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    3531 éléments (4 non lus) dans 55 canaux

    Google Maps Mania

    • sur Tracking American Spies in Germany

      Publié: 24 July 2024, 8:24am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Bayerischer Rundfunk and netzpolitik have carried out a joint investigation into how our location data is for sale across the world. These days nearly everyone voluntarily carries around their own personal tracking device in the form of a smartphone. These devices record our movements all day long. What most people don't know is that their location data is openly being sold by global data
    • sur The Retro Gamer's Map

      Publié: 23 July 2024, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Retro.Directory is an interactive map which shows the locations of venues related to retro gaming. These include gaming museums, arcades, cafes, bars, clubs and repair services. The map is designed to help retro gaming enthusiasts discover retro-themed locations nearby and around the world.I am so old that I can actually remember a time before computer games. I can remember the amazing
    • sur Virtual Reality OpenStreetMap

      Publié: 22 July 2024, 8:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      osm4vr is a virtual reality world built using OpenStreetMap map tiles and building footprints. Using osm4vr with a VR headset you can explore the world in virtual reality. Alternatively, if you don't have access to a headset you can simply fly around the world in your browser instead.Most of the 3d buildings are created using OSM building footprints with building heights, so the graphics can be
    • sur 10 Million Street Views

      Publié: 20 July 2024, 9:01am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Street-level imagery such as Google Maps Street View panoramas has become a pivotal resource for many researchers as it can provide a unique perspective on built environments. The ability to access and analyse comprehensive street-level imagery provides researchers with a powerful tool for exploring and understanding urban environments. Accessing comprehensive street level imagery at
    • sur 30 Days of Crashes in New York City

      Publié: 19 July 2024, 11:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Between June 16th and July 15th, 149 people were injured by cars in the planned New York congestion zone and 4 people were killed.At the beginning of June New York Governor Kathy Hochul canceled New York City’s planned congestion zone. Under the planned congestion zone vehicles traveling into or within the central business district of Manhattan would have been charged a fee. In response to
    • sur The 2024 European Election Map

      Publié: 18 July 2024, 10:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Zeit has created an interactive map which visualizes the results in the 2024 European Union elections in 83,000 municipalities. The map in Explore Europe's Most Detailed Electoral Map colors each electoral area in Europe based on the politics of the leading candidate in the election.The map allows you to compare the 2024 European Union election results with the results from 2014 and 2019. By
    • sur Battles of World War II & American Wars

      Publié: 17 July 2024, 10:29am CEST par Keir Clarke
      HistoryMaps has been very busy in the last few weeks, releasing new interactive maps visualizing the:Battles of World War IIBattles of the American RevolutionBattles of the American Civil War Nono Umasy's HistoryMaps website is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in world history, offering hundreds of interactive timelines and maps that explore historical events across the scope of
    • sur Your Urban Heat Island Score

      Publié: 16 July 2024, 8:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Climate Central has mapped out the urban heat island hot-spots in 65 major U.S. cities. Each city map on Climate Central's Urban Heat Hot Spots shows an Urban Heat Island (UHI) Index score for each census tract, revealing where UHI boosts temperatures the most and least in each city.As well as providing individual UHI maps for 65 cities Climate Central has also released a national interactive
    • sur Trains, Balloons and Automobiles

      Publié: 15 July 2024, 8:16am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I have died and arrived in train spotting heaven.The Train Positions map combines a live real-time map of Dutch trains with the locations of traffic webcams. The result is that you can track the positions of trains in real-time and actually see them pass locations on live webcams.Unfortunately a lot of the webcams featured in the Train Positions map are currently offline or have poor views of
    • sur The D-Day Map Room

      Publié: 13 July 2024, 8:42am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Map Room at Southwick House in Portsmouth was where Allied Supreme Commander General Eisenhower and General Montgomery spent much of early 1944 planning for D-Day. The walls of the Map Room were hung with huge maps of the English Channel. Maps that are still in place in the Map Room at Southwick House to this day.In particular one wall of the Map Room is covered by a very large map of
    • sur Your Future Climate Twin

      Publié: 12 July 2024, 11:22am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you want to know how climate change will affect New York City in 60 years time you just need to travel to Arkansas today. In the town of Ola, Arkansas you can experience today the climate that New York is expected to have in 2080, when summer temperatures will be 12.1°F warmer and 5.3% wetter.The concept of climate analogs is often used in climate science to describe a location whose current
    • sur Europeans Profiting from American Deaths

      Publié: 11 July 2024, 8:55am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Around a third of the guns used in mass shootings in the United States were manufactured in Europe. In European Weapons, American Victims the German newspaper Tagesspiegel investigates how German and Austrian arms manufacturers are profiting from exploiting America's love affair with guns.Guns are the major cause of children's deaths in the United States, ahead of both traffic accidents and
    • sur John Snow's Proximity Mapping

      Publié: 10 July 2024, 4:07pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      I've probably seen over 100 modern interactive visualizations of John Snow's famous map of cholera victims during the 1854 cholera outbreak in Soho. John Snow's map shows the locations of cholera deaths clustered around a water pump in Broad Street. The map helped to disprove the prevailing miasma theory on the spread of diseases and establish that cholera was actually spread by contaminated
    • sur AI Satellite Search

      Publié: 9 July 2024, 9:15am CEST par Keir Clarke
      boats identified by AIIn recent years machine learning and artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we analyze the world from above. The ability to automatically detect and identify objects in satellite images has unlocked a myriad of possibilities, including monitoring deforestation, tracking wildlife, and enhancing disaster response.Some recent examples of machine learning being used
    • sur France Defeats the Far-Right

      Publié: 8 July 2024, 10:17am CEST par Keir Clarke
      first round (left) and second round (right) election resultsThe left of center New Popular Front has emerged as the most popular party after France's second round of voting in its national parliamentary election. Le Pen's National Rally party has fallen from its first round triumph to a third placed position, behind both the New Popular Front and President Macron's center-right coalition. 
    • sur The Car Free Cities Atlas

      Publié: 6 July 2024, 9:41am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The cyclists of Helsinki have the best access to protected bike lanes of any citizens in the world. 94% of people in the city live within 300m of a protected bikeway. This means that Helsinki scores number one out of the 1095 cities ranked in the Atlas of Sustainable City Transport.The new Atlas of Sustainable City Transport ranks and maps cities around the world based on how easy
    • sur 2024 UK Election Maps

      Publié: 5 July 2024, 8:58am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Labour Party has swept to power in the UK and the ruling Conservative Party has lost over half of their seats. At the time of writing the new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has 410 seats in the new government (with 11 seats to declare). This means that he has won well over the 326 seats needed to form a majority government.The BBC election map includes a cartogram view which does a very good
    • sur The Riskiest Places to Live in America

      Publié: 4 July 2024, 8:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Los Angeles County is a dangerous place to live. According to the National Risk Index the residents of Los Angeles County are more likely to suffer from a natural hazard than anywhere else in the United States. The residents of Los Angeles County are more likely to experience an earthquake than any other US location. They also have one of the highest chances of experiencing a landslide and
    • sur Climate Change by Electoral District

      Publié: 3 July 2024, 9:59am CEST par Keir Clarke
      With the UK on the eve of a general election one political issue that has been conspicuous by its absence during the election campaign is climate change. I don't blame the political parties themselves too much for this. They spend a fortune on opinion polls and focus groups. Presumably they therefore know that the voting public are not concerned by climate change.They should be!A new map from
    • sur Tory Candidates Violently Attacked

      Publié: 2 July 2024, 8:45am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Election riot on 26 June 1865 in NottinghamDisturbing reports of violence, carried out by supporters of the Liberal Party, have been reported across the whole of the UK. In Shoreham a gang of 300 Liberal supporters attacked poll clerks. In Grantham Liberals set polling booths on fire. In Alfreton a crowd of thousands attacked properties 'associated with Conservatives'.These acts of electoral
    • sur France Surrenders to Facism

      Publié: 1 July 2024, 10:41am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The far-right National Rally has won 33% of the vote in the first round of France's parliamentary elections. You can view the results in each constituency in Le Monde's French elections: Map of the first round's results.Le Monde's map is a sea of brown, revealing that the National Rally has managed to become the most popular party in electoral districts across the whole country. There is a
    • sur The 2024 UK General Election Map

      Publié: 29 June 2024, 9:53am CEST par Keir Clarke
      2024 is a year of elections. Next Thursday it is the turn of the UK to go to the polls. Which means next Friday Maps Mania will be featuring a number of interactive maps, visualizing the collapse of the governing Conservative Party's vote.According to the latest opinion polls the Tories could be heading for a loss that might almost rival the collapse of the Canadian Conservative Party in the
    • sur 1000+ Streets Called Washington

      Publié: 28 June 2024, 10:22am CEST par Keir Clarke
      George Washington has more streets named after him in America than any other person in history. There are 1,399 streets named for the Founding Father in the United States, including George Washington Memorial Parkway in Washington DC and a number of Washington Streets in the state of Washington.At the other end of the scale Babe Ruth has only 3 U.S. streets named in his honor. There are 11
    • sur Where Immigrants are Settling

      Publié: 27 June 2024, 8:21am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Washington Post has used immigrant court records from the last ten years to map out where migrants are settling in the United States. The data comes from immigration courts, which are responsible for adjudicating immigration cases. In 4.1 million migrants: Where they’re from, where they live in the U.S. the Post claims that this is "the most detailed publicly available information showing
    • sur The New Nuclear Arms Race

      Publié: 26 June 2024, 9:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      As several countries actively expand their arsenals of nuclear weapons, Sweden's SVT has released an investigation into World Nuclear Forces. In recent years, China, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea have all augmented their nuclear stockpiles. In World Nuclear Forces SVT examines the numbers of nuclear weapons owned by countries around the world and the overall and
    • sur Who is Your Closest Team?

      Publié: 25 June 2024, 10:05am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you have ever wondered which baseball team you should support then you need Maptitude's Closest Major or Minor League Baseball Stadium by Drive Time map. The map shows you which affiliated major or minor baseball stadium you can drive to in the quickest time in the contiguous United States.The map is a sort of combination of a voronoi diagram and an isochrone map. However,
    • sur The Dawn Chorus Map of Birds

      Publié: 24 June 2024, 9:01am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Each and every morning birds around the world herald the start of a new day by participating in the dawn chorus. While the aural phenomenon of birds singing at dawn is a global one the songs of the dawn chorus can vary greatly depending on where you live and on the make-up of your local avian population. Now, thanks to a new(ish) interactive map, you can tune into this morning serenade at
    • sur Find Your Future Climate Zone

      Publié: 22 June 2024, 9:48am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In fifty years time Los Angeles will no longer be in a temperate climate zone. As a result of climate change the climate in LA in 2070 will closely resemble the climate of New Delhi today. The average temperature will increase from 59.8°F to 65.2°F and LA can expect hot and arid summers.You can discover if your city will be changing climate zones in the near future (it will) on The Pudding's
    • sur The Newest Maps of Mars - in 3D

      Publié: 21 June 2024, 9:43am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences has released a 3D interactive map of Mars, using imagery captured from the Tianwen-1 interplanetary mission. The Gras Mars Map allows you to explore Mars using the navigation tools that you are familiar with using from exploring Earth on Google Maps.The Gras Mars Map uses imagery captured by the 2020 China National Space
    • sur The Worldwide Breaking News Map

      Publié: 20 June 2024, 9:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      You can now explore breaking global news stories in real-time on a new interactive map. The Global Alerts Map highlights breaking news stories around the world. Using the map you can filter stories by category, and read the latest news updates. From major political developments to natural disasters, with just a few clicks, you can zoom into any region or country of the world, and read the
    • sur Mapping the Big Map Index

      Publié: 19 June 2024, 10:21am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Economist's Big Mac Index compares the purchasing power parity between the currencies of different countries by examining the price of a Big Mac hamburger sold at McDonalds' restaurants in each country. The Index "is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity, the notion that in the long run exchange rates should move towards the rate that would equalize the prices of an identical
    • sur Where Mountains Rise From Oceans

      Publié: 18 June 2024, 10:18am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Last year PeakJut invented the Jut Score in order to rank mountains based on how sharply they rise above their surroundings. Now they have introduced a new OceanJut score - a unique method of measuring where land most dramatically rises from the ocean around the world.The OceanJut interactive map allows you to see how quickly and dramatically the land rises from the sea all around the globe. In
    • sur Guess This City 2.0

      Publié: 17 June 2024, 8:01pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      My daily map challenge game Guess This City has now been updated to provide a number of clues which should help you identify each day's new location. At the same time the cities which you have to identify have become a bit more obscure.Thanks to Map Channels the game now uses a json feed for each day's map. I think Map Channels realized that the daily scores I was posting to X weren't exactly
    • sur Today's Global Heating Forecast

      Publié: 17 June 2024, 7:49am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Global average temperatures in May broke all previous records. It was the 12th consecutive month in which global temperatures reached a record high. Every three months Climate Central publishes a seasonal analysis of how temperatures around the world have been changed by global heating. Their latest report People Exposed to Climate Change: March-May 2024 confirms that from 'March 2024 to
    • sur Some More Maps of Sounds

      Publié: 15 June 2024, 8:21am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Yesterday Hacker News featured a thread on Sounds of the Forest, an interactive map of sound recordings made in forests around the world. Also linked in the Hacker News thread was the wonderful Radio Aporee, which, like Sounds of the Forest, has featured on Maps Mania before. Also mentioned in the thread were two interactive sound maps which I haven't seen (or heard) before.Audiomapa
    • sur The New Medieval Map of London

      Publié: 14 June 2024, 10:23am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Historic Towns Trust has created a modern map of Medieval London. The map depicts London as it existed at the end of the 13th Century using modern mapping techniques. The map is based on archaeological and historical records. You can explore an interactive version of the Medieval London map on Layers of London (check the 'Use this overlay' box and then zoom in on the City of
    • sur Mapping the Census

      Publié: 13 June 2024, 8:55am CEST par Keir Clarke
      percentage of 0-14 year olds Jacob Weinbren has released an interactive map which allows you to explore data from the 2021 Canadian census by location. Using the map you can view the demographic and economic make-up of towns and cities across the whole of the country using over 2,500 different census variables. The Canadian Census map colors individual building footprints based on the
    • sur The Treats of San Francisco

      Publié: 12 June 2024, 9:13am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The California Migration Museum is celebrating one of the wonderful benefits of living in a multi-cultural city with a new interactive map of San Francisco’s food scene. Melting Spots: An Immigrant Map of San Francisco Food showcases some of the many immigrant-inspired dishes in the city which have added richer flavors to the city's food scene.Did you know, for example, that the Mai Tai, the
    • sur Out of Africa - The Story of Human Migration

      Publié: 11 June 2024, 1:30am CEST par Keir Clarke
      History Maps has created an interactive map showing the locations of the earliest human fossils found around the world. Early Homo Sapiens Fossil Sites uses data from Wikipedia's List of human evolution fossils to show the locations of the earliest 'notable finds of hominin fossils and remains relating to human evolution'.The fossil sites shown on the map can be filtered using the
    • sur The Lost Pathfinder Game

      Publié: 10 June 2024, 7:50am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Lost Pathfinder is a new online game which requires players to connect a path from one side of map to the other.At the beginning of each round of The Lost Pathfinder you are presented with an isometric grid on which all the road tiles have been mixed up. All you have to do is to rearrange the road tiles in order to complete a path from one side of the map to the other. To help you restore
    • sur The Vespa Map of Rome

      Publié: 8 June 2024, 9:59am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This is yet another map I discovered via the ever fascinating Web Curios, which is a weekly roundup of interesting things found online (very often with an AI bent). This week Web Curios reviewed Dolce Activation, 'a very content-lite website' but one in which you get to drive 'A TINY VESPA AROUND ROME!!!'In truth Dolce Activation is little more than a marketing campaign for Dolce and Gabbana
    • sur Every Ship Sunk in WWII

      Publié: 7 June 2024, 7:51am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Over the course of the Second World War more than 20,000 ships were sunk around the world. Esri's Paul Heersink has spent the last ten years scouring historical records to create and map the 'most comprehensive dataset' of ships sunk in WWII.Resurfacing the Past is a fascinating story map which not only visualizes where Allied and Axis ships were lost in WWII, it also explores the WWII sunken
    • sur The Sound of the City

      Publié: 6 June 2024, 8:44am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Every city in the world has a unique sound. On Sonicity that unique sound is generated by each city's map. Select a city on Sonicity (currently limited to 10 global cities) and you can listen to its map being played by various instruments. To be honest I have no idea what is going on here. The only info that Sonicity provides is that 'Each city has its own unique geographical data. These
    • sur The Warlord Map Game

      Publié: 5 June 2024, 8:43am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Are you ready to conquer Europe in a battle of Computer Classic Warlord? In this game of military conquest only the strongest survive. So get ready to engage in a thrilling battle of supremacy to take over the entire map of Europe.Readers of a certain age may remember the board-game The Warlord. The Warlord is a 1970's game of nuclear conquest, in which players attempt to conquer countries
    • sur Indian Election Maps

      Publié: 4 June 2024, 9:26am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Counting is now underway of the votes in the world's largest election. Over 642 million people are expected to have voted in the 2024 Indian General Election, the result of which will be declared today (June 4th). Based on the earliest results it appears that current prime minister Narendra Modi is likely to keep his job, but that his party, the BJP, will win less seats than in 2019.The Times
    • sur Find Your Nearest Hurricane

      Publié: 3 June 2024, 8:36am CEST par Keir Clarke
      As this year's hurricane season gets underway StarNews has released an interactive map which allows you to see how many tropical storms have passed near your home since 1851. Enter your address into the Hurricanes that passed near me map and you can view the tracks of all the hurricanes and tropical storms that have occurred near your home since the middle of the 19th Century. The StarNews
    • sur The 46 States of America & Each State Flower

      Publié: 2 June 2024, 10:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Close-up of the Flying Donkey map game Yesterday I had a lot of fun browsing through the Osher Map Library. The Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, at the University of Southern Maine has a wonderful collection of vintage maps. Many of which you can view online.There are lots of curiosities in the collection, including the Flying Donkey Game, Yaggy's Nature in
    • sur Earth Nose Game Champion 2024

      Publié: 31 May 2024, 2:59pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      Welcome to the 2024 Earth Nose Game World Championship! This year's event promises to be the most exciting and innovative yet, as players from around the globe gather to showcase their unique skills and compete for the coveted title of World Earth Nose Champion. Players in this year's competition will have to be at the very top of their nasal game as the 2024 Nose Game World Championship
    • sur Map Disco 2000

      Publié: 30 May 2024, 6:05pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      Apropos of nothing I present to you my Dancing Polygons!This afternoon I asked ChatGPT to help me create interactive polygons from an isometric grid that I had created using turf.js. I wanted to give a click event to each diamond polygon shape in the isometric grid. However ChatGPT had other ideas and instead decided to create a series of irregular polygon shapes by connecting random
    • sur Are these are the safest streets in the world?

      Publié: 30 May 2024, 8:05am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Vision Zero is a global strategy aimed at eliminating all traffic fatalities. It is a vision built on the principle that the loss of life from road traffic accidents is unacceptable and preventable. Unfortunately many people believe that achieving zero road fatalities is impossible, especially in urban environments. The DEKRA Vision Zero Map not only shows that the Vision Zero goal is
    • sur The Loss of the Great American Grasslands

      Publié: 29 May 2024, 8:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Act for Grasslands. have teamed up to map the loss of grasslands in the United States. Over 2 million acres of American grasslands are lost on average every year. The result of which has a devastating effect on American wildlife. Using historical satellite records Map for Grasslands has tracked grassland loss in the USA over the last 30 years. By
    • sur The Death of Japantown

      Publié: 28 May 2024, 10:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I'm a little late to this one but last month the San Francisco Chronicle published a superb story map documenting the effect of America's internment of Japanese American citizens in World War II on San Francisco's Japantown District.Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This order led to the forced removal and
    • sur The Journey of a Vampire

      Publié: 27 May 2024, 8:53am CEST par Keir Clarke
      On a dark night in July, 1893, Count Dracula embarked on a long, secret journey from Transylvania aboard the ill-fated ship Demeter. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting crew of the Demeter, a malevolent force lay hidden in the ship's hold—a coffin filled with the cursed soil of Dracula's homeland, concealing the vampire lord himself.By the time the Demeter's ghostly silhouette loomed over the
    • sur Old Maps Online

      Publié: 25 May 2024, 10:06am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Old Maps Online, MapTiler and the David Rumsey Map collection have launched, a new interactive world map which allows you to explore the history of human civilization over the last 6,000 years. TimeMap promises to throw open the doors to the past, allowing you to explore bygone eras, trace the shifting boundaries of nations, encounter history's most powerful figures, and witness the
    • sur Guess This City - Daily Challenge

      Publié: 23 May 2024, 7:55am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Unveil the World with 'Guess This City': A New Daily Map-Based GameGet ready to embark on a new global adventure from the comfort of your home with the launch of 'Guess This City,' a new daily map-based game. Every day brings a new test of your geographical knowledge and deduction skills as you are challenged to identify hidden cities by revealing parts of a map, one click at a time.Discover
    • sur It's War on the Streets of Paris

      Publié: 22 May 2024, 8:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Une Histoire de Rue is a new interactive map which explores the connections between Paris street names and military history. Around 15% of Paris' streets have names which are related to battles, soldiers and/or resistance fighters. This new interactive map allows you to quickly see the extent to which military history is reflected and commemorated in the names of Paris' roads.On the map streets
    • sur 99 Red Balloons Go By

      Publié: 21 May 2024, 8:11am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Reuters reports that since December China has sent more than 100 balloons over Taiwan, often passing through air corridors used by civilian aircraft. It is unknown what the balloons are being used for, they could be weather balloons, but many suspect that they are being used to spy on Taiwan.You may remember that in February last year many Americans became enraged by the presence of a Chinese
    • sur Spreading Love & Peace in Nutopia

      Publié: 20 May 2024, 11:13am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Nutopia is a conceptual country which was created by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1973 as a form of artistic expression and social commentary. Nutopia was created to be a utopian country with no land, no borders, and no passports, symbolizing an idea of peace and global citizenship.The country of Nutopia has a white flag, symbolizing its surrender to peace, and its national anthem is a few
    • sur Man Made Star Signs

      Publié: 18 May 2024, 9:27am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Space Trash Signs has hit upon a novel and fascinating way of visualizing the problems of space pollution. According to NASA there are around 9,000 tonnes of debris now floating around Earth at speeds of up to 25,000 km an hour. Space Trash Signs uses this debris to create new astronomical constellations or 'star signs'.In 1978 NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler published a paper which
    • sur Segregation in the U.S.

      Publié: 17 May 2024, 7:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Stanford University's Segregation Explorer visualizes the levels of segregation between schools and school districts in the United States. Developed by the Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University, this new interactive map shows the levels of segregation across various regions, including states, metropolitan areas, school districts, and neighborhoods.The new map includes
    • sur Warmer Stripes for 2023

      Publié: 16 May 2024, 8:45am CEST par Keir Clarke
      average global temperatures since 1850 Ed Hawkins' Warming Stripes visualization has now been updated to include 2023. Last year was the warmest year since accurate global records began. Globally the average temperature was 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This means that your local warming stripes will probably now end with a very dark maroon colored stripe
    • sur Is Europe Ready to Burn?

      Publié: 15 May 2024, 9:17am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This week Spanish news site El Diario wondered if Europe was ready for megafires. One of the most noticeable consequences of global heating over the last few years has been the increase in large wild fires across the world. In Megafires Burn Europe El Diario has mapped out all the wildfires in Europe this century which have burnt an area of more than 500 hectares. Two accompanying
    • sur Welcome To Your New Gardening Zone

      Publié: 14 May 2024, 10:44am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In November of last year the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated the US plant hardiness map based on the latest weather data (1991–2020). The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is a tool which is designed to help gardeners determine which plants are most likely to thrive in their location. The USDA map is divided into 13 zones based on average coldest temperatures. Zone 1 is
    • sur Can You Draw America?

      Publié: 13 May 2024, 9:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This morning I discovered that my geographical knowledge of the United States is ten times worse than I previously thought. Judging by my attempts to draw the outlines of all 50 states onto a blank map of the U.S. my application to the American Geographical Society is probably going to be summarily rejected.Regular readers of Maps Mania (yes both of you) may remember that in March I posted a
    • sur Active Video

      Publié: 11 May 2024, 9:52am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Glen Chiacchier has devised an interactive mapped, timeline for the American civil rights documentary Eyes on the Prize. His 'active video' of Eyes on the Prize turns what might otherwise be a passive viewing exercise into an active learning experience by providing viewers with the opportunity to browse the documentary by date and location. The civil rights documentary Eyes on the Prize
    • sur The Secret Life of Bridges

      Publié: 10 May 2024, 9:57am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This amazing animated map visualization shows the cumulative growth of bridges in the U.S. since 1800. The map reveals the development of mass transport over the last two centuries and the enormous role that bridges play in the U.S. economy. The animation is just one of a number of impressive mapped visualizations in Esri's Secret Life of Bridges. The Secret Life of Bridges is an Esri story-map
    • sur Virtual Road Trips

      Publié: 9 May 2024, 9:46am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This summer why not go on that huge cross-country road-trip that you've always dreamed of undertaking? The great American Road Trip is a call to freedom. It is a chance to craft your own adventure while witnessing the vast beauty and the diversity of landscapes that America has to offer. Whether you crave the thrill of the Pacific Coast Highway or the charm of Route 66, a road-trip promises
    • sur The Future of Street View

      Publié: 8 May 2024, 3:41pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      In 2007 Google began adding 360 degree panoramic images to Google Maps. It is no exaggeration to say that the introduction of Street View revolutionized online mapping. Now users could not only zoom into their neighborhoods in satellite view but they could also virtually explore their area in Street View.It is almost impossible to predict the next major revolution in online mapping. For a
    • sur Hexagen World

      Publié: 6 May 2024, 9:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Hexagen World is a game world generated by players using AI prompts. The game is similar to the popular r/Place project. However in Hexagen World instead of users adding one pixel to a collaborative image they can add AI generated hexagon tiles to a world map.Register with Hexagen World and you can add your own hexagons to the map. Just click on a blank hexagon and enter an AI prompt to
    • sur 540 Million Years of Planet Earth

      Publié: 4 May 2024, 11:48am CEST par Keir Clarke
      540 million years ago the Earth's climate was very different from how it is today. During the Cambrian period global temperatures were warmer than they are now. It is believed there were no polar icecaps and there was likely to have been high levels of precipitation and humidity over much of the planet. Of course our world hasn't always been so warm. The last Ice Age was during the 
    • sur The 2024 World Press Freedom Rankings

      Publié: 3 May 2024, 10:01am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has released its annual World Press Freedom Index report. The 2024 report analyses and maps the levels of press freedom in countries around the world. The map ranks the level of press freedom in countries based on five different indicators. Norway, Denmark and Sweden respectively lead the 2024 rankings. The United States has fallen to 55th overall. Once seen as a
    • sur Whose Plaque is it Anyway?

      Publié: 2 May 2024, 11:48am CEST par Keir Clarke
      For over 20 years I've wondered what the text on this plaque in East London actually says. This morning I finally decided to explore a few memorial interactive maps to see if I could discover why this bridge over Bow Creek has a plaque, and what the text on the plaque actually says. I thought it might also be a good opportunity to provide a little round-up of the growing number of memorial
    • sur The Global Inflation Tracker

      Publié: 1 May 2024, 10:08am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Council on Foreign Relations new Global Inflation Tracker provides an intriguing guide to trends in prices across the world since the 1990s. On the map almost 200 countries around the world are colored to show their year-over-year rate of inflation (the darker the color the higher the rate of inflation).If you animate through the data on the map it is striking how stable inflation rates in
    • sur Live From Space

      Publié: 30 April 2024, 9:49am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The 3D ISS Tracker shows the position of the International Space Station above the Earth in real-time. It also shows a stunning live HD view of Earth as seen and broadcast from the ISS. The position of the ISS is indicated by the little yellow dot slowly circling the Earth If you zoom out on the globe you can also view the current positions of the sun and moon. The cloud layer shown on
    • sur Weather or Not

      Publié: 29 April 2024, 8:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Do you dream of the perfect vacation weather? Sunshine on the beach, crisp mountain air, or vibrant fall foliage?  Imagine a tool that helps you find the ideal destination for your desired climate, anywhere in the country and for any month of the year.  This is the promise of Weather or Not, a new interactive map that leverages average weather data to recommend the best time to travel
    • sur The US Heat Risk Map

      Publié: 27 April 2024, 10:53am CEST par Keir Clarke
      A new interactive map has been released to help warn Americans of extreme temperatures. The new HeatRisk map provides a weekly forecast of the lower 48 states showing where temperatures may be high enough to harm people's health.On the HeatRisk map areas are colored to show the forecast risks of extreme heat, using a color ramp that proceeds from green (little or no risk) to magenta (rare and/
    • sur ? of Rafah’s Buildings Destroyed

      Publié: 19 April 2024, 7:18am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Bloomberg has analysed satellite imagery of the Palestinian city of Rafah and determined that Israel has damaged or destroyed about 32% of the region's buildings.In How the Israel-Hamas War has Reshaped Rafah in Gaza Bloomberg presents a satellite image of the Palestinian city. As you scroll through the article a layer is superimposed on top of this satellite view to show buildings which have
    • sur The American Home Values Map

      Publié: 18 April 2024, 9:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Home Values in America is a dot density map showing the self-reported value of homes across the whole United States.The map shows home values across the United States using data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2018-2022  American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS  is a large-scale survey that gathers information about the American population every year.The colored dots on the map
    • sur The 2024 Cicadapocalypse

      Publié: 17 April 2024, 9:21am CEST par Keir Clarke
      2024 is set to see the emergence of two large periodical cicada broods. Both Brood XIX (13-year cicada) and Brood XIII (17-year cicada), are expected to emerge together in 2024 for the first time since 1803. This double emergence has been nicknamed a "cicada-geddon" by some.Periodical cicadas are native to eastern North America. They spend most of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding
    • sur Backdrop - the Ultimate Challenge

      Publié: 16 April 2024, 6:30am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Backdrop Backdrop is a map based game which is somewhat similar to the very popular GeoGuessr game. However in Backdrop instead of Google Maps Street View images you have to identify the locations depicted in famous paintings by some of history's greatest artists.In GeoGuessr you can stroll around in Street View to pick-up clues as to the location that you have been dropped in. In Backdrop if
    • sur Spikkin Scots

      Publié: 16 April 2024, 2:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Shetland Dialect map allows you to listen to examples of the Shetland Dialect spoken across the Shetland Isles. The Shetland Isles are the northernmost region of the United Kingdom, Shetland, positioned between Orkney, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. Due to the isolated geography of the Shetland Isles the Shetland dialect (also called Shetlandic or auld Shetland) has continued to
    • sur GeoGuessr for Art

      Publié: 15 April 2024, 8:09am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Calling all art sleuths and geography buffs! There's a new game in town that will test your knowledge of both the artistic and the actual world. Buckle up, because Backdrop is here to take you on a virtual journey through the works of the world's most famous artists.Inspired by the wildly popular GeoGuessr, Backdrop throws you into the heart of stunning landscapes and iconic cityscapes, all
    • sur The AI Music Map

      Publié: 13 April 2024, 10:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Over the last few days my Twitter feed has been lit up by people sharing the songs that they have created on Udio. For the one or two cave dwellers out there who have only just installed spelunking wi-fi, Udio is an AI-powered music generation tool which allows users to create songs from a text prompt. The tool allows you to create tunes with customized lyrics, vocal styles, and musical
    • sur The 2024 Submarine Cable Map

      Publié: 12 April 2024, 8:36am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Every year the telecommunications company Telegeography releases a new, updated version of its Submarine Cable map. This map shows all the undersea telecommunication cables which carry data around the world.The 2024 Submarine Cable Map is now available. Subsea cables carry telecommunication signals under the oceans, communicating information between different countries and regions of the
    • sur Mapping Conflicts Around the World

      Publié: 11 April 2024, 2:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In 2024 the specter of military conflicts haunts the world. Israel is engaged in conflict in Gaza, Russia continues its illegal invasion of Ukraine and the Syrian civil war is now in its thirteenth year. It should be a matter of extreme shame that there are so many organizations who feel the need to publish interactive maps dedicated to tracking the progress of military action around the globe.
    • sur Canada's Hidden Subterranean Rivers

      Publié: 10 April 2024, 10:35am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Canadian cities, like many cities around the world, have a history of hiding waterways underground. As cities grow rivers can become obstacles to the movement of people, can be seen as wasted real-estate, and historically (when cities had poor sanitation) they often became open sewers. For these reasons cities often culvert and divert rivers underground.In Discover Where Ancient Rivers Flow CBC
    • sur 15 Minute US Cities

      Publié: 9 April 2024, 9:59am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The idea of the 15 Minute City is that urban living is much more enjoyable and sustainable when all our essential needs are close by. These essential needs include such things as grocery stores, health care facilities, cultural attractions, transit stops, educational facilities and leisure activities. Individuals living in a 15 Minute neighborhood should be able to access all these essential
    • sur Live from the Sundhnúkur Eruption

      Publié: 8 April 2024, 9:08am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland has been experiencing a period of heightened volcanic activity since December 2023. This follows an increase in seismic activity that began in late 2019. The most recent eruption started on March 16th in Sundhnúkur near the town of Grindavík.You can view a live webcam of volcanic activity in Sundhnúkur on Live from Iceland.  This webcam shows a live
    • sur The D-Day Memorial Map

      Publié: 6 April 2024, 8:52am CEST par Keir Clarke
      KilRoyTrip is an interactive map of World War II memorials in Normandy. It provides a fantastic guide to anyone visiting the region who is interested in the D-Day landings and the liberation of France.The Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day Tuesday, 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history. On D-Day the Allied forces from the United States, Britain, Canada, and other countries
    • sur The US Foreign Assistance Map

      Publié: 5 April 2024, 11:16am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The US government's Foreign Assistance website provides detailed information and data on U.S. foreign assistance programs. The website serves as a central platform for transparency and accountability in U.S. foreign aid efforts. It also provides a fascinating insight into the shifting geo-political ambitions of the United States over the last 75 years.The Foreign Assistance Dashboard reveals
    • sur The Drug Map of Europe

      Publié: 4 April 2024, 8:49am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Cocaine use has been increasing rapidly in Europe over the last seven years. Europeans are also taking more MDMA and ketamine. Every year the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) undertakes an annual wastewater drug survey in order to evaluate trends in the consumption of 'recreational' drugs. By analyzing residues of different recreational drugs in sewage the EMCDDA
    • sur Four Free Alternatives to GeoGuessr

      Publié: 3 April 2024, 10:58am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I am a huge fan of GeoGuessr, but unfortunately without becoming a paid subscriber it is now a very limited game. I don't blame GeoGuessr for developing its subscription model. The Google Maps API isn't cheap and I'm sure Google sends GeoGuesssr huge invoices every month. However that does mean there is a huge potential market for a free Street View game. A market that OpenGuessr now hopes to
    • sur Playing Placename Detective

      Publié: 2 April 2024, 10:09am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The British Placenames Mapper is an interactive map which allows you to search for patterns in British placenames. The map uses 'regular expressions' to find defined text patterns within placenames. These text patterns could be prefixes used at the beginning of a name (eg 'Great' or 'Little'), suffixes used at the end of a name (eg 'ford' or 'mouth'), or even patterns that occur anywhere within a
    • sur Highly Artificial Locations

      Publié: 1 April 2024, 1:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Today, a revolutionary new AI-powered map has been released that goes beyond traditional navigation. The new map-based search engine Highly Artificial Locations leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to transform how users experience and interact with the world around them.Highly Artificial Locations is more than just a map; it’s an intelligent companion that empowers users to explore
    • sur The Easter Bunny's Egg-cellent Adventure

      Publié: 30 March 2024, 11:14am CET par Keir Clarke
      This year the Easter Bunny has been on a whirlwind world tour, hopping from continent to continent and hiding eggs in some of the most amazing places on Earth! Take part in the world's largest egg hunt today by visiting the Tripgeo Global Egg Hunt.Are you ready to undertake a global egg hunt? If so grab your basket and get ready to embark on a virtual adventure of some of the world's most
    • sur The Islamic State Attack Map

      Publié: 29 March 2024, 9:57am CET par Keir Clarke
      In the last 12 months the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for 1,121 attacks around the world. Just last week the terrorist organization claimed that four of its members carried out the attack on concert goers at the Crocus City Hall, Moscow, leaving over one hundred people dead.The Islamic State Worldwide Activity Map is attempting to track IS's global activity and to make this
    • sur The SpaceX Starlink Map

      Publié: 28 March 2024, 10:13am CET par Keir Clarke
      StarLinkMap is a new real-time animated map of the 5,601 satellites currently orbiting the Earth as part of Starlink's huge satellite internet constellation. Starlink's megaconstellation of satellites, built and operated by SpaceX, provides high-speed broadband to even the most remote corners of the globe. Launched in 2019, Starlink boasts over 5,000 satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), and
    • sur Mapping SpaceTime

      Publié: 26 March 2024, 9:37am CET par Keir Clarke
      I recently stumbled upon Time Map, an interactive map which attempts to show points of interest around a location by walking time. Enter a location into the Time Map and a venue category (eg pizza restaurants) and the map will display a series of concentric circles around your location, each of which represents a minute of walking time. All the nearby points of interest are overlaid on top
    • sur The World Air Quality Report 2023

      Publié: 25 March 2024, 9:29am CET par Keir Clarke
      IQAir has released its annual World Air Quality Report. The 2023 report reveals that last year only seven countries met the World Health Organizations' PM2.5 air pollution guideline.The IQAir Annual World Air Quality Report is a yearly analysis of global air quality, compiled by the Swiss air quality monitoring firm IQAir. The report gathers data on PM2.5 (which is particulate matter with a
    • sur The Future for Trees

      Publié: 23 March 2024, 10:09am CET par Keir Clarke
      Like many people a few years ago I realized that not only is climate change happening but that human beings as a species are doing next to nothing to prevent its escalation. I do believe that the worst excesses of climate change are still preventable. I just see very little evidence that we are making the changes necessary to stop global heating, or even slow our ever increasing rush towards