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    3900 éléments (80 non lus) dans 55 canaux

    Dans la presse Dans la presse

    Géomatique anglophone

    • 11:25

      Is Light Pollution Getting Better?

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 3:58

      BostonGIS: PostGIS Day 2023 Summary

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 19:50

      GeoTools Team: State of GeoTools 30.1

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:49

      The Origin of Country Names

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:20

      Historical Sanborn Maps of America

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 1:00

      Camptocamp: Innovations and Standards in Geospatial

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 12:36

      Jorge Sanz: MSF Mapathon at Universitat de València

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 12:36

      Jorge Sanz: MSF Mapathon at Universitat de València

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:30

      Jackie Ng: Announcing: mapguide-rest 1.0 RC6

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:12

      Global Heating

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 1:00

      MapTiler: GeoCamp ES 2023

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 1:00

      MapTiler: GeoCamp ES 2023

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 15:50

      From GIS to Remote Sensing: Tutorial: Using Remotior Sensus in Copernicus JupyterLab

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 14:31

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: Mapping Neo4j spatial nodes with GeoPandas

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 0:19

      Sean Gillies: 2024 Bear 100 registration

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 15:54

      From GIS to Remote Sensing: Tutorial: Random Forest Classification Using Remotior Sensus

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:44

      QGIS Blog: Plugin Update Sept-Nov 2023

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:06

      Sea Level Rise Maps

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:21

      The Live Music Mapping Project

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 18:39

      How OGC Contributes to FAIR Geospatial Data

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 10:24

      The Most Popular Music in Your Town

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 1:00

      GeoServer Team: GeoServer installation methods on Windows

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:34

      Locking Up Louisiana

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 1:30

      The Live Amtrak Train Map

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 1:06

      GeoTools Team: GeoTools 30.1 released

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 22:31

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: Setting up a graph db using GTFS data & Neo4J

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 18:49

      gvSIG Team: Taller gratuito sobre “Introducción a gvSIG”, con la versión 2.6 y su nuevo juego de iconos en las 19as Jornadas gvSIG

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:20

      The World as 1000 People

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:37

      The World's Largest Snow Dome

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 18:47

      KAN T&IT Blog: Destacada participación de Julia Martinuzzi y Walter Shilman en el Side Event de UN-GGIM Américas

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:30

      Global Sentiment Towards Israel & Palestine

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 15:00

      OGC Compliance Certification now available for the GeoPose 1.0 Data Exchange Standard

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 11:25

      gvSIG Team: El Proyecto GVSIG, impulsado por la Generalitat Valenciana y la Asociación GVSIG, galardonado como mejor proyecto de software de Europa en los OSOR Awards

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:24

      gvSIG Team: The GVSIG Project, driven by the Generalitat Valenciana and the GVSIG Association, awarded as the best software project in Europe at the OSOR Awards

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 8:22

      America is a Jigsaw

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:32

      Where Your Food Comes From

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 7:37

      America's Changing Plant Hardiness Zones

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:26

      Alternatives to Google Maps Street View

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 3:50

      Sean Gillies: Bear 100 retro

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 1:41

      Sean Gillies: Status update

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 1:00

      PostGIS Development: PostGIS Patch Releases

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:17

      Introducing the Sunderland Collection

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 13:00

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: Adding basemaps to PyQGIS maps

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 12:20

      Mapping Damage in Gaza

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 11:06

      The Rise & Fall of National Rail Networks

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:00

      Lutra consulting: 3D Tiles in QGIS

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 19:16

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: MovingPandas v0.17 released!

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 15:09

      OGC India Forum 2023: Key Highlights from Hyderabad

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 10:02

      Wednesday Night is Game Night

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 16:27

      Markus Neteler: Translating Open Source Software with Weblate: A GRASS GIS Case Study

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:14

      Ten Years of Global Marine Traffic

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:15

      Standing on Top of the World

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 3:01

      Sean Gillies: Wellsville fall colors

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:54

      The Spanish Wealth Divide

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 1:00

      Ian Turton's Blog: Is GeoJSON a spatial data format?

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 21:04

      KAN T&IT Blog: Simplificá tu Análisis Geoespacial con KICa, el Innovador Plugin de QGIS para acceder a catálogos de Imágenes

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 19:03

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: Bringing QGIS maps into Jupyter notebooks

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:08

      Peering into the Heart of Darkness

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 14:31

      How Long Will You Live?

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:29

      Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:12

      GRASS GIS: Apply Now for Student Grants

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 15:00

      OGC and Joint Research Centre renew Collaboration Agreement to enhance Geospatial Standards

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 9:11

      Dutchify Your Street

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 17:14

      SIG Libre Uruguay: web gratuito «Asociación con EOS Data Analytics: Ventajas de su red de socios y soporte».

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:20

      The Interactive Pathfinding Map

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 18:41

      SIG Libre Uruguay: Tercera edición del curso online gratuito del BID: Cartografía y Geografía Estadística

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:11

      Redesigning the World's Transit Maps

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 22:17

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: Exploring a hierarchical graph-based model for mobility data representation and analysis

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 16:10

      From GIS to Remote Sensing: Downloading free satellite images using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin: the Download product tab

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:07

      QGIS Blog: QGIS 3.34 Prizren is released!

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:12

      A Map of the World That Is Gone

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 14:00

      Climate, Disaster, and Emergency Communities invited to Innovation Days 2023

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 9:24

      Star-Gazing Hotels

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:08

      135,000 Years of Changing Sea Levels

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 8:32

      Mapping the Oct 7 Hamas Attacks

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 15:39

      The Spookiest Places in the USA

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:01

      GeoTools Team: GeoTools 29.3 released

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 1:04

      Halloween's Most Haunted Places

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 14:00

      OGC Compliance Certification Available for v2.0 of the Web Processing Service (WPS) Standard

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 13:47

      Markus Neteler: GRASS GIS 8.3.1 released

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 13:03

      Oslandia: QField 3.0 release : field mapping app, based on QGIS

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 12:59

      gvSIG Team: 19th International gvSIG Conference: Communication proposals submission is open

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:20

      gvSIG Team: 19as Jornadas Internacionales de gvSIG: abierto el periodo de envío de propuestas de comunicación

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 8:44

      The Little Free Library World Map

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:07

      The World Map of Podcasts

      sur Google Maps Mania