producción hasta la publicación.
      Despliegue de GeoNode en Docker Compose.
      Adaptación de GeoNode como servidor Vector Tiles.
      Armado de visor Maplibre.
      Despliegue del visor utilizando Docker Compose.
      Configuración de capas a mostrar.
      Conexión visor MapLibre con GeoNode.


      Implementación de Geoportales Estadísticos en América Latina y el Caribe

      A partir de la implementación del Marco Geoespacial y Estadístico Global (GSGF) propuesto por la ONU e implementado en América Latina y el Caribe por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), se desarrollaron un conjunto de componentes tecnológicos específicos, tales como geoportal, gestor estadístico y API con posibilidad de consumir información de diferentes aplicaciones. Al mismo tiempo, se implementaron componentes ya existentes en la comunidad como Kobo Toolbox, GeoNode, Airflow, MapLibre, Nominatim y Metabase para la integración de la información desde la recolección en el territorio hasta la publicación de los datos. El proyecto se realizó inicialmente con un grupo de países: Argentina, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, República Dominicana, Costa Rica y Ecuador.

      Descargar Presentación en PDF

      [Caso de uso] Implementación Digital Twin City en MapLibre con la integración de diferentes fuentes de información

      Caso de uso para la implementación de una plataforma que soporte datos que contribuyan a la publicación y gestión de Gemelos Digitales, basada en el uso de MapLibre como visor web y al mismo tiempo consumiendo información de diferentes fuentes geoespaciales, incluyendo Mesh, Raster, DEM y fuentes de datos casi en tiempo real como OneBusWay u OpenTripPlanner basadas en formatos GTFS, para la comparación y análisis de la información.

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      [Caso de uso] Automatización de Kobo Toolbox con GeoNode para la gestión de riesgos

      A partir de la implementación de un conjunto de formularios en Kobo Toolbox se creó un flujo de información para la Comisión de Manejo de Incendios de la República Argentina para poder integrar desde campo los reportes de incendios (on line/off line) de manera sencilla y sus diferentes etapas de evolución. La automatización de la ingesta a un GeoNode como gestor de datos geoespaciales permite la integración con datos de previsión meteorológica, información casi en tiempo real, incidencias de incendios, detección de puntos calientes e índices predictivos de incendios.

      La automatización e integración se realiza con la herramienta Airflow, que garantiza el seguimiento de los flujos de información, simplificando el proceso durante las incidencias.

      Descargar Presentación en PDF

      Gobernanza de datos con OpenMetadata Integrando servicios OGC – CSW

      La plataforma OpenMetadata facilita la creación, integración y administración de metadatos proporcionando una estructura unificada para describir y clasificar los datos, permitiendo gestionar su acceso y su publicación. Lo que compartimos aquí es la adaptación de una de las fuentes de datos a servicios OGC – CSW para que diferentes sistemas y aplicaciones puedan consumir los metadatos catalogados de forma transparente, facilitando la gestión y aprovechamiento de la información geoespacial.

      Descargar Presentación en PDF

      Esperamos que les haya resultado útil toda esta información. No duden en consultarnos y dejarnos sus comentarios ¡queremos leerlos! Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

    • sur The Best Real-Time Subway Maps

      Publié: 21 July 2023, 11:44am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Ubähnchen is a wonderfully smooth animated map of Berlin's subway trains. The map shows all the U-Bahn's trains travelling around Berlin based on the network's timetable.The neat design of colored blocks for the trains with simple shadows moving on top of a schematic transit map really adds to the captivating appeal of Ubähnchen. You can also click on the 'U' button (top-right) to switch to a
    • sur The National Stereotypes Maps - Part Two

      Publié: 20 July 2023, 8:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Buzzfeed has started a new mapping trend with their AI generated images of state stereotypes. Last week Buzzfeed asked a generative AI image model to create a photograph of a person from each U.S. state, as typically perceived by a European. You can view the results in the post This is What Europeans Think of Us. I was inspired by the Buzzfeed post to create my own National Stereotypes Map. To
    • sur Jackie Ng: Announcing: mapguide-react-layout 0.14.9

      Publié: 19 July 2023, 12:50pm CEST

      Our journey needed to make a temporary detour, with another release of mapguide-react-layout.

      This release has the following notable changes

      Legend layer and group customization supportThis release provides a new viewer init option to allow layer and group elements of the Legend component to be augmented with additional HTML content. For example, we can use this to add a download link for specific layers (how to actually implement the download link is an exercise left to you the reader)

      See this comment for an example of how to customize the layer and group elements.Reduced excessive re-renderingIn the process of implementing the above feature, we discovered that some components (the Legend component in particular) did a lot of pointless re-rendering which contributes to sluggishness in viewer performance.
      For this release, great efforts were made to ensure that component re-rendering is the result of legitimate changes to component state and not from pointless re-rendering from bogus shallow state "changes"
      Removed IE-specific polyfills and workaroundsInternet Explorer ceased to be a supported browser by Microsoft for some time now. This release formally removes our various IE-specific workarounds and polyfills that were only there to support this ancient browser.
      Other changes
      • The urlPropsIgnore setting is now considered when the viewer updates the URL state
      • The viewer bundle patches OpenLayers to log a console warning and abort rendering when attempting to render a map overlay image with a width/height/scale/dpi of 0
      • Fixed an issue where no map images are rendered if the browser zoom is below 100%

    • sur Map Race

      Publié: 19 July 2023, 9:10am CEST par Keir Clarke
      There is no reason that anyone outside of Philadelphia should be interested in a newspaper article exploring the best way from the city to the Jersey Shore. Unless, of course, that article includes a scrollytelling map race. Luckily that is exactly what the Philadelphia Inquirer's Race to the Shore contains.  on Friday, July 7 five employees of the Philadelphia Inquirer set off at the same
    • sur The National Stereotypes Map

      Publié: 18 July 2023, 8:40am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Last week Buzzfeed asked a generative AI image model to create a photograph of a person from each U.S. state, as typically perceived by a European. You can view the mildly amusing results in the post I Asked AI What Europeans Think Americans From Every Single State Look Like, And The Results Are Just Plain Mean. Anyway, I liked the idea enough to steal it. I spent a few hours asking Bing Image
    • sur Ian Turton's Blog: How much fun was FOSS4g 2023?

      Publié: 18 July 2023, 2:00am CEST
      Review of FOSS4G 2023 Introduction

      FOSS4G 2023 was held in Prizren, Kosovo and there were 800+ attendees from 120+ countries. This was a great attendance despite Kosovo not being the easiest place to get to, especially if you were me. I had booked flights to and from Belgrade, Serbia because they were a relatively good times for me (I am missing being only 1 hour from a London airport). It looked like an easy 4 hour drive from the airport to Prizren. Then about a fortnight before the conference Kosovo closed it border to Serbian registered cars! A subsequent check all showed that most of the hire companies wouldn’t let you drive one of their cars over a border (and apparently despite the Serbian Government’s claims they considered Kosovo a separate country). So I fell back on the 9 hour overnight bus trip, which wasn’t as bad as it could have been but did mean I started the conference already somewhat sleep deprived.

      Sort of Historical Side Note

      When I was at school learning Geography all of this area was called Yugoslavia and it was behind an “iron curtain” so we knew little about it and cared even less (it was not on the exam). In history it was covered by the break up of the Ottoman Empire and the meddling of Bismarck as an “honest broker” at the 1878 Congress of Berlin (as I recall he rigged the Balkans in such a way as to start World War I, but history O-Level was a long time ago). So you can already see that there is a long a complex history and geography in the region. It became more complex in the 1990s when Yugoslavia broke up in a series of bloody conflicts, which I remember from the evening news. Kosovo only really came to my attention in 2008 when I was walking through New York with James Macgill and his kids and we saw a large group of cars flying large red flags with double headed eagles on them (and the one thing I retained from my history lessons is the ability to spot a double headed eagle at 200 metres). These were Kosovans celebrating the declaration of independence being proclaimed.

      A man holding a red flag

      So squabbling about car number plates was pretty peaceful really. Fortunately, for us most of KFOR (the UN/Nato peace keeping force) had gone home, except for some in the Northern predominately Serb areas where they were out keeping the piece over disputed elections for city mayors. This meant we could use their old base as a conference venue, which was great except for the lack of lifts.

      Cool talks

      This is a list of talks I found particularly interesting or fun and that stuck in my mind long enough to remember for this post. There were lots of great talks that I either failed to see because the room was too full or was too hot for my brain to have taken in the details, so I’m looking forward to the videos coming out so I can refresh my memory later.

      • Neiene Boeijen Let’s put it on the map!
        • Interesting discussion on why graphic designers shouldn’t make maps and geographers shouldn’t design user interfaces
      • Benjamin Trigona-Harany Aircraft trajectory analysis using PostGIS
        • Explains how PostGIS handles trajectories which are really just a Linestring with MZ values on the points where M increases along the line
        • We can create a foreign table based on a foreign “server” that converts to a REST API call in the background this allows real time mapping filtered by the bounds of the map and any other filters the API can handle.
      • Jody Garnett and Andrea Aime GeoServer used in fun and interesting ways & State of GeoServer
        • As usual Andrea and Jody were presenting way too many talks including this useful review of what GeoServer is capable of in production and a review of new features in GeoServer for this year.
      • Iván Sánchez Ortega Gleo
        • I was going to say this is a new WebGL mapping library, but apparently Iván has been going on about this for 8+ years now. Any way there is lots of object orientated style javascript code in there so you can extend your semi-transparent markers with bouncing. I don’t think it’s quite cool enough for me to start learning JavaScript or WebGL but the demo with 10,000 randomly coloured bouncing map markers is fun in a <blink> sort of way.
      • Sanghee Shin Let’s defense my country using FOSS4G!
        • Discussed how South Korea is modernising its military mapping with GeoServer, PostGIS, Cesium and OpenLayers, which makes me feel better about knowing North Korea is using GeoServer and PostGIS too.
      • Andrea Aime Processing and publishing Maritime AIS data with GeoServer and Databricks in Azure
        • Andrea standing in for Nuno discussed how to handle 1.5 Billion records in GeoServer. Looking at the AIS ship location data over 7 years at second intervals (I think) and how you could get GeoServer to display the relevant data in a fast way.
      • Logan Williams Investigating war crimes, animal trafficking, and more with open source geospatial data
        • Logan is a Bellingcat reporter who uses open source tools to look at open source data to help confirm stories. For example he described how they looked at tracking a GRAD missile launcher from Russia to Ukraine before Malaysian Airliner was shoot down. This included spotting scuffs on the road and distinctive power lines in posted dash camera footage of the convoy.
        • What ever you do don’t play GeoGuesser against these guys as they are going to be very good.
    • sur The World in Hong Kong

      Publié: 17 July 2023, 7:58am CEST par Keir Clarke
      You can walk from Zurich to Rome in just over 1 hour. That is 'Zurich Avenue' and 'Crescendo Roma Viale' in Hong Kong (according to Google Maps it will take you 195 hours to walk from Zurich, Switzerland to Rome, Italy).Rome and Zurich are not the only world locations which feature in the street names of Hong Kong. According to Asia’s World City: Around the World in One Day through Hong Kong's
    • sur Which Country Most Resembles Your Country?

      Publié: 15 July 2023, 10:03am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The political scientist Anders Sundell has posted a Twitter thread which reveals "the countries that look the most like each other". For example (according to Anders)  the country which most resembles the United States is Saudi Arabia.  According to the text on each country comparison an "algorithm checked the shapes of all countries in order to find the most similar shapes. All countries were
    • sur Mapping Oil Exports to North Korea

      Publié: 14 July 2023, 9:12am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Financial Time's investigation Inside North Korea's Oil Smuggling Triad begins with an amazing cinematic pan out from a 3D model of two oil tankers, up through some animated clouds, to a map of East Asia. The whole sequence begins with a 3D reconstruction of an illegal ship-to-ship transfer from the oil tanker Unica to a North Korean ship. This reconstruction then zooms out to a map of East
    • sur PostGIS Development: PostGIS 3.4.0beta1

      Publié: 14 July 2023, 2:00am CEST

      The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.4.0beta1! Best Served with PostgreSQL 16 Beta2 and GEOS 3.12.0.

      This version requires PostgreSQL 12 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL features, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.


      This release is a beta of a major release, it includes bug fixes since PostGIS 3.3.3 and new features.

    • sur Mapping Things

      Publié: 13 July 2023, 9:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I am a cartophile. Which means I love maps. But then who doesn't.My cartophilia however manifests itself in a specific way. I like mapping collections of 'things'. And I'm not the only one. There are in fact lots of people who seem obsessed with mapping specific categories of thing.Here are some individual 'things' that I've recently seen mapped:Skyscrapers - Highrises is a project by a four
    • sur A Map of the World's Deadliest Epidemics

      Publié: 12 July 2023, 10:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      During the spread of the Bubonic plague in the 14th Century ships arriving in Venice from infected ports would be required to wait 40 days before landing. This practice led to the origin of the word 'quarantine', from the Italian quaranta giorni, meaning 40 days.This is just one of the many interesting facts in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists interactive map An Illustrated History of the
    • sur GeoTools Team: Construction Ahead: Refactoring org.opengis to org.geotools.api

      Publié: 11 July 2023, 8:51pm CEST
      In the next release of GeoTools 30.0 there are some breaking API changes to look forward to:org.opengis package is renamed to org.geotools.api packageThis release will include update instructions, and a migration script, to fix your code.This is a breaking change, the formal change control proposal is here.Why is this changingThe GeoAPI Implementation Specification is a Java standard (Interfaces
    • sur Mapping Tree Shadows

      Publié: 11 July 2023, 9:15am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Ted Piotowski of ShadeMap fame has been experimenting with using LiDAR data to map tree shadows. Ted's ShadeMap currently simulates shadows caused by buildings and elevated land during the course of the day for any day of the year. However like most interactive shade maps his map doesn't show the shadows cast by trees.Shadow maps tend to use elevation and building height data to simulate how
    • sur gvSIG Team: Geoportal del Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

      Publié: 11 July 2023, 7:29am CEST

      El INE de Uruguay también está utilizando gvSIG Online para publicar una serie de información estadística. La capacidad para interpretar la información estadística aumenta significativamente cuando lo hacemos de un modo espacial.

      En el Geoportal del INE podemos acceder, por ejemplo, a información como la evolución histórica de la población por departamentos desde 1963 hasta 2011, año del último censo. Por cierto, este año se inicia la actualización del censo… para lo que también tendrá una especial importancia el proyecto realizado con la Suite gvSIG para disponer de un Sistema Único de Direcciones.

      Mediante el geoportal disponible podemos consultar el censo de población, el de hogares y el de viviendas por departamentos, secciones, segmentos, zonas o localidades. Ver la representación cartográfica de indicadores de actividad inmobiliaria, como las altas de compraventas por tipo de propiedad por departamento o precios de alquiler en Montevideo. También hay accesible información como la tasa de actividad, empleo y desempleo, así como capas complementarias con información de unidades geoestadísticas, infraestructuras y servicios.

      Enlace: Geoportal INE

    • sur Who Speaks Your Language?

      Publié: 10 July 2023, 9:02am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Enter the name of a language into The Language World Map and it will show you all the countries in the world where that language is spoken.You can enter more than one language into the map, which means that you can create some nice comparison maps of different languages. For example the map below shows where Spanish and Portuguese are spoken. This map is a neat visualization of the effect of
    • sur gvSIG Team: Optimizando el trabajo con datos en gvSIG Desktop: Tutorial para pasar de shapefile a base de datos H2Spatial.

      Publié: 10 July 2023, 7:37am CEST

      Si queréis optimizar vuestro trabajo a la hora de trabajar con información geográfica… no os perdáis este vídeo, sobretodo si manejáis capas de información grandes, con cientos de miles o millones de registros, lo que siempre da problemas de velocidad a la hora de hacer zooms, desplazamientos, etc.

      Lo que os vamos a mostrar es cómo cambia de manera exponencial la velocidad de trabajo de tener nuestros datos en un formato como el shapefile a hacerlo con una base de datos espacial. H2 es una base de datos ligera, muy fácil de usar y que en nuestro caso va directamente incluida en gvSIG Desktop, por lo que no requiere ninguna instalación. Se basa en ficheros, por lo que distribuir una base de datos de H2 es tan sencillo como compartir un determinado fichero.

      En el ejemplo que se muestra en el vídeo vamos a trabajar con una capa del denominado SIGPAC (una especie de Catastro agrícola) de la provincia de Valencia y que contiene aproximadamente 2 millones de registros.

      Hemos decidido no cortar el vídeo para que veáis que lo único que demora es el paso inicial de exportar el shapefile a la base de datos, por lo que podéis ver hasta el minuto 2:20 y luego pasar al minuto 17, donde ya tenemos la misma información en ambos formatos y se realiza la comparativa en sí. Vuestros problemas para manejar volúmenes de datos grandes, sin requerir instalar nada adicional a vuestro SIG de escritorio… ya se han resuelto.

    • sur Divorced, Befriended, Married or Died

      Publié: 8 July 2023, 9:03am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Madrid's Almendra Central is an island of bachelors surrounded by a sea of married couples. Spanish newspaper El Confidencial has used 2021 census data to map out whether there are more single people or married couples in every census tract in Spain. An interactive map in the paper's Singles in Your Area, Street by Street colors every neighborhood in the country depending on whether the
    • sur Poetry Walks

      Publié: 7 July 2023, 9:13am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Walk along Church Street as if you were a silent observer watching the world go by.Turn right onto Brick Land like a mermaid swimming in the depths of the sea.Let your worries fade away and turn left onto the High Street. This is a short extract from a poem which was generated for me by the wonderful A Walking Poem. A Walking Poem generates short poems based on your current location. Share your
    • sur gvSIG Team: Working with Enumerations in gvSIG Online (and gvSIG Mapps)

      Publié: 7 July 2023, 7:21am CEST

      Among the many tools available to gvSIG Online users, there are those related to enumerations. These types of functionalities are extremely useful for data maintenance, as they allow us to define the possible values for a field. They become even more useful when using gvSIG Mapps integrated with gvSIG Online, as when capturing or updating information using the mobile application, these fields will display dropdown menus for easily selecting the corresponding value for each recorded element.

      Enumeration lists can be added, modified, or deleted from the administration area of gvSIG Online. We can create a list from scratch or instruct gvSIG Online to automatically generate it based on the unique values available in that field. Interesting, right?

      Once an enumeration is created, we can also assign it to other fields in other layers. Even more interesting, isn’t it?

      When editing a published layer in a project, these fields will display a dropdown menu with the elements that make up the list, and one of them can be selected to assign it as an attribute of a map element, if it is of type “enumeration,” or multiple elements if it is of type “multiple enumeration.”

      And, as we mentioned earlier, in gvSIG Mapps, we would automatically have our dropdown menus ready to facilitate data collection in the field.

    • sur OGC Compliance Certification Available for v1.0 of the OGC API – Processes Standard

      Publié: 6 July 2023, 3:00pm CEST par Simon Chester

      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce that the Executable Test Suite (ETS) for version 1.0 of the OGC API – Processes – Part 1: Core Standard has been approved by the OGC Membership. Products that implement the Standard and pass the tests in the ETS can now be certified as OGC Compliant.

      The OGC API – Processes Standard supports the wrapping of computational tasks into executable processes that can be offered by a server through a Web API and be invoked by a client application. Typically, these processes combine raster, vector, coverage, and/or point cloud data with well-defined algorithms to produce new information. Examples of computational processes that can be supported by implementations of this Standard include vector data analysis, imagery analysis, and various types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhanced analysis. To learn more about how the family of OGC API Standards work together to provide modular “building blocks for location” that address both simple and the most complex use-cases, visit

      Implementers are invited to validate their products using the new test suite, which is available on the OGC validator tool. Testing involves submitting the endpoint of an OGC API – Processes implementation to be assessed. The validator tool sends the appropriate requests to the endpoint of the implementation and then evaluates the responses. These tests typically take only 5-10 minutes to complete. Once a product has passed the tests, the implementer can submit an application to OGC for use of the OGC Compliant trademark on their product. 

      To support developers with implementation of the standard, GeoLabs ZOO-Project 2.0 and Ecere GNOSIS Map Server 1.0 have been designated as reference implementations of the standard after the software products successfully passed the compliance tests. 

      The OGC Compliance Program offers a certification process that ensures organizations’ solutions are compliant with OGC Standards. It is a universal credential that allows agencies, industry, and academia to better integrate their solutions. OGC compliance provides confidence that a product will seamlessly integrate with other compliant solutions regardless of the vendor that created them. 

      More information about the OGC compliance process is available at Implementers of version 1.0 of the OGC API – Processes – Part 1: Core Standard – or other OGC Standards – are welcomed to validate their products using the OGC validator tool.

      The post OGC Compliance Certification Available for v1.0 of the OGC API – Processes Standard appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Mapping the Route of the Adriana Disaster

      Publié: 6 July 2023, 9:57am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In the very early hours of June 14th the Adriana, a fishing boat overcrowded with migrants, capsized in international waters off the coast of Pylos, Messenia, Greece. It is believed that the boat was carrying 400 to 750 migrants. 104 people were rescued by the Greek coastguard but hundreds died. The Washington Post has created an animated map which tracks the last journey of the Adriana and
    • sur gvSIG Team: Trabajar con enumeraciones en gvSIG Online (y gvSIG Mapps)

      Publié: 6 July 2023, 7:55am CEST

      Entre las muchas herramientas que los usuarios de gvSIG Online tienen disponibles se encuentran las relacionadas con enumeraciones. Este tipo de funcionalidades son extremadamente útiles para el mantenimiento de los datos, ya que nos permiten definir los valores posibles de un campo. Doblemente útil si utilizamos gvSIG Mapps integrado con gvSIG Online, ya que a la hora de capturar o actualizar información con la aplicación móvil, en esos campos se nos mostrarán desplegables para elegir fácilmente el valor que corresponde a cada elemento relevado.
      Los listados de enumeraciones se pueden añadir, modificar o eliminar desde el área de administración de gvSIG Online. Podemos crear un listado desde cero o bien decirle a gvSIG Online que lo genere automáticamente a partir de los valores únicos disponibles en ese campo. ¿Interesante, verdad?.
      Una vez creada una enumeración también podemos asignársela a otros campos de otras capas. ¿Más interesante aún, no?
      Cuando se inicie la edición de una capa publicada en un proyecto, en estos campos se desplegarán el listado con los elementos que conforman el listado y se podrá seleccionar uno de ellos para asignarlo como atributo de un elemento del mapa,si es del tipo «enumeración», o varios si es de tipo «enumeración múltiple».
      Y, como ya hemos comentado, en gvSIG Mapps tendríamos automáticamente nuestros desplegables listos para facilitar la toma de datos en campo.

    • sur Geomatic Blog: Retiring

      Publié: 6 July 2023, 2:00am CEST

      Vicente, Pedro-Juan, and me started this blog in 2006. Back then blogs were the best way to create content and share knowledge. It was the times of RSS, Google Reader, social bookmarking through, and pictures on Flickr. Very different from these days of micro-blogging, quick videos, influencers moving from one platform to another chasing their viewers' attention and money, newsletters under paywalls, etc.

      We stayed for a few months in a self-hosted Drupal CMS but maintaining it was a pain, so we moved to a managed Wordpress where we lived most of the time. Wordpress offered an excellent balance to get us writing without much hassle, keeping our domain, and very infrequent ads. Finally, last year I migrated the content to Hugo, a static generator, to save some costs, but the decline in writing started in 2018, so it is OK to close this project formally.

      I will keep the blog code and content on a GitHub repository at [https:]] where we have posts in Markdown since 2007, and everything is hopefully for ever available in the web archive at [https:]] . I will probably copy my posts to my website.

      Needless to say that we are forever grateful to those that encouraged us to write here. I had a lot of fun maintaining the website and writing content for everyone else. We are easy to find on the Internet, so please contact us anytime!

      Have fun!

    • sur gvSIG Team: Curso – Concurso Geoalfabetización mediante la utilización de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica

      Publié: 5 July 2023, 6:19pm CEST

      Compartimos información sobre la nueva edición del Curso-Concurso de gvSIG Batoví

      gvSIG Batovi

      ¡Vamos por el sexto año!

      El Curso – Concurso Geoalfabetización mediante la utilización de TIGs se desarrollará entre el 5 de julio y el 8 de diciembre. Este año la iniciativa fue seleccionada por el Programa de Asistencia Técnica 2023 del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, que prevé extender la experiencia desarrollada en Uruguay a otros países de la región: Chile y Colombia.

      La iniciativa consta de 2 partes: primero: un curso denominado Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica y gvSIG Batoví dirigido a docentes de enseñanza media de Geografía y áreas relacionadas con el conocimiento geográfico, ambiental y social. La capacitación se desarrollará del 31 de julio al 18 de agosto en modalidad b-learning (plataforma + taller por videoconferencia).

      Se entregará una certificación avalada por las instituciones organizadoras del curso, en la cual se reconocerá la participación satisfactoria de los cursillistas en la capacitación brindada (30 horas) y en…

      View original post 223 more words

    • sur A recap of the 126th OGC Member Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA

      Publié: 5 July 2023, 4:39pm CEST par Simon Chester

      From June 5-9, almost 200 geospatial innovators, influencers, and leaders from across the globe attended OGC’s 126th Member Meeting – with 100 more attending virtually. Hosted by GEOHuntsville at the beautiful Huntsville Botanical Garden in Alabama, USA, meeting attendees spent the week discussing the latest geospatial innovations and hearing how geospatial is transforming organizations and industries across the globe.

      The meeting was additionally sponsored by Hexagon, OpenSensorHub (Botts Innovative Research and GeoRobotix), Ethar, Womble Bond Dickinson, and Compass-HSV.

      The week saw the usual abundance of Standards Working Group (SWG) and Domain Working Group (DWG) meetings, networking & social events (including a fantastic Sunday pre-meeting gathering at the Signals Museum, hosted by Ethar), two award presentations – a Lifetime Achievement Award as well as the new Community Impact Award – and several special sessions, including a Space Standards ad hoc, an Open Science Summit, a Portrayal Workshop, a Connected Systems track, a Defense and Intelligence Track, and a Climate Workshop.

      The full agenda for the 126th OGC Member Meeting is available here. Read on for an overview of the best bits, below.

      OGC CEO, Dr. Nadine Alameh (L), OGC CSO, Scott Simmons (M), and Stan Tillman from meeting sponsor, Hexagon. Opening Session

      Opening the meetings on Monday morning was David Lucas, the Executive Director of host GEOHuntsville, who welcomed attendees and provided event context. This was followed by a welcome from the City of Huntsville Mayor, Tommy Battle.

      Next, we heard from Stan Tillman, of meeting sponsor Hexagon, who provided information on the company with specific information regarding Hexagon Digital Reality capabilities. Dr. Chris Tucker, representing additional meeting sponsors OpenSensorHub participants Botts Innovative Research and GeoRobotix, then highlighted the upcoming session on Tuesday for Connected Systems.

      OGC CEO Dr. Nadine Alameh then provided a CEO Welcome and described the value of recent organizational changes in OGC. Prashant Shukle, Chair of the OGC Board of Directors then gave a greeting from the Board and highlighted a commitment by the Board to more actively participate in OGC activities.

      OGC CEO, Dr. Nadine Alameh (L), with Patty Mims, Director of Global National Government, Esri

      Nadine’s regular fireside chat followed, this time with Patty Mims, Director of Global National Government, Esri. As has become the trend for these chats, they discussed the motivation for joining the geospatial industry as well as provided advice for others to join and succeed in the community.

      Trevor Taylor, Senior Director, Member Success and Development of OGC, welcomed new members and refreshed attendees on the new OGC membership model that’s now in place for new members.

      I, Scott Simmons, Chief Standards Officer of OGC, then wrapped up the session by providing some logistics information for the week and describing the process to be followed in the coming weeks-to-months to roll out of the new Technical Committee Policies and Procedures. I also described the new tools in place for submitting presentation requests and special sessions for meetings.

      Special Sessions

      The Space Standards ad hoc continued the discussion from the 125th Member Meeting concerning where OGC should work in Space Standards, which identified a number of topical areas for Standardization as well as existing Standards covering some portions of those areas. Participants at this session identified areas of focus and proposed a new Domain Working Group (DWG) that will begin the chartering process in the coming weeks. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal.

      The Open Science Summit focused on a proposal for a new OGC Pilot project for an Open Science Persistent Demonstrator. NASA, Google, and the European Space Agency (ESA) each presented information on their own platforms. The Summit then followed with an open discussion on which other platforms might exist and what should be included. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal.

      Marge Cole, Director, Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Programs, OGC, speaking at the Open Science Summit

      The Portrayal Workshop: OGC has been modernizing its Standards for the portrayal of geospatial data. Numerous other communities have dependencies on the OGC Standards portfolio and need to understand the applicability of these newer Standards and how they replace the functionality of legacy Standards. The Portrayal Workshop was organized jointly with the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and was run to develop an OGC Technical Paper for “Standards supporting cartographic best practices.” OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal.

      The Connected Systems track: OGC has chartered new working groups to update and create a RESTful implementation of sensor-related Standards. The Autonomy, Sensors, Things, Robots, and Observations (ASTRO) Domain Working Group (DWG) investigates requirements and standardization targets and the Connected Systems Standards Working Group (SWG) is building the new Standards. These groups held a full-afternoon track to describe the intent of the Connected Systems API, the relationship of the work to other OGC APIs and the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Standards, and to demonstrate how the new Standards work in practice. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal, as well as the Demonstration here.

      The Defense and Intelligence Track: The Defense and Intelligence DWG takes a broad look at the use of Standards in defense/intelligence operations as well as the requirements for interoperability that can be solved, in part, by Standards. The DWG held a full-afternoon track to explore the fundamental concepts and thus bring participants to a baseline of understanding. The session also explored where OGC members could contribute to new Standards in imagery & motion imagery as well as Space. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal.

      The Climate Workshop: OGC’s Climate Resilience DWG organized a Climate Workshop for Friday where the DWG defined the nature of its mission for resilience as the “ability of a system to compensate for impacts.” The session highlighted numerous initiatives underway in OGC and other organizations, framing them in terms of opportunities for impact. The workshop also expressed a proposed timeline for the next OGC Climate Resilience Pilot. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal.

      Today’s Innovation/Tomorrow’s Technology and Future Directions

      The popular Today’s Innovation/Tomorrow’s Technology and Future Directions session focused on ongoing OGC research and deployment of the nascent OGC Rainbow (borne from the OGC Definitions Server), which represents the state-of-the-art in enabling semantic interoperability. 

      OGC Rainbow is a web-accessible source of information about things (“Concepts”) that the OGC defines or that communities ask the OGC to host on their behalf. OGC Rainbow comprises several registries linked to common access for both human- and machine-readable representation of the data. 

      The OGC Definitions Server has long provided Coordinate Reference System (CRS) definitions, terminology definitions used in OGC Standards, and code lists for various domains of interest. As the capability of the OGC Rainbow increases, OGC will be registering requirements from Standards, representation of the OGC Building Blocks, and linkages to other authoritative registries. OGC Rainbow will improve consistency in the geospatial standards community and allow for expedited development of new capabilities.

      Dr. Ingo Simonis and Dr. Rob Atkinson of the OGC COSI Program explained the capabilities and use cases of the OGC Rainbow and moderated open discussion amongst participants regarding the use of OGC Rainbow. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal. Stay tuned to the OGC Blog for more on the OGC Rainbow soon.

      Dinner & Awards

      The always wonderful Executive Dinner was held on Wednesday night at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center – Davidson Center for Space Exploration, where attendees had the unforgettable experience of dining under an actual Saturn V rocket – one of only three in the world!

      Attendees of the Executive Dinner had the unforgettable experience of dining under an actual Saturn V Rocket

      At the dinner, two awards were presented: Dr. Jeff de La Beaujardiere received the OGC Lifetime Achievement Award; and Natural Resources Canada received the inaugural OGC Community Impact Award.

      Dr. Jeff de La Beaujardiere was selected for the Lifetime Achievement award due to his long standing leadership, commitment, and support for the advancement and uptake of standards used for the dissemination of Earth Science information. In the OGC community, Jeff is best known as the Editor of the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) Specification: a joint OGC/ISO Standard that now supports access to millions of datasets worldwide. OGC WMS was the first in the OGC Web Services suite of Standards and is the most downloaded Standard from OGC. But most importantly, the OGC WMS Standard truly revolutionized how geospatial data is shared and accessed over the web. Jeff was also a major contributor to other OGC Standards, including the OGC Web Services Architecture, the OGC Web Map Context, OGC Web Terrain Service, and OGC Web Services Common. 

      The new OGC Community Impact award highlights the importance of collaboration, volunteering time and energy, advancing technologies and standards, raising awareness, and helping solve critical issues across the geospatial community. Natural Resources Canada exemplifies all of these qualities through their championing of innovation and standards. They consistently go above and beyond as both an OGC Member, and as a member of the wider geospatial community. 

      My well-deserved congratulations go out to both recipients!

      Ryan Ahola (R) accepts the inaugural OGC Community Impact Award, on behalf of Natural Resources Canada, from OGC CEO Dr. Nadine Alameh (L) Important Things and the Closing Plenary

      Wrapping up the week, I opened the Important Things session with a rapid, 15-minute summary of the entire meeting week that included slides and content from a large number of Working Group sessions. OGC Members can access the presentations and a recording on this page in the OGC Portal

      The Important Things session then featured a discussion on how much OGC SWGs should accommodate developer interests and existing applications vs. optimizing their Standards work to meet the Standard requirements. OGC Members then discussed the issue and provided numerous examples of the conflict in current work. OGC Members can read the notes from the session in the Etherpad “Important-Things-2023-06”.

      The Closing Plenary, though mostly focused on presentations and voting, also saw several presentations. Carsten Rönsdorf of Ordnance Survey provided a summary of the effectiveness of the model-driven standard authoring that was used for CityGML 3.0 and is now underway with MUDDI. Ali Al’Awaji highlighted the success of recent cooperation between his organization, the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information (GASGI) and OGC. The remainder of the session advanced a number of Standards, SWGs, and documents toward vote or publication.

      Thank you to our community

      The GEOHuntsville Member Meeting was not only one of our most attended, but also one of our most memorable – with the beautiful grounds and the unforgettable Saturn V Rocket. As always it was a pleasure seeing our Members interacting, collaborating, and driving technology and standards development forward. It’s the vibrancy and enthusiasm of our community that makes OGC truly special – and my job so enjoyable. So I thank you all, once again, for your time & energy and your dedication to making OGC the world’s leading and most comprehensive community of location experts.

      Be sure to join us for the 127th Member Meeting, happening September 25-29, 2023, at the Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore. Registration and further info can be found at
      Sponsorship opportunities are also available: download this brochure or contact OGC for more info.

      Be sure to subscribe to the OGC Update Newsletter to stay up to date on all things OGC, including future OGC Member Meetings, funding opportunities, and how to contribute to our open Standards.

      The post A recap of the 126th OGC Member Meeting, Huntsville, AL, USA appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.

    • sur Mapping Loch Ness Monster Sightings

      Publié: 5 July 2023, 9:38am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The best place to spot the Loch Ness Monster is on or around Loch Ness in Scotland. In When, where and how to see the Loch Ness Monster – based on 1,500 years worth of data! the Press and Journal has mapped the locations of Loch Ness monster sightings over the last 83 years in order to determine the best location where you are most likely to spot Nessie. After hours of analysis the newspaper
    • sur gvSIG Team: Geoportal del Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura del Uruguay

      Publié: 5 July 2023, 7:48am CEST

      Otro de los Geoportales que utilizan el gvSIG Online implantado para la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Uruguay es el creado por el INAVI, el Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura.

      El Geoportal permite cruzar la información del INAVI con otras cartografías del país mantenidas por otras entidades, como la hidrografía (IDEuy), las redes de transporte (MTOP), el Catastro (DNC), etc.

      En cuanto a los datos compartidos por el INAVI podemos encontrar capas como puntos de control, cuadros de cultivos, inventario de suelos bajo viña, superficie de vid implantada por departamento…

      Sin más, compartimos el enlace por si queréis explorar este Geoportal: [https:]]

      Por cierto, en la temática de vitivinicultura estamos desarrollando un proyecto de gran relevancia y complejidad para la Generalitat Valenciana, pero eso os lo contaremos otro día.

    • sur GeoCat: FOSS4G 2023

      Publié: 4 July 2023, 12:36pm CEST

      Wow what an adventure, Jody Garnett here returning from visiting FOSS4G conference and the GeoCat offices. 

      FOSS4G for the People

      The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference was very much a community affair this year. FOSS4G 2023 was a chance to meet and speak with peers from the GeoNetwork and GeoServer projects and connect with companies and the B2B activity.

      Indeed GeoCat attended with a booth, and a few things to hand out, and conversation. Our booth was near the speakers, so we would sneak over and turn down the music so we could talk. And we talked a lot – so many nice people! With all the talking I do not beleive I opened my laptop to show off our products once the entire week.

      It was a pleasure seeing Jeroen and Florent comfortable on the massive stage providing an 1:250k scale overview of GeoNetwork activities.

      I had a good workshop on GeoServer with Ian Turton to start, and some entertaining presentations with Andrea over the course of the week. The GeoServer Feature Frenzy and GeoServer used in fun and interesting ways were real highlights with great audience response.

      Photos by Jody Garnett and FOSS4G CC-by-A


      Open Source Geospatial Foundation

      This year I only had one outreach presentation, on the topic of OSGeo values, with Tom.

      With the conference hosted by OSGeo and the FLOSSK regional open source group it appeared attendees were already comfortable with open source as a concept.  However OSGeo values go a bit further than just a license – looking at a project’s sustainability and other risk factors also.


      GeoCat Bennekom

      It is always a pleasure to visit the GeoCat office, and customers, in the Netherlands. Everyone was full of ideas and opportunities, and pushing hard on GeoCat Bridge for ArcGIS.

      The office garden is amazing, exploring outside of the village showed a landscape surprisingly dry from a regional drought.

      Coming soon

      The next activity GeoCat is attending is the Bolsena Code Sprint. Please consider yourself invited!

      There are number of regional foss4g events coming up and we look forward to more opportunities for advocacy and meeting new customers. 

      The post FOSS4G 2023 appeared first on GeoCat B.V..

    • sur Maps with New Zealand

      Publié: 4 July 2023, 9:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      New Zealand is often omitted from maps of the world. A fact which has inspired the subreddit Maps Without New Zealand and the Tumblr page World Maps Without New Zealand, both of which collect examples of maps that don't include New Zealand. One reason that New Zealand is often omitted from world maps is that lots of them are centered on or near the Greenwich meridian, which means in most map