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    3530 éléments (3 non lus) dans 55 canaux

    Planet Geospatial -

    • sur The Other Airstream Bench Seat Gets New Fabric (Finally!)

      Publié: 2 November 2013, 6:01am CET par Aluminum Loaf

      I've had one last Airstream fabric project hanging over my head for quite some time: covering the bench seat that Badger sits on. I've had the fabric for months and months, but was squeamish about sewing around all those curves and corners. Today, in a period of just over an hour, I did the entire project from start to finish. Months and months of avoidance and it only took me an hour and twelve minutes! That'll teach me to procrastinate (*grumble*).

      So ... here's what it looks like now: Awesome!


      I had already covered or removed all of the other unfortunate blue-and-white-striped fabric in the Airstream, and replaced the (dare I say awful?) palm-tree curtains with new white ones, but this project eluded me. I dislike that stripey fabric so much that I had even kept a piece of black fabric draped over the seat in question for the past few months just so I didn't need to look at it. But then, because husband is away for many months, somehow various projects got assigned to The Bench where they languished ... but in a fit of cleaning and reörganizing over the past few days, I cleaned them all off and away. Then I could see those blasted stripes again, and the ridiculous blue bolsters. Arrrrgh! So today was the day.

      Here's what I started with:


      Just pulling the cushion off made me happy. I had previously removed the television that used to be on that wall but didn't want to cut any of the cables, so that's the steampunkish cable hanging down there (it just tucks in behind the cushion).


      Managing this huge piece of fabric in limited space was difficult, but I was determined to get this DONE!


      And wrapping the cushion was unruly to say the least. Yes, it's all one big thing all stitched together which makes for easier management while snapped into the seat (it isn't always sliding all over the place), but it made a more difficult sewing project for me.


      I made it up as I went along, and with each seam I sewed, I refitted the whole thing back over the cushion and replaced it in the space so I didn't make too many mistakes in a row. Corners had to be tucked in and sewn ... 


      I even cut all five slits for the snaps right the very first time (three above and two anchored below). Yay me! (Very lucky me!)


      I couldn't be happier with the result. It will make me smile multiple times every day for probably a month or more.


      I hope you enjoy your new seat Badger. I'll show it to Makeshift if he ever gets out of bed, LOL!
