Functional Program Index

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File name Program Description Ver./Date License
CLRQRIES.ZIP Close all open queries 1.3 / 5.00 Freeware
COLORFUN.ZIP Exploring MapInfo color potentials 1.0 / 10.97 Freeware
FLECHE01.ZIP A font-full-of-arrows 1.0 Freeware
PADICON.ZIP Displays icons available in MapBasic 1.0 / 11.97 Freeware
PADICON.ZIP Présente les icones disponibles en MapBasic (menus bilingues) 1.0 / 11.97 Freeware
REG_RAST11.ZIP Registering raster images 1.1 / 06.99 Freeware
VU_BOUNDS11.ZIP Finds the minimum common bounds to tables in mapper 1.1 / 06.99 Unregistered (shareware)
VUSYMB.ZIP Visualization and printing of symbol sets 3.0 / 11.96 Freeware
WINDOSIZ11.ZIP Displays dimensions of document window 1.1 / 06.99 Freeware
WORINTER.ZIP Makes sure that all Table open... end with INTERACTIVE 1.4 / 5.00 Freeware
ZOOMSEL.ZIP Zooms on a selection and + 1.4 / 5.00 Freeware


File name Program Description Ver./Date License
CONVBNDS11.ZIP Convert bounds/units 1.1 / 06.99 Unregistered (shareware)
CUTPLINE.ZIP Splits pline in two at selected node 1.4 / 5.00 Freeware
EXPLOLIN.ZIP Explodes multi-segment plines in one-segment objects 1.3 / 5.00 Freeware
EXPLOREG14.ZIP Explodes multi-polygon regions in one-polygon objects 1.4 / 6.00 Freeware
EXPLOREG14.ZIP Explose régions multi-polygonales en objets d'un seul polygone 1.4 / 6.00 Freeware
PLIN2REG10.ZIP Converts all lines/plines into regions using region names 1.0 / 06.99 Unregistered (shareware)
POLYNODE11.ZIP Finds for each node the number of polygons they belong to 1.1 / 06.99 Freeware
REG2PLIN31.ZIP Converts regions to unique single-section-polyline borders 3.1 / 06.99 Unregistered (shareware)
SKIM.ZIP Deletes duplicate objects 1.0 / 06.99 Freeware
SKIMALL11.ZIP Finds records that are judged identical 1.1 / 06.99 Unregistered (shareware)


File name Program Description Ver./Date License
GRATIC12.ZIP Graticule maker 1.2 / 06.99 Freeware
LAYSCALE21.ZIP Scalebar in a Layout window 2.1 / 06.99 Freeware
RESIZMAP10.ZIP Resizes mapper window 1.0 / 06.99 Freeware


File name Program Description Ver./Date License
CELLMAP.ZIP Create, refine and load Cell Maps 1.0 / 10.98 Commercial
GRADARRO.ZIP Graduated arrows 1.0 / 04.98 Commercial
HALFBUFF14b.ZIP Creates buffers on one side of any line/polyline 1.4 / 12.00 Unregistered (shareware)
SLOPESTI.ZIP Slope estimator 1.0 / 04.98 Commercial


File name Program Description Ver./Date License
COASTS2.ZIP MI Converters of coastline data 1.0 / 08.97 Freeware
CRUS2MI.EXE Converts CRUSTY files to MapInfo (in COASTS2.ZIP) 2.0 / 08.97 Freeware
FHA2MI2.ZIP Converts FHA CD files "National Highway Planning Network" 2.0 / 11.95 Commercial
FHA2MIR2.ZIP Converts FHA CD files "National Highway Planning Network" 2.0 / 11.95 Reduced capacity
GENA2MI2.EXE Converts files created by ArcInfo UnGenerate (in COASTS2.ZIP) 2.0 / 08.97 Freeware
GLOB2MI1.ZIP MI Converter of "GLOBE" CD-ROM files release 0.5 1.0 / 08.97 Commercial
GLOB2MR1.ZIP Reduced capacity of GLOB2MI1 1.0 / 08.97 Reduced capacity
GPW2MI.ZIP Converts "Gridded Population of the World" files 1.0 / 06.96 Commercial
GPW2MIR.ZIP Reduced capacity of GPW2MI 1.0 / 06.96 Reduced capacity
XYZ4MI.ZIP Transforms files between MapInfo and Visual Explorer 1.0 / 09.97 Commercial
XYZ4MI.ZIP Convertit les fichiers de MapInfo à Visual Explorer et vice versa (Option: menus en français) 1.0 / 09.97 Commercial
XYZ4MRC.ZIP Reduced capacity of XYZ4MI 1.0 / 09.97 Reduced capacity
XYZ4MRC.ZIP Ver./Date à capacité réduite de XYZ4MI 1.0 / 09.97 Reduced capacity