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Ian Turton's Blog: How to reproject features in QGIS
sur Planet OSGeoI came across a brilliant thread on Mastodon by Sarah Dal discussing how she worked out what the most remote post box in the UK was. But there was one remark that bothered me, she said that to convert her lat, lon points to OSGB (EPSG:4326 to EPSG:27700 for the nerds) she had to go to the Ordnance Survey site to find some software to do this. Since she already had the points in QGIS this seemed like an unnecessary side quest to me. When I commented that she could have done this in QGIS she said that she always seemed to get it wrong.
I’m confused by this (and by the many other people who ask questions on gis.stackexchange.com about the same thing) so I’ve put together this video showing how I would do this. Basically, you right click on the layer you want to reproject and select
export->Save features as
and then just change the drop down box to the projection you need. QGIS will then save the features and add that layer to your project. You shouldn’t see any difference other than the colour of the points will change (as QGIS assigns a new random colour to the new layer).And yes, I really should have split the Northern Irish post boxes out into a separate file and projected them to the Irish grid but this is just a demo.
OGC Approves Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration as Official Standard
sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce that the OGC Membership has approved version 1.0 of the OGC Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI) Part 1: Conceptual Model for adoption as an official OGC Standard. MUDDI serves as a framework to make datasets that utilize different information for underground objects interoperable, exchangeable, and more easily manageable.
MUDDI represents real-world objects found underground. It was designed as a common basis to create implementations that make different types of subsurface data – such as those relating to utilities, transport infrastructure, soils, ground water, or environmental parameters – interoperable in support of a variety of use cases and in different jurisdictions and user communities. The case for better subsurface data and an explanation of the usefulness of the MUDDI data model is made in this MUDDI For Everyone Guide.
Certainly, a key focus application domain, and one of the main motivations for creating MUDDI, is utilities and the protection of utilities infrastructure. Indeed, OGC’s MUDDI Model was successfully used in pilot testing for the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR), a program led by the UK Government’s Geospatial Commission. More information on NUAR can be found here.
MUDDI aims to be comprehensive and provides sufficient level of detail to address many different application use cases, such as:
- Routine street excavations;
- Emergency response;
- Utility maintenance programs;
- Large scale construction projects;
- Disaster planning;
- Disaster response;
- Environmental interactions with infrastructure;
- Climate Change mitigation; or
- Smart Cities programs.
The MUDDI Conceptual Model provides the implementation community with the flexibility to tailor the implementations to specific requirements in a local, regional, or national context. The standardization targets are specific MUDDI implementations in one or more encodings such as GML (Geographic Markup Language), SFS (Simple Features SQL), Geopackage or JSON-FG encodings that are expected to be standards in future parts of the MUDDI standards family. Both GML and JSON-FG are supported by the OGC API – Features Standard. SFS is supported by a number of database systems.
MUDDI consists of a core of mandatory classes describing built infrastructure networks (such as utility networks) together with a number of optional feature classes, properties, and relationships related to the natural and built underground environment. The creation of implementations targeted to defined use cases and user communities also allows the extension of the concepts provided in MUDDI.
The early work for crafting this OGC Standard was undertaken in the OGC Underground Infrastructure Concept Study, sponsored by Ordnance Survey, Singapore Land Authority, and The Fund for the City of New York – Center for Geospatial Innovation.
The Concept Study was followed by the Underground Infrastructure Pilot and MUDDI ETL-Plugfest workshop, as well as close collaboration with early implementers of MUDDI, such as the UK Geospatial Commission. Several implementations of MUDDI were thoroughly tested in the OGC Open Standards Code Sprint in October/November 2023. The results are described in the OGC 2023 Open Standards Code Sprint Summary Engineering Report and a blog post entitled Going underground: developing and testing an international standard for subsurface data, which describes the experiences and lessons learned from the Geospatial Commission’s attendance at the Code Sprint.
Version 1.0 of the MUDDI Conceptual Model Standard is the outcome of those initiatives, as well as the work and dedication of the MUDDI Standards Working Group, which led the development of the Standard, including:
- Editors:
- Alan Leidner, New York City Geospatial Information System and Mapping Organization (GISMO)
- Carsten Roensdorf, Ordnance Survey
- Neil Brammall, Geospatial Commission, UK Government
- Liesbeth Rombouts, Athumi
- Joshua Lieberman
- Andrew Hughes, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom Research and Innovation
- Contributors:
- Dean Hintz, Safe Software
- Allan Jamieson, Ordnance Survey
- Chris Popplestone, Ordnance Survey
OGC Members interested in staying up to date on the progress of this Standard, or contributing to its development, are encouraged to join the MUDDI Standards Working Group via the OGC Portal. Non-OGC members who would like to know more about participating in this SWG are encouraged to contact the OGC Standards Program.
As with any OGC standard, the open MUDDI Part 1: Conceptual Model Standard is free to download and implement. Interested parties can view and download the standard from OGC’s Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI) Standard Page.
The post OGC Approves Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration as Official Standard appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.
Mappery: Afghani Bread Holder
sur Planet OSGeoGarrett Speed shared this “This Afghani restaurant in ‘s-Hertogenbosch has a bread holder with a map of Afghanistan as the base”
MapsintheWild Afghani Bread Holder
The Presidential Medal of Cartography
sur Google Maps ManiaKamala Harris' Vice-Presidential pick Tim Walz loves maps. As a former high school geography teacher it should come as no surprise that Walz has an interest in cartography, but it appears that he is in act a full blown GIS nerd who only last year called for November 15th to be 'GIS Day'. According to Politico Tim Walz has also "addressed the geographic information systems software company
Public Services on the Map: A Decade of Success
sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry, and Mapping Agency (Kadaster) maintains the nation’s register of land and property rights, ships, aircraft, and telecom networks. It’s also responsible for national mapping and the maintenance of the nation’s reference coordinate system and serves as an advisory body on land-use issues and national spatial data infrastructures. In its public service role, Kadaster handles millions of transactions a day.
Celebrating 10 years: PDOK’s evolution. (click to enlarge)PDOK was launched in 2013 to make the Dutch government’s geospatial datasets Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) as mandated by the EU’s INSPIRE Directive. OGC Standards have been foundational in ensuring that the country’s Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is scalable, available, and responsive.
PDOK serves base maps and Earth Observation data for the whole country. It includes the Key Topography Register (Basisregistratie Topografie, BRT), aerial imagery (updated annually at 8 and 25 cm GSD), and the Large Scale Topography Register (Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie, BGT). The BGT is a detailed digital base map (between 1:500 and 1:5,000) that depicts building footprints, roads, water bodies, railways lines, agricultural land, and parcel boundaries. PDOK also serves a 3D dataset of buildings and terrain created from topography (BGT), building footprints (from the Building and Addresses Register or BAG), and height information (from aerial photography).
When PDOK was launched in 2013, it hosted 40 datasets and handled 580 million server requests annually. Today it hosts 210 datasets and handles 30 billion server requests annually—representing a 5,000% increase in service requests being handled by the platform.
Examples of PDOK basemaps and imagery. Standards Enabling SuccessThe majority of datasets on PDOK are made available using OGC’s popular Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) standards. The BRT is available in three coordinate reference systems (EPSG 28992, EPSG 25831, and EPSG 3857) using the Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) standard.
Kadaster is in the process of transitioning to the newer OGC API Standards, including OGC API – Tiles and OGC API – Features. The most frequently used key registers, like the Building and Addresses Register (BAG), the Large Scale Topography Register (BGT), and the Key Topography Register (BRT) are in the process of being migrated to these newer OGC APIs. The focus is on using OGC API – Tiles, specifically Vector Tiles. For query services the OGC API – Features Standard is used. Although Earth Observation data doesn’t currently use the newer APIs, aerial imagery is available through WM(T)S services, stored as OGC Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs (CoG). 3D Building data is encoded as OGC 3D Tiles and served using the OGC API – 3D GeoVolumes standard.
The PDOK architecture and OGC Standards. (click to enlarge)By using the newer OGC API Standards, Kadaster has found it significantly easier to handle the large volume of data in its national-scale 3D building dataset (which can be used between scales of 1:500 and 1:10,000) providing an unparalleled, high-resolution perspective of the country’s built environment.
OGC APIs also make it easier to track compute and memory usage on servers, allowing Kadaster to better realize platform scalability and optimize performance.
PDOK uses the OGC API – 3D GeoVolumes to serve the 3D building dataset. (click to enlarge) A Smooth Transition to OGC APIsPDOK processes billions of user requests every month. Transitioning from OGC Web Services Standards to OGC APIs has meant Kadaster is able to efficiently handle the volume of requests it handles today – and can expect to handle in the future.
It took Kadaster little over a month to build their implementation of OGC API – Tiles. Following a short learning curve they were able to build out implementations of OGC API – Features and API – 3D GeoVolumes even faster. By making the move to deliver its geospatial tiles and feature data through an API conformant to the OGC API Standards, Kadaster continues to make government data Findable and Accessible.
PDOK implements what Kadaster calls the 3G principle—Generic (Generic), Geautomatiseerd (Automated) en Gestandaardiseerd (Standardized). This has led to simplified data processing, the automation of many manual processes, a standardization in services, and high standards in service design and operation – while at the same time remaining infrastructure independent. It has streamlined the adoption of new OGC Standards and made it better able to respond to changing user requirements.
Kadaster and OGCBeing an OGC Member allows Kadaster to leverage the collective knowledge of a global network of geospatial experts, while providing Kadaster with opportunities to contribute back to a community driven to use the power of geography and technology to solve problems faced by people and the planet.
Kadaster has recently contributed to the OGC Community by participating in an OGC Code Sprint. These hybrid online/in-person events give participants the opportunity to work on implementations of new or emerging OGC Standards.
Through OGC, Kadaster has also shared their experiences and challenges at OGC Member Meetings, contributing to the ongoing evolution of OGC Standards, Collaborative Solutions and Innovation (COSI) Program Initiatives, and, more broadly, advanced the “state of the art” of geospatial technologies.
The below video provides an overview of PDOK.
The post Public Services on the Map: A Decade of Success appeared first on Open Geospatial Consortium.
GeoSolutions: GeoSolutions Listed as Certified Cesium Developer
sur Planet OSGeoYou must be logged into the site to view this content.
Mappery: A Tactile Experience in Ilhabela
sur Planet OSGeoHarry Wood wrote “We arrived at Ilhabela for some Brazil beach time. It’s an island off the Sao Paulo coast. Here’s the kids getting tactile with a relief map in the hotel.”
Looks like fun
MapsintheWild A Tactile Experience in Ilhabela
The Indoor CO2 Map
sur Google Maps ManiaOver the years I have posted links to a number of interactive maps which visualize the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes help to increase the concentration of CO? in the atmosphere. Higher concentrations of CO? enhance the greenhouse effect, leading to more heat being trapped in the atmosphere.
Mappery: 30 Minute Walks in Central London
sur Planet OSGeoNick Duggan shared this neat map, not sure where he spotted it.
MapsintheWild 30 Minute Walks in Central London
Pixel View
sur Google Maps ManiaI've created a simple game using images from Mapillary (and a couple of images from Wikimedia).Mapillary is a crowd-sourced 'Street View' service that allows users to capture, share, and explore street-level imagery from around the world. Developers are allowed to use images submitted to Mapillary under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Mapillary 'street view' images can be a great resource for
Mappery: Watersnood 4
sur Planet OSGeoThe last one from Reinder
MapsintheWild Watersnood 4
The Manhole Card Collectors Map
sur Google Maps ManiaIn the 1980s as a way to promote local culture and tourism local authorities in Japan began designing distinctive and artistic manhole covers. Each municipality often has its own unique manhole cover designs, featuring local landmarks, historical events, flora, fauna, and other culturally significant symbols. In Sumida Ward in Tokyo you can find a man hole cover featuring "The Great
Mappery: Watersnood 3
sur Planet OSGeoVia Reinder “This fantastic piece of textile art by Miep van Riessen consists of embroidered names of victims, and is at the same time a quite adequate ‘geographical impression’ of the region where the disaster took place: the Dutch province of Zeeland. “
MapsintheWild Watersnood 3
Mappery: Watersnood 2
sur Planet OSGeoVia Reinder
MapsintheWild Watersnood 2
Exploring London Through the Artist's Eye
sur Google Maps Mania"... this tide is always moving! Always! When all those people we now see in such activity are in their graves, the same hurried activity will still continue here ..." - Hans Christian AndersenWhen Hans Christian Andersen visited London in June 1847 he was obviously impressed by the pace of London life. In his autobiography he called the English capital,"London, the city of cities! ... Here is
GeoServer Team: Using Binary Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
sur Planet OSGeoGeoSpatial Techno is a startup focused on geospatial information that is providing e-learning courses to enhance the knowledge of geospatial information users, students, and other startups. The main approach of this startup is providing quality, valid specialized training in the field of geospatial information.
( YouTube | LinkedIn | Facebook | X )
Binary Comparison Operators in GeoServer FiltersIn this session, we want to talk about the various types of filters, with a particular focus on “Binary comparison operators in GeoServer” comprehensively. If you want to access the complete tutorial, click on the link.
IntroductionFiltering allows the selection of features that satisfy a specific set of conditions. Filters can be used in several contexts in GeoServer:
- In WMS requests, select which features should be displayed on a map
- In WFS requests, specify the features to be returned
- In SLD documents, apply different symbolizations to features on a thematic map
Note. This video was recorded on GeoServer 2.22.4, which is not the most up-to-date version. Currently, versions 2.24.x and 2.25.x are supported. To ensure you have the latest release, please visit this link and avoid using older versions of GeoServer.
Supported filter languagesData filtering in GeoServer follows the OGC Filter Encoding Specification, which provides a standard XML schema for encoding spatial, attribute, and temporal filters in GIS. This allows for customized queries to retrieve specific data from databases and web services while ensuring interoperability among GIS applications. GeoServer supports filters in both Filter Encoding Language and Common Query Language.
Filter Encoding LanguageThe Filter Encoding language, defined by OGC standards, utilizes an XML-based syntax to select specific features, similar to the “WHERE” clause in SQL. A filter consists of a condition formed by Predicate elements and Logical operators, employing comparison and spatial operators to evaluate relationships between feature properties. In this session, we will explore various types of binary comparison operators, while the next sessions will cover spatial operators.
Common Query LanguageCommon Query Language (CQL) is a Text-based language used in GeoServer for constructing filters and queries on geospatial data. It provides flexible and powerful options for filtering and retrieving specific subsets of data from GeoServer layers. In the upcoming sessions, we will dive into a detailed exploration of CQL/ECQL, covering its various operations and practical usage.
Comparison operatorsThese operators are part of Filter Encoding operators and are used in attribute-based queries to filter and retrieve specific features or data, based on their non-spatial attributes. The comparison operators include: binary comparison operators and value comparison operators.
The binary comparison operators are:
- PropertyIsEqualTo
- PropertyIsNotEqualTo
- PropertyIsLessThan
- PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo
- PropertyIsGreaterThan
- PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo
These operators contain two filter expressions to be compared. The first operand is often a
, but both operands may be any expression, function or literal value. Binary comparison operator elements may include an optional matchCase attribute, with the true or false value. The default value is true, but the comparisons do not check the case if the attribute has a false value.Note. String comparison operators are case-sensitive.
PropertyIsEqualToPropertyIsNotEqualTo is a common type of filter used in GeoServer, which allows you to retrieve features from a data source based on the values of one or more properties. As an example of using this filter in WFS getFeature request:
- Navigate to the Demos page, then select Demo requests.
- From the Request section, select the WFS_getFeature1.0.xml request.
- The address will be filled in automatically, in the URL section.
Use the following block codes to replace line 26:
<PropertyIsEqualTo> <PropertyName>STATE_NAME</PropertyName> <Literal>Delaware</Literal> </PropertyIsEqualTo>
- Now, we will explain some elements:
- The first fifteen lines include explanations in the form of comments.
- Line 16 describes the XML version and the GetFeature operation of the WFS service being used.
- Line 17 specifies the default output format for the WFS service as “gml2.” Additionally, GeoServer supports several other commonly used formats such as “gml3, shapefile, geojson, and csv.”
- Lines 18 to 23 define the start of the XML request and declare the namespaces used in the request.
- Line 24 specifies the type name of the feature to be queried. In this case, it requests features of the “topp:states”.
- Lines 25 to 30 define the filter criteria for the query. On these lines, we use the PropertyIsEqualTo filter, to retrieve all features where the state name attribute is equal to
Press the Submit button to see the implemented changes.
- Note. For GeoServer 2.25.2 the Demo Request page has been improved to show response Headers, and provide the option to pretty print XML output.
PropertyIsNotEqualTo is another common type of filter used in GeoServer, which allows you to retrieve features from a data source based on properties that don’t match a specified value. As an example of using this filter in a WFS getFeature request, use the following block codes to replace lines 26 to 29:
<PropertyIsNotEqualTo matchCase="false"> <PropertyName>STATE_NAME</PropertyName> <Literal>delAwarE</Literal> </PropertyIsNotEqualTo>
Note. The matchCase attribute in WFS_getFeature 1.1 and 2.0 versions, can be set to “false” to specify a case-insensitive comparison.
Press the Submit button.
In this example, we used the
filter to retrieve all features where theSTATE_NAME
attribute, is not equal toDelaware
.The PropertyIsLessThan filter is used to filter features, based on a comparison of a numeric property with a given value. It returns all features where the specified property is less than the specified value.
An example of using this filter in a WFS getFeature request is:
outputFormat="shape-zip" <wfs:Query typeName="topp:states"> <wfs:PropertyName>topp:STATE_NAME</wfs:PropertyName> <wfs:PropertyName>topp:LAND_KM</wfs:PropertyName> <ogc:Filter> <PropertyIsLessThan> <PropertyName>STATE_FIPS</PropertyName> <Literal>18</Literal> </PropertyIsLessThan> </ogc:Filter>
Press the Submit button.
In this example, we used the
filter to get all features in a shapefile format where the value of theSTATE_FIPS
attribute is less than18
. The query only retrieves theSTATE_NAME
fields, instead of all the attributes.In this session, we took a brief journey through the various types of filters, with a particular focus on “Binary comparison operators in GeoServer”. If you want to access the complete tutorial, simply click on the link.
From GIS to Remote Sensing: Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin major update: version 8.3.0
sur Planet OSGeoThe Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) has been updated to version 8.3.0.This new version requires Remotior Sensus to be updated to at least version 0.4.0.
During the update process of SCP from version 7 to version 8, several tools were excluded in order to give priority to the main plugin functions.With this 8.3.0 update, several tools are reintroduced, such as Clustering tool for unsupervised classification (K-means method), the Spectral distance tool, the Edit raster tool, and the Raster zonal stats.Read more » -
WhereGroup: Kick-off für die Entwicklung eines bundesweiten Softwaretools für mehr Klimaschutz in der Baubranche
sur Planet OSGeoSchon 2016 waren wir auf Landesebene im Bereich Ersatzbaustoffverordnung tätig und sind nun vom BMUV mit dem Umweltbundesamt mit der Erstellung eines bundesweiten Ersatzbaustoff-Katasters beauftragt. -
GRASS GIS: Report from the GRASS Community Meeting 2024
sur Planet OSGeoThe annual GRASS GIS Community Meeting was held once again in the Czech Republic, this time at the NC State European Center in Prague from June 14 to 19. The meeting brought together users, supporters, contributors, power users and developers to collaborate and chart the future of the project. Thanks to the generous funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award 2303651), the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo), FOSSGIS e.V., and individual donors, we were able to welcome 16 in-person participants from 9 countries on 3 continents, plus 2 remote participants. -
Mappery: Watersnood 1
sur Planet OSGeoReinder shared this “On the 1st of February 1953 a disastrous flood occurred in the southwest of The Netherlands. More than 1800 people lost their lives and an entire infrastructure was devastated. This is known as the Watersnood, and it is the topic of the Watersnoodmuseum in Ouwerkerk in the province of Zeeland.”
MapsintheWild Watersnood 1
The Olympic Medals Map
sur Google Maps ManiaIn the past seven days you've almost definitely seen numerous tables of Olympic medal winners. Now it is time to view the map.Giorgio Comai creates interactive maps of Olympic Medal winners based on which NUTS region they were born in. This means that you can look past the traditional country led rankings used in most Olympic medal tables to explore the medals won by different regions.
Mappery: Custom underwear
sur Planet OSGeoAnd a new share from LeCatopgrahe with these custom underwear coming from Hop & Down.
MapsintheWild Custom underwear
170 Years of American Immigration
sur Google Maps ManiaThe Pew Research Center has analysed census data to map the changes in the immigrant population over the last 170 years. An animated map in How America’s source of immigrants has changed over time shows the top country of birth of immigrants in each state from every census since 1850 (except 1890 - the census data for this year was destroyed in a fire).The animated map clearly illustrates the
GeoServer Team: GeoServer User Forum replaces mailing list
sur Planet OSGeoGeoServer is updating our communication channels!
We know people do not like signing up for mailing lists, Twitter has been Xed out, and it is time to move on.
GeoServer User ForumWelcome to the GeoServer User forum:
- This forum is open to the public, we are pleased to meet you and hope you enjoy using GeoServer.
- Hosted by Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- All project communication including this forum are subject to our code of conduct
- This is one of many options for community support and communication.
Taking part is easy (sign-in with credentials you already have):
Login to discourse.osgeo.org:
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Use “Log in with GitHub” to use GitHub credentials.
More options are added over time.
You may also use “Sign Up” if you want to create an account just for use with the Forum.
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We will continue to operate the geoserver-user list for the month of August, and then do a final synchronization of any outstanding email messages to complete the migration.
Navigate to the category GeoSever / User to enjoy the forum.
Use New Topic to start a new conversation.
Only the
GeoServer / user
subcategory allows new topics. If the New Topic button is disabled you may be looking at theGeoServer
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GeoServer is occasionally active on social media:
- Mastadon: @geoserver@fosstodon.org
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- Twitter/X: @GeoServerO - only used for emergencies.
If you enjoy social media we would love some assistance reposting and highlighting our community activity. Contact us on your preferred social media platform to help out.
Mappery: World T-Shirt
sur Planet OSGeoHow a mechanical issue leads to a new map in the wild. Back home, I had a problem with a lawn mower. I called a friend for help, who finally came with this fabulous T-shirt!
MapsintheWild World T-Shirt
The Best Graphics Team in the World
sur Google Maps ManiaThe Straits Times has the best graphics department in the world - probably. The Washington Post and New York Times might be contenders but because of their paywalls most of their work is hidden away from most of the world.The latest astonishing demonstration of the graphic skills of the Straits Times comes in an article celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the construction of the
GeoSolutions: GeoSolutions Announces Membership in World Geospatial Industry Council
sur Planet OSGeoYou must be logged into the site to view this content.
Mappery: Cup Cakes from Mont-Ral
sur Planet OSGeoRaf shared this “Tasty cupcakes from Forn de Mont-ral, Prades, Catalunya”
MapsintheWild Cup Cakes from Mont-Ral
Rat-Town, Massachusetts
sur Google Maps ManiaA new interactive map of Boston seems to indicate that Beantown has become Rat-town. Rats! Boston shows rat sightings around the Massachusetts city made by concerned citizens.Self-appointed Rat Czar Viviano Cantu is using 311 reports to map all the recent sightings of rats around Boston. The sightings are taken from non-emergency 311 calls to the city. The Rats! Boston map also shows the
Markus Neteler: Happy 41st birthday, GRASS GIS!
sur Planet OSGeoToday, we celebrate a true geospatial legend: GRASS GIS!
The post Happy 41st birthday, GRASS GIS! appeared first on Markus Neteler Consulting.
Mappery: Panorama of New York City
sur Planet OSGeoTom MacWright shared this picture of the Panorama of the City of New York, an urban model of New York City and the centrepiece of the Queens Museum. For more information, click here.
MapsintheWild Panorama of New York City
AI-Powered Satellite Search
sur Google Maps ManiaClay Explore is an interactive map demo of a new open-source AI Earth observation model. The map allows you to search aerial imagery of Southern California, Seoul and Puerto Rico using machine learning.Using Clay Explore you can click on any map tile or draw an area to search the map for similar looking areas. Each of the three searchable maps (Southern California, Seoul and Puerto Rico) comes
Mappery: Sorgenfri
sur Planet OSGeoMarc-Tobias sent me this great map mural from Sorgenfri station in Denmark
MapsintheWild Sorgenfri
GRASS GIS: GRASS GIS 8.4.0 released
sur Planet OSGeoWhat’s new in a nutshell The GRASS GIS 8.4.0 release contains more than 520 changes compared to 8.3.2. This new minor release includes important fixes and improvements to the GRASS GIS tools, libraries and the graphical user interface (GUI), making it even more stable and robust for daily work. Most importantly: location becomes project: The Python API, command line, and graphical user interface are now using project instead of location for the main component of the data hiearchy while maintaining backward compatibility. -
Mappery: Bed sheets
sur Planet OSGeoLaura Harris shared this picture on LinkedIn
MapsintheWild Bed sheets
The US Road Fatality Map
sur Google Maps ManiaLast week I posted a link to the NYC Congestion Zone Live Crash Tracker, an interactive map of car crashes in New York City. If you live outside of New York then you might prefer Roadway Report instead, which is a visualization of American roadway fatalities in the 21st Century.The Roadway Report map uses road traffic accident data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's
Mappery: Do not mix dishcloths and napkins
sur Planet OSGeoThis is literally what I thought when I saw this picture. The sentence makes sense for a French speaker; the English version would be: not mix apples and pears, but I also found apples and oranges. Always happy to learn the usage if you want to comment on our socials.
Anyway, my title is misleading about the subject; the picture shows handkerchiefs from Chris Chambers.
MapsintheWild Do not mix dishcloths and napkins
Mapping Power Outages in Kiev
sur Google Maps ManiaThe Map of Power Outages in Kiev visualizes power outage schedules in the Ukrainian capital. Due to Russia's ongoing attacks on power stations in Ukraine the electric power company Yasno has to schedule times of planned power outages. The Map of Power Outages in Kiev uses this schedule to provide an interactive map at the individual building level of these scheduled power outages.It is -
Your Daily Map Trivia Game
sur Google Maps ManiaTripGeo Trivia is a new daily geography quiz which requires you to identify ten cities based on a number of clues. Every day ten new random cities from around the world need to be identified. To help you in this task you can view three clues as to the identity of each city.Every day you get to identify ten new cities. For each city you get three clues and a choice of possible answers. Using the
Mappery: Bowtie
sur Planet OSGeoFantastic bowtie from Chris Chambers.
MapsintheWild Bowtie
GeoSolutions: MapStore 2024.01 Series of releases
sur Planet OSGeoYou must be logged into the site to view this content.
The Catalan GeoGuessing Game
sur Google Maps ManiaDeveloper Toni Vidal has released a new GeoGuessr inspired game featuring photographs of the stunning and diverse landscapes of Catalonia. His Geoendevina game simply requires you to guess the locations of a series of photos taken in the Catalonia region of Spain.The rules of Geoendevina are very simple. In each round of the game you are presented with a different photograph, each of which
WhereGroup: Erweiterte Geodatenvisualisierung mit MapComponents
sur Planet OSGeoDie MapComponents-Bibliothek ermöglicht die Anzeige und Integration verschiedener Datenformate direkt im Browser. Anhand eines praktischen Beispiels wird gezeigt, wie Benutzer OpenStreetMap-Daten in eine Webanwendung laden und diese anzeigen lassen können. -
Mappery: Coaster
sur Planet OSGeoA classic but always good from Chris Chambers.
MapsintheWild Coaster
Tracking American Spies in Germany
sur Google Maps ManiaBayerischer Rundfunk and netzpolitik have carried out a joint investigation into how our location data is for sale across the world. These days nearly everyone voluntarily carries around their own personal tracking device in the form of a smartphone. These devices record our movements all day long. What most people don't know is that their location data is openly being sold by global data
Jorge Sanz: Elastic Volunteering Time Off
sur Planet OSGeoMy employer, Elastic, has a number of philanthropic initiatives but definitely the one I love the most is the Volunteering Time Off (VTO). We are given 40 hours per year from our working hours to contribute to projects and initiatives we care about. Employees have full freedom to choose what they want to do with that time and are encouraged to use it.
In my case, over this almost 5 years I have to admit I haven’t used all that time every year but I tried to get the most of it. During COVID I did some remote work for a local NGO that works for fair trade, giving them a webinar about Open Source among other things (see update from December 2019 and following months). I also spent a few days working on some admin tasks for the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and I’ve already written here about a couple sessions I did for Cibervoluntarios, training seniors and teens about safe browsing and email.
Last week I was showcased in the company blog, along with other colleagues, on different projects to contribute to. In my case, last year I joined the mapping efforts after the Morocco Earthquake and took a full day mapping roads and streets of a rural area, as part of the coordinated efforts from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team (reported on my October community update). I’m very happy to have this support from my employer to leave things aside when an emergency like this arises, granted there are no other urgent issues at work.
As a personal call to action, I’d love to get back to Cibervoluntarios activities. This year has been quite busy; let’s see after summer if there’s room for getting out and engaging with them.
I know I haven’t updated this site in a while, I’ll write one soon! ?
Mappery: Geodesic point
sur Planet OSGeoJilles van Gurp shared this geodesic point in Hannover with us.
MapsintheWild Geodesic point
The Retro Gamer's Map
sur Google Maps ManiaThe Retro.Directory is an interactive map which shows the locations of venues related to retro gaming. These include gaming museums, arcades, cafes, bars, clubs and repair services. The map is designed to help retro gaming enthusiasts discover retro-themed locations nearby and around the world.I am so old that I can actually remember a time before computer games. I can remember the amazing
QGIS Blog: Introducing the new QGIS.org website
sur Planet OSGeoWe have a new website!
We recently launched our new website at QGIS.org. It is a ground-up overhaul and provides a fresh take on the first contact point for existing or potential users wishing to engage with the QGIS project and discover its value proposition.
A new strategy for QGIS.org websites
In this blog post, we would like to provide an overview of the goals that we had for building the new QGIS.org website and the bigger picture of how this website update fits into the broader strategy for our website plans for QGIS.
About two years ago, we started experimenting with building a new QGIS.org website based on Hugo. Hugo, as a technology choice, was less important than was our intent to develop a more modern site that addressed our strategic goals.
After some ‘in-house’ (i.e. volunteer-based) work to develop an initial version of the site, we received the go-ahead to use QGIS funds for this and put out a call in October 2023 for a company to support our work. This was ultimately won by Kontur.io, who, together with our volunteers, brought the work into high gear.
Initial analysis of the questions and actions to be quickly answered by qgis.orgGoal 1: Speak to a new audience
Our primary goal was to speak to a new audience. We are confident that QGIS can compete with all of the commercial vendors providing GIS software. We didn’t convey that well on our old website. We feel that QGIS was too apologetic in how it presented itself. We wanted a website which inspires confidence while addressing the needs of a corporate or organisational decision-maker who is looking at the QGIS project during their GIS software selection process.
The old website was very focused on the developer and contributor community. Obviously, those aspects are important since, without our fantastic community, the QGIS project would not exist. The messaging around open source is also important. Yet these ideas are secondary to the idea that QGIS is one of the best (if not the best) desktop GIS applications out there on the market – open-source or otherwise. We need to present it in this professional perspective.
So, the first goal was to change the messaging to focus on QGIS’s value proposition and take a very professional approach to presenting ourselves on the website.
User group and requirements analysis for the potential qgis.org visitorsGoal 2: Harmonisation
The second goal was to start the process of harmonising all of our website properties. QGIS.org, over the years, has built many different web properties. For example, there’s the plugins website, the feed, the changelog, the sustaining members website, the lessons website and the certification website, the new resources hub website, the API documentation, the user documentation, the user manual, the training manual, various other documentation efforts, and more. Some of those are combined in one application, There are also some less well-known resources, like our analytics.qgis.org and another one for plugin analytics. In short, we’ve a lot of resources!
With so many different web properties, they’ve devolved over time: each has its own look and feel, navigation approach and how you interact with it. Some of them were translated, and some of them were not. We want to harmonise all of these sites so that the user does not notice any change in user experience when they move from one QGIS-related site to another.
Goal 3: Harmonising deployment
In the underlying process of these changes, we’re also redeploying all of the websites on new servers, which are more up-to-date and use better security and maintenance practices. Plenty of work is happening in the background to ensure that all of the servers are in a better-maintained state, document how they’re maintained, and so on.
Goal 4: A hub and spokes
The objective of the new site design is to allow quick movement between the QGIS auxiliary sites. The QGIS.org site will form a hub that effortlessly takes visitors to whichever QGIS-related site they need to complete the task they are busy with. If you’re moving between these sites, the experience should be seamless. You should not really even be aware that you’re moving between different websites. Other than looking at the URL bar, the user presentation and experience should be harmonious between all of them.
One way we are planning to achieve this is to have a universal menu bar and footer. You will see that in the new website’s design, there is a menu bar across the top. This menu bar has two levels: the top menu and the second level, where the search bar is.
The universal menu barIn this second row, auxiliary sites will have their own sub-menu whilst keeping the shared top-level menu. So if you, for example, are moving around in plugins and want to review the plugin list or submit a new plugin, all of that navigation will be on the second line where the search bar is currently. Regardless of which subdomain you are on, the top-level menu bar will be the same, allowing you to easily navigate back to the hub or to another subdomain.
The footer will be unified and shared between all sites, and the cascading style sheets and styling will be unified across all of the QGIS websites.
In the next phase, we will work to achieve this coherence across all the websites, though we still have a few more tweaks to make to the qgis.org site first.
Goal 5: DOTDOTW – do one thing, do one thing well
We plan to break some auxiliary websites apart into separate pieces. So, for example, the changelog management, certification management, sustaining members management, and lessons management are all in one Django app. We will split them into small single-purpose applications using some common UX metaphors so that each is a standalone application that makes it easy for a potential contributor to understand everything the application does. This will also simplify management as we can upgrade each auxiliary site on separate development cycles. We will also finally have semantic URLs, e.g. certification.qgis.org, to take you to the different areas of interest on the site.
The plugins.qgis.org is also going to be refactored so that it just has plugins and not the resource sharing we’ve added in the last few years. The resource sharing will go into its own subdomain. Similarly, the Planet website will get split into its own website (the planet is a blog aggregator or RSS aggregator) that will be in its own managed instance. Some other components (like the analytics) are difficult to split out like this because they’re linked to the same database. We will try to make sure that those are more discoverable and theme them as much as possible to match the rest of the website experience.
Goal 7: Encapsulation
Another goal we had for the QGIS.org makeover was to make the site performant and self-contained. By self-contained, we mean that it should not ‘call’ out to CDN, Google or other platforms for resources like fonts, CSS frameworks, javascript libraries, etc. There were two reasons for this:
- These platforms often use such resources to track users as they move around the Internet, which we want to avoid as much as possible.
- We want to wholly manage our site, be able to fix any issues independently and generally follow a path of self-determination.
Our approach also facilitated the creation of a very performant website, as you can see here. We will try to adhere to these principles for the auxiliary site updates we do in the future, too.
What about translations?The question has come up: Why did we not want to translate the new QGIS.org when it was translated before?
Firstly, we should make it clear that we do not plan to remove translations from the user documentation, the user manual, and so on, where we think they have the most value.
For the main QGIS.org site, we question whether there is a high value in translating it. Here are some reasons why:
1. Lingua franca: If you are an IT manager in a non-English-speaking country and you want to evaluate some software, you’re going to run into a product page that presents itself in English – it is the norm for IT procurement to work in English for reviewing software products and so on.
2. Automation: Automated translations inside browsers are getting better and better. While these translations are still not completely adequate, we think they will be in one or two years’ time.
3. Translation integrity: Our pursuit of Goal 1 means that we would no longer find it acceptable to have partial website translations. We also need to ensure that the wording and phrasing are consistent with the English messaging. We also have concerns about the QA process regarding trust and review – we want to ensure that any translation truly reflects the meaning and intent of the original content and has not been adjusted during the translation process.
4. Cohesion: Our most important point is raised if we go back to this idea of cohesion between the different websites like QGIS.org, plugins.qgis.org and so on. As well as having the same styling, we also don’t want to switch between languages as you hop between the sites. We aim to present them all as one site. If we translate QGIS.org and then take you to our auxiliary sites, e.g., plugins.qgis.org, the feed, or certification pages, which are in English only, the experience is jarring.
So we must either translate everything into all of the same languages, or work in English. Translating everything is a mammoth task for the translators and for us to retrospectively add translation support to each platform. Thus, we prefer the approach of harmonising everything to one language and then focusing our translation efforts on three areas:
- The application itself,
- the user manual and
- the training manuals.
We can leave the rest of the experience in English and instead focus on harmonising, for now, both in terms of look and feel and the technology used.
When we consider everything as one big website and what the bigger plan is, it is hopefully clearer why we didn’t think translating the landing page and QGIS.org was the best approach.
Further funded workWe hope to use more QGIS funding to support this work in the future. We’re also hoping to work again with Kontur to start moving all these auxiliary sites into their own projects, applying our style guidelines to each. Independently of that, Tim (volunteer), Lova (QGIS funded), and others are already getting started with this process.
Helping outDo you have strong opinions about the website? Contact Tim on the PSC mailing list if you would like to get involved as a volunteer. We would love to hear from designers, word smiths, marketers, information architects, SEO specialists, web developers and those who think they can help us achieve our goals.
ConclusionWe hope our goals and process make sense for everybody and that we were able to lay out a clear, logical argument about why we don’t want to translate the new website quite yet. We want to focus on these overarching goals and then return to them later if they are still a priority for people. Everything we have built is Open Source and available at this repo, where you can also find an issue tracker to report issues and share ideas relating to the new website.
Thanks for reading. Go spatial without compromise
Cheers, Tim, Marco and Anita
SourcePole: Adding external WMS to the QGIS Cloud Web Map
sur Planet OSGeoThe use of WMS/WMTS layers in a QGIS Cloud map project can significantly degrade the performance of the map display. I have already discussed how to counter this problem in an earlier post. One of the solutions is to load external WMS as background layers. The problem with this approach, however, is that only one WMS background layer can be loaded at a time. If further WMS layers are to be loaded into the map at the same time, this approach cannot be used. -
Mappery: Wallpaper
sur Planet OSGeoChris Chambers shared this wallpaper.
MapsintheWild Wallpaper
Virtual Reality OpenStreetMap
sur Google Maps Maniaosm4vr is a virtual reality world built using OpenStreetMap map tiles and building footprints. Using osm4vr with a VR headset you can explore the world in virtual reality. Alternatively, if you don't have access to a headset you can simply fly around the world in your browser instead.Most of the 3d buildings are created using OSM building footprints with building heights, so the graphics can be
GeoServer Team: GeoServer 2024 Q3 Developer Update
sur Planet OSGeoThis is a follow up to 2024 roadmap post outlining development opportunities.
First of all thanks to developers and organisations that have responded with offers of in-kind contributions. This blog post is assessing current progress and outlines a way forward to complete the Java 17/Jakarta EE/Spring 6 upgrades.
This post highlights development activities that are available to be worked on today, along with interested developers and commercial support providers available to work on GeoServer roadmap items.
Spring Framework 6 TasksThe key challenge we are building towards is a spring-framework 6 update, ideally by the end of 2024 when the version we use now reaches end-of-life.
The tasks below are steps towards this goal.
Wicket 9 upgradeInterested Parties:
- Brad has been doing amazing work with the Wicket 9 upgrade and is in need of assistance.
- GeoCat has offered to do manual A/B testing when PR is ready for testing.
- [GEOS-11275] Wicket 9 upgrade
- geoserver#7154
Spring Security 5.8 provides a safe stepping stone ahead of the complete spring-framework 6 upgrade and is an activity that can be worked on immediately.
Interested parties:
- Andreas Watermeyer (ITS Digital Solutions) offered to work on this activity in during the initial January call out, and has indicated they are now ready to start.
- [GEOS-11271] Upgrade spring-security to 5.8
The spring-security-oauth client has reached end-of-life and a GeoServer OAuth2 support must be rewritten or migrated as a result.
There are two paths to migrate to spring-security-core implementation:
Option: Migrate the existing community module implementations to spring-security-core in place; with as little loss of functionality as possible. This has the advantage of using existing test coverage to maintain a consistent set of functionality during migration.
Option: Setup a community module alongside the existing implementation with the goal of making a full supported etension. This approach has the advantages of allowing organisations the ability to do A/B testing as both the old and new implementation would be available alongside each other. This has the advantage of allowing stakeholders to only fund, implement, test functionality as required without disrupting existing use.
Security integrations often require infrastructure to develop and test against, which the core GeoServer team does not have access to for automated tests. We would like to see organisations review their security integration requirements and be on hand to support this development activity.
The initial priority will support for OAuth2 and Open ID Connect (OIDC), parties interested in maintaining support for Google, GeoNode, GitHub are welcome to participate.
Interested Parties:
- Andreas Watermeyer (ITS Digital Solutions) offered to work on this activity, or test as needed.
- GeoCat is interested in this work also, with the goal of bringing the OIDC plugin up to full extension status (if financing is available).
Activity: not started
- [GEOS-11272] spring-security-oauth replacement, with spring-security 5.8
The image processing library used by GeoServer has been donated to the open source community under the name ImageN.
The immediate goal has been to add test cases to this codebase and make an ImageN 1.0 release. Andrea has come up with the amazing idea of integrating with JAI-Ext project immediately, to benefit from the improved operators, and jumpstart test coverage.
Interested Parties:
- Jody (GeoCat) is available to support this activity, or take lead if funding is available.
- Andrea (GeoSolutions) has had a deep dive into the implications for the JAI-EXT project outlining a roadmap for project integration
We would like to see organisations that depend on GeoServer for earth observation and imagery to step forward with funding for this activity.
2024 Financial support and sponsorshipThus far 2024 has not had a strong enough sponsorship response to support the project goals above. As a point of comparison we established a budget of $15,000 with OSGeo last year to take on an low-level API change that affected several projects.
This year GeoServer sponsorship has raised between $1,000 and $2,000 which is not enough to plan with or coordinate in-kind contributions offered thus far.
Jody has worked with the OSGeo board to make adjustments to the sponsorship:
- Guidance has been provided for appropriate sponsorship levels for individual consultants, small organisation, companies and public institutions of different sizes.
- There are clear examples of how to sponsor and donate, along with the the perks and publicity associated with financial support
- GeoServer has a new sponsorship page on our website collecting this information
- GeoServer now lists sponsors logos on our home page, alongside core contributors.
We would like to thank everyone who has responded thus far:
- Sponsors: How 2 Map, illustreets
- Individual Donations: Peter Rushforth, Marco Lucarelli, Gabriel Roldan, Jody Garnett, Manuel Timita, Andrea Aime
From GIS to Remote Sensing: Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin version 8.3 release date
sur Planet OSGeoThis post is to announce that the new version 8.3 of the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) for QGIS will be released the 3rd of August 2024.This new version will require the new version 0.4 of the Python processing framework Remotior Sensus, and will include several new features such as such as clustering, raster editing and raster zonal stats.
For any comment or question, join the Facebook group or GitHub discussions about the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin.
Mappery: Which projection is this?
sur Planet OSGeoI found this nice geo license plate walking by the River Thames. Very geo-nerdy. Happy Sunday!
MapsintheWild Which projection is this?
From GIS to Remote Sensing: Remotior Sensus Update: Version 0.4
sur Planet OSGeoI'm glad to announce the update of Remotior Sensus to version 0.4.This new version add several new features such as clustering, raster editing and raster zonal stats. Following the complete changelog:- Added tool "Band clustering" for unsupervised K-means classification of bandset
- Added tool "Raster edit" for direct editing of pixel values based on vector
- Added tool "Raster zonal stats" for calculating statistics of a raster intersecting a vector.
- Improved the NoData handling for multiprocess calculation
- In "Band clip", "Band dilation", "Band erosion", "Band sieve", "Band neighbor", "Band resample" added the option multiple_resolution to keep original resolution of individual rasters, or use the resolution of the first raster for all the bands
- In "Cross classification" fixed area based accuracy and added kappa hat metric
- In "Band combination" added option no_raster_output to avoid the creation of output raster, producing only the table of combinations
- In "Band calc" replaced nanpercentile with optimized calculation function
- Improved extraction of ROIs in "Band classification"
- Minor bug fixing and removed Requests dependency
Mappery: Corsica
sur Planet OSGeoThis charcuterie platter is in Corsica’s shape.
MapsintheWild Corsica
10 Million Street Views
sur Google Maps ManiaStreet-level imagery such as Google Maps Street View panoramas has become a pivotal resource for many researchers as it can provide a unique perspective on built environments. The ability to access and analyse comprehensive street-level imagery provides researchers with a powerful tool for exploring and understanding urban environments. Accessing comprehensive street level imagery at
GeoNode: Docs For Devs
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Docs For Devs -
GeoNode: Translate
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Translate -
GeoNode: Improve
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Improve -
GeoNode: Future
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Future -
GeoNode: Patches
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Patches -
GeoNode: Contribute
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Contribute -
GeoNode: Extend
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Extend -
GeoNode: Arch
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Arch -
GeoNode: Testing
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Testing -
GeoNode: Env Dev
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Env Dev -
GeoNode: Management Commands
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Management Commands -
GeoNode: Backups
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Backups -
GeoNode: Other Languages
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Other Languages -
GeoNode: Ssl
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Ssl -
GeoNode: Troubleshoot
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Troubleshoot -
GeoNode: Customize Geonode
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Customize Geonode -
GeoNode: Production Geonode
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Production Geonode -
GeoNode: Install Geonode
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Install Geonode -
GeoNode: Share Map
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Share Map -
GeoNode: Find Map
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Find Map -
GeoNode: Create Map
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Create Map -
GeoNode: Add Data
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Add Data -
GeoNode: New Account
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: New Account -
GeoNode: Tutorials
sur Planet OSGeoGeoNode: Tutorials -
GeoTools Team: GeoTools 31.3 released
sur Planet OSGeo GeoTools 31.3 released The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of the latest maintenance version of GeoTools 31.3: geotools-31.3-bin.zip geotools-31.3-doc.zip geotools-31.3-userguide.zip geotools-31.3-project.zip This release is also available from the OSGeo Maven Repository and is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.25.3 We -
Adam Steer: Mapping a small farm part 3: using an aerial orthophoto
sur Planet OSGeoPart 1 of this series looked at how to fly drones and collect imagery for mapping over a small property. Part 2 showed use cases for a digital elevation model. This story focusses on the georeferenced imagery produced in the process. It will look at three use cases – and explain some of the limitations:… Read More »Mapping a small farm part 3: using an aerial orthophoto
30 Days of Crashes in New York City
sur Google Maps ManiaBetween June 16th and July 15th, 149 people were injured by cars in the planned New York congestion zone and 4 people were killed.At the beginning of June New York Governor Kathy Hochul canceled New York City’s planned congestion zone. Under the planned congestion zone vehicles traveling into or within the central business district of Manhattan would have been charged a fee. In response to
Mappery: Armchair
sur Planet OSGeoIt is a bit unusual, but we found this one on LinkedIn. Chris Chambers received this armchair as a birthday gift.
MapsintheWild Armchair
Camptocamp: Optimizing Trail Management: Mergin Maps for Greater Annecy
sur Planet OSGeoPièce jointe: [télécharger]
Grand Annecy turned to Camptocamp to find the tool best suited to their needs.
The 2024 European Election Map
sur Google Maps ManiaZeit has created an interactive map which visualizes the results in the 2024 European Union elections in 83,000 municipalities. The map in Explore Europe's Most Detailed Electoral Map colors each electoral area in Europe based on the politics of the leading candidate in the election.The map allows you to compare the 2024 European Union election results with the results from 2014 and 2019. By
SIG Libre Uruguay: Va una más…
sur Planet OSGeo -
gvSIG Batoví: edición 2024 del concurso: Proyectos de Geografía con estudiantes y gvSIG Batoví
sur Planet OSGeoHabiendo finalizado con éxito la etapa de capacitación de la iniciativa Geoalfabetización mediante la utilización de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica, lanzamos la convocatoria a participar de la edición 2024 del concurso: Proyectos de Geografía con estudiantes y gvSIG Batoví. Organizan Ceibal, la Dirección Nacional de Topografía del Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas (MTOP), la Inspección Nacional de Geografía y Geología de la Dirección General de Educación Secundaria (DGES), junto con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Pueden acceder aquí a la convocatoria y bases.
Este año contamos con la colaboración de la Dirección General de Educación Técnica Profesional (DGETP), la Asociación Nacional de Profesores de Geografía (ANPG) y la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (Cuba).
Agradecemos el apoyo de todas las instituciones que hacen posible la realización de esta propuesta.
Mappery: The Cure for Anything is Salt Water
sur Planet OSGeoDarrell Fuhriman sent me these pics from the Salt Pub in Ilwaco, Washington.
“They decorated with old nautical charts, including a lamp shade and wallpaper on the stairs and entryway. “
The stairs reference a quote by author Isak Dinesen. “The cure for anything is salt water — sweat, tears, or the sea.”
MapsintheWild The Cure for Anything is Salt Water
Battles of World War II & American Wars
sur Google Maps ManiaHistoryMaps has been very busy in the last few weeks, releasing new interactive maps visualizing the:Battles of World War IIBattles of the American RevolutionBattles of the American Civil War Nono Umasy's HistoryMaps website is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in world history, offering hundreds of interactive timelines and maps that explore historical events across the scope of
GeoSolutions: FOSS4G North America: GeoSolutions Sponsoring FOSS4GNA – Workshops, and Presentations
sur Planet OSGeoYou must be logged into the site to view this content.
Mappery: Origin of the Species
sur Planet OSGeoReinder took this pic in a neighbourhood orchard “. along the river Saône in Lyon, named after a local heroine Mere Guy”
“In the 2nd arrondissement, the orchard created at Place Général Delfosse was named in honor of Mere Guy. A pioneer of the Meres de Lyon, she opened her restaurant in 1759 on the banks of the Rhône at Mulatière. She serves fish provided by her husband, a traditional fisherman, including her signature dish: eel matelote.” (Apologies for my translation)
[https:]The map shows the origins of the various species in the orchard
MapsintheWild Origin of the Species
Your Urban Heat Island Score
sur Google Maps ManiaClimate Central has mapped out the urban heat island hot-spots in 65 major U.S. cities. Each city map on Climate Central's Urban Heat Hot Spots shows an Urban Heat Island (UHI) Index score for each census tract, revealing where UHI boosts temperatures the most and least in each city.As well as providing individual UHI maps for 65 cities Climate Central has also released a national interactive
Adam Steer: Mapping a small farm part 2: microhydrology
sur Planet OSGeoThis is the first sequel to Mapping a small farm part 1. To summarise the first story, it walks through flight planning and practice, then data processing to get some first cut products, and a bit of mapping to show ideas about how accurate we think the product is. The products we’re interested in now… Read More »Mapping a small farm part 2: microhydrology -
Ian Turton's Blog: Adding a spell check to QGIS
sur Planet OSGeoAdding a Spell Check to QGIS(Or what to do on a rainy bank holiday in Glasgow)
This Monday was a local bank holiday in Glasgow (or at least the university) as a remnant of when the whole town took a train to Blackpool in the same two weeks so that the ship builders and steel works could stop in a coordinated fashion. As is required in the UK the weather was awful so I stayed in and being bored looked at my long list of possible projects. I picked one that has been kicking around on the list for a while adding a spell checker for QGIS. As a dyslexic I have spell checking turned on in nearly every program I enter text into including
and my browser. So I have always felt that what QGIS really needed was a way to spell check maps before I printed them at A3 and put them on the wall.Back in 2019 North Road wrote a iblog post about custom layout checks and ended it with a throw away comment “It’d even be possible to hook into one of the available Python spell checking libraries to write a spelling check!”. I came across this when I was trying to see if there was an easy way for my students (many of whom have English as a second language) to avoid handing in projects with glaring (i.e. I can see them) spelling errors in the title. So I stuck the link on my backlog, until the proverbial rainy day came along.
ImplementationObviously I’m the last person who should be allowed to write spell checking software, but the joy of open source is that for things like this someone else has almost certainly already done it. So a quick duck-duck-go found me installing
which seemed like it would do what I want. It has a pretty easy interface in that once you’ve created a spell checker object, you can just pass in a list of words and it will return a list of (probably) misspelled words and a method to give the most likely correction and another method to give you list of other possibilities. Armed with this I could create a method to find and check all the text elements of a print layout.@check.register(type=QgsAbstractValidityCheck.TypeLayoutCheck) def layout_check_spelling(context, feedback): layout = context.layout results = [] checker = SpellChecker() for i in layout.items(): if isinstance(i, QgsLayoutItemLabel): text = i.currentText() tokens = [word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in text.split()] misspelled = checker.unknown(tokens) for word in misspelled: res = QgsValidityCheckResult() res.type = QgsValidityCheckResult.Warning res.title = 'Spelling Error?' template = f""" <strong>'{word}</strong>' may be misspelled, would '<strong>{checker.correction(word)}</strong>' be a better choice? """ possibles = checker.candidates(word) if len(possibles) > 1: template += """ Or one of:<br/> <ul> """ for t in possibles: template += f"<li>{t}</li>\n" template += '</ul>' res.detailedDescription = template results.append(res) return results
And in theory, that was that! But I’m pretty sure that my students (and everyone else) probably didn’t want to cut and paste that into the console every time they wanted to spell check a map. So, I looked at how to package this up for QGIS. I built a plugin (using the plugin builder tool), but then things got a little tricky as I can’t see any way for a plugin to add itself to the print layout rather than the main QGIS window (please let me know if it is possible), and it seemed unintuitive to make people press a button in one window to effect another one, besides the whole point of being a
was that the method is automatically run on print. So I didn’t need most of the plugin code or did I? On further thought I did, there is a need for some GUI as the user can pick which language they want to use in the spell check.pyspellcheck
can spell check English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Basque, Latvian and Dutch (so if those are your language then please test this for me). I also thought that providing the option to supply a different to the default personal dictionary might be useful. So that made use of the dialog that pops up when you hit the plugin.But it turns out you can’t register a class method as as a
since it gets confused when QGIS calls it later. So I had to move my checker method outside the plugin class. But then I couldn’t access the language and dictionary that was set in the GUI! Some more searching gave me the following code:_instance = plugins['qgis-spellcheck'] checker = _instance.checker
Whereby I can pull out the named plugin and grab it’s spell checker, which was created in the plugin’s
Future Work__init__
method. I seem to have a small issue that the user’s profile is not set when that runs which messes up where the personal dictionary is put (again if you know how to fix this let me know).Ideally, I’d like the spell checker to scan and highlight the text in the boxes as I typed but I fear that is beyond my understanding of the QGIS/Qt interface. Next highest on my wish list is for the list of spelling issues to be non-modal so I can cut and paste fixes into the text box, rather than having to memorise the correct spelling, close the window and then type it in (again answers on a github issue).
I’m sure all sorts of things will come up once people start using it, so as usual issues and PRs are welcome at [https:]
Mappery: Mitchell Library, Sydney
sur Planet OSGeoAnother one from Anna Barca
“From the map room in First floor in the Mitchell Library building in the State Library of Sydney. I love looking at those historical art works and think about how maps were made in “the old days” and what was then the focus of the drawings.” (Me too!)
MapsintheWild Mitchell Library, Sydney
Trains, Balloons and Automobiles
sur Google Maps ManiaI have died and arrived in train spotting heaven.The Train Positions map combines a live real-time map of Dutch trains with the locations of traffic webcams. The result is that you can track the positions of trains in real-time and actually see them pass locations on live webcams.Unfortunately a lot of the webcams featured in the Train Positions map are currently offline or have poor views of
QGIS Blog: Plugin Update – June, 2024
sur Planet OSGeoIn the month of June, 23 new plugins were published in the QGIS plugin repository.
Here follows the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions catches your attention, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below:
Heritage Inventory Digitally register, manage, and visualise heritage resource data with this inventory worksheet plugin. Commuting Analysis This plugin analysis and visualises commuting data. Supervised Classifier A plugin to classify selected raster file with reference Field Stats This plugin calculates basic stats, graph histogram and boxplot Curvilinear Coordinator Plugin for river data conversion from Cartesian to curvilinear orthogonal system Konwerter PL-ETRF2000 PL-2000 Konwerter wspó?rz?dnych punktu uk?adu PL-ETRF2000 do uk?adu PL-2000 EIS QGIS Plugin Comprehensive mineral prospectivity mapping and analysis framework mgwr_plugin A QGIS plugin for Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) D2S Browser This plugin allows you to browse your data on a D2S instance. WAsP scripting Scripts for fetching, creating and saving WAsP map files CSMap Plugin DEM?GeoTIFF???CS????????QGIS???????? Fast Line Density Analysis A fast line density visualization plugin for geospatial analytics Unsupervised Classifier Plugin for unsupervised classification of satellite images BathyFlowDEM Anisotropic interpolation for bathymetric data Hankaku Converter This plug-in converts string attribute values to full-width (Zenkaku) and half-width (Hankaku) characters to each other. Spot Height Extractor This plugin extracts spot heights from an elevation model. Power Clipboard Plugin to easy copy/zoom to XY/YX coords. Pan Europeo Ponders very large and distinct rasters with different utility functions trainminator2 Plugin de labellisation ?????(DigitalTwin) QGIS plugin for DigitalTwin Band Stacker A plugin to stack bands from selected raster layers Georeferencer Extension Extension to the Raster Georeferencer Plugin CartoGrapher This plugin provides commonly used methods to produce a generalized map.