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    3531 éléments (4 non lus) dans 55 canaux

    Google Maps Mania

    • sur The Spookiest Places in the USA

      Publié: 31 October 2023, 3:39pm CET par Keir Clarke
      The United States is a very scary country. The Scariest Place Names in the US is an interactive map which plots some of the most frightening sounding locations across America. You've probably already heard of the towns of Hell in Michigan and Tombstone, Arizona. But have you heard of Transylvania, Louisiana and Slaughter Beach, Delaware. You can find many, many more spooky sounding locations on
    • sur Halloween's Most Haunted Places

      Publié: 31 October 2023, 1:04am CET par Keir Clarke
      There are many haunted locations that you might want to visit (or avoid) on this All Hallows' Eve. Mashed World has released an interactive map which maps haunted locations across the world identified by the ChatGPT AI.Haunted Locations plots 37 locations in countries around the globe. These haunted locations include the Tower of London (the site of many historical executions), Bran Castle (
    • sur The Little Free Library World Map

      Publié: 30 October 2023, 8:44am CET par Keir Clarke
      I shall be eternally grateful to my local community's book sharing box. As an avid reader being able to borrow and read secondhand books during lock-down kept me from becoming completely stir crazy. Since lock-down my nearest book-sharing box has almost fallen into disuse. Which is why I'm delighted to have found the Little Free Library World Map.The Little Free Library World Map is an
    • sur The World Map of Podcasts

      Publié: 28 October 2023, 10:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      MapsFM is an interactive map which can help you find and listen to podcasts produced around the world. Listening to location based podcasts could be a great way to learn more about a planned travel destination or even to learn more about your local neighborhood or town. Now you can easily find and listen to location based podcasts by using the MapsFM map of the podcast world.Simply share your
    • sur 3D Middle-earth

      Publié: 27 October 2023, 10:44am CEST par Keir Clarke
      You can now explore the fantasy world of J.R.R Tolkein on a three dimensional globe. The Middle-earth 3D Map is a wonderful interactive map of the lands of the Shire, Mordor, Rohan and Gondor. A map that allows you to soar over the Misty Mountains, gaze upon the White City of Minas Tirith, and wander through the ancient forests of Lothlórien in a way that has never been possible before.Unlike
    • sur Why the Spanish Like Vertical Living

      Publié: 26 October 2023, 10:38am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Spaniards like living in apartments. In fact Spain has one of the highest percentages of apartment dwellers in the world. Only in South Korea do more people live in collective dwellings. There are historical reasons why so many Spaniards live in apartment buildings. You can learn more about the historical causes of Spain's vertical living in El Diario's story map Spain lives in flats: why we
    • sur How to Avoid a Train Wreck

      Publié: 25 October 2023, 9:26am CEST par Keir Clarke
      A very simple chart designed by a French railway engineer in the 19th Century has helped save millions of lives. Charles Ibry's train schedule, originally developed to timetable and schedule trains on the Paris - Le Havre line, is an extremely effective tool for timetabling and visualizing train traffic on a railway line. Perhaps most importantly it provides railway companies with a powerful
    • sur The London Tube Memory Game

      Publié: 24 October 2023, 9:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I think I've started a new mapping trend. At the beginning of October I released my TubeQuiz map. Since then I have spotted three other new map games which also require players to name all the stations on the London Underground network. The latest incarnation of a London Underground station memory game is I Know The Tube. I Know The Tube follows the now well known format of a map memory
    • sur Mapping the Brussels Terrorist Attack

      Publié: 23 October 2023, 9:47am CEST par Keir Clarke
      On the evening of Monday October 16, a man drew a gun and opened fire on Swedish football fans in the streets of Brussels. The terrorist attack left two people dead and one injured. The suspect, Abdesalem Lassoued, fled the scene. Soon after the shooting a video was posted on social media in which Abdesalem claimed responsibility for the attack. The next morning the terrorist was tracked down,
    • sur Mapping the Growth of America

      Publié: 21 October 2023, 11:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This animated map shows the growth of built-up areas in San Francisco from 1860-1930. It visualizes the rapid growth of the city following the California gold rush in the second half of the 19th Century.This animated GIF was made using the interactive map Historical Built-Up Areas, 1810 - 2015. This amazing map uses data from the HISDAC-US: Historical Settlement Data Compilation for the United
    • sur Ephemeral Tweets

      Publié: 20 October 2023, 3:54pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      Musing appears to be an ephemeral version of Twitter. You might well argue that under Elon Musk the social media site 'X' itself appears to be disappearing into the ether at an alarming rate. But when I say that Musing is an ephemeral social media platform I mean that the social media messages themselves are short-lived, not the platform itself.Confused? Well don't be. Just open the Musing
    • sur The Rising Risks of Wildfire

      Publié: 19 October 2023, 10:11am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Global heating has doubled the area of Europe which has a very high risk of wildfire. Civio has mapped the Copernicus Climate Change Service's meteorological forest fire risk index for every year since 1971. The map shows that The territory of Europe at high risk of fires has doubled in the last 50 years. Europeans living in the Canary Isles, Greece, Sicily and the Algarve - which all
    • sur The 2023 Polish Election

      Publié: 18 October 2023, 9:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Sunday's Parliamentary Election in Poland saw the far-right PIS party win the most seats (194 seats) in the new parliament. However the opposition parties, consisting of the Civic Coalition (157 seats), Third Way (65 seats), and The Left (26 seats) achieved a combined share of 54% of the vote and are expected to now form a coalition government.Thanks to the growing trend among newspapers to
    • sur The Working Class History Map

      Publié: 17 October 2023, 9:11am CEST par Keir Clarke
      History is written by the victors. Which may be why the ruling classes, composed as they are by the wealthy and powerful, have always been more interested in promoting their own history and perspectives than in giving a voice to the lives and achievements of the working class. As a result our history lessons and textbooks always focus on the exploits of kings, politicians, and other elite
    • sur AI Geography Quizzes

      Publié: 16 October 2023, 8:41am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Do you know which ancient civilization created the earliest known map of the world? If you do then you might be able to beat Mashed Word's History of Maps quiz.  Mashed World has developed a number of online quizzes (including one on the History of Maps) which have all been written by the ChatGPT AI. To create each quiz Mashed World gives ChatGPT an input in this general format:Create a quiz
    • sur Tokyo Live

      Publié: 14 October 2023, 11:42am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Tokyo Live is an amazing real-time animated map of the trains on Tokyo's rapid transit and metro networks. The map allows you to track and watch in real-time all of Tokyo's trains as they navigate and move around the city. All on top of an impressive 3D map of Tokyo. I can't help thinking that Tokyo Live was probably inspired by the equally impressive Mini Tokyo 3D, which is a 3D animated map
    • sur Intelligent Directions

      Publié: 13 October 2023, 8:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Fuzzy Maps is a new interactive map which uses AI to provide intelligent walking, cycling or driving directions. Unlike directions in Google Maps you can ask Fuzzy Maps to provide you with directions which include custom conditions or requirements.Fuzzy Maps provides a number of example searches that you might want to use, such as: Bike directions to a nearby history museum, avoid going over
    • sur The Hezbollah Map

      Publié: 12 October 2023, 9:44am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Washington Institute's Lebanese Hezbollah is an interactive map dedicated to tracking the activities of the Islamist political party and militant group Hezbollah around the world. The purpose of the map is to serve as a repository of open-source information about Hezbollah’s global activities. The map is also intended to shed light "on the full geographic and temporal range of Hezbollah
    • sur Mapping the Causes of Haze

      Publié: 11 October 2023, 9:55am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Straits Times has published a fantastic visualization of how burning peatlands in Indonesia can lead to hazy conditions and dangerous air pollution in Singapore. In Why the Haze has Reached Singapore's Shores Again the Straits Times has created a stunning computer simulation of the 2019 haze which affected Singapore. The simulation uses an animated smoke layer to illustrate how burning
    • sur Guess Thy Neighbor

      Publié: 9 October 2023, 10:42pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      Can you name the four countries which border Greece? If you can then you should head straight over to Neighborle.Each day on Neighborle you are shown a different country on an interactive map. Your daily challenge is to name all the countries which border that day's highlighted country. Every time you name a correct bordering country it will be shown in green on the map. If you enter an
    • sur Light, Shadows & Fog

      Publié: 9 October 2023, 10:15am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Brody Smith has written a couple of useful tutorials on how you can customize lighting, building and terrain shadows, and fog settings in Mapbox GL powered maps. In Mapbox Lighting, Shadows, and Fog - Part 1 Brody looks at how lighting can be used to change the visual appearance of a map. In Mapbox Lighting, Shadows, and Fog - Part 2 Broady explores how tinkering with a map's fog settings can
    • sur Mapping the Barassi Line

      Publié: 9 October 2023, 1:45am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Barassi Line is an imaginary line across Australia that approximately divides areas where Australian rules football or rugby league is the most popular football code. The line is named after Ron Barassi, a former player and coach in Australian Rules Football. The term the 'Barassi Line' was first used by historian Ian Turner in his 1978 Ron Barassi Memorial Lecture. The Barassi Line
    • sur The Ring of Rain

      Publié: 7 October 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      X-Rain is an interactive map which visualizes the average amount of rainfall around the globe. The precipitation data used on the map is derived from historical satellite observations. This remote sensed data is not as accurate as data recorded by rain gauges but it is able to provide a more global view of precipitation levels as it is not limited to only those locations with rain gauges.The
    • sur The London Underground Map Quiz

      Publié: 6 October 2023, 10:57am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The London Underground consists of 269 stations. I bet you can't name them all.London Underground Names is an easy map game which simply requires you to name all 269 stations on the London Underground network. Naming all 269 stations is a little tricky so I've provided you with a couple of aides to help you remind you of some of the station names. Due to my personal commuting history I can name
    • sur Your Perfect Weather Map

      Publié: 5 October 2023, 9:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      We all have our own ideas about what the ideal weather conditions actually are. myPefectWeather is an interactive map which can help you find the locations in the United States which most closely match your own preferred temperatures, precipitation levels and /or amount of snowfall.If you select the 'options' button on the myPerfectWeather map menu you can begin to discover the locations
    • sur The 10 Day Fall Color Forecast

      Publié: 4 October 2023, 9:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Fall Foliage Map 2023 is an interactive fall foliage map which is updated daily to provide you with both an accurate progress report of fall colors and a forecast of how fall colors in the United States are likely to change over the next ten days. According to Explore Fall the main factors influencing fall colors are the temperature and daylight. The Explore Fall predictive fall color model
    • sur Shilling for Putin

      Publié: 3 October 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Insider ('fully committed to investigative journalism and to debunking fake news') has created a new interactive map which exposes the 'fake experts' around the world that are spreading pro-Kremlin fake narratives and Russian propaganda. The Insider claims that what "unites the individuals featured on this map is their attempt to portray Putin's policies positively while disseminating
    • sur The October Solar Eclipse Map

      Publié: 2 October 2023, 9:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In 12 days time people in North, Central, and South America will be able to experience a solar eclipse. On Saturday, Oct 14 an annular solar eclipse will occur which will be visible in some areas of the United States, Mexico, and a number of countries in Central and South America. NASA's 2023 Solar Eclipse Explorer is a new interactive map which visualizes the path of the solar eclipse on Oct
    • sur Inside the Tombs & Pyramids of Egypt

      Publié: 1 October 2023, 9:54am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Ramesses I was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt's 19th Dynasty. Ramesses burial tomb was rediscovered in the Valley of the Kings by Giovanni Belzoni in October 1817. The tomb is decorated with the Book of Gates. The Book of Gates tells the story of how a newly deceased soul travels into the next world by passing through a series of 'gates'. It is believed that the depiction of this journey
    • sur How Not to Stare at the Sun

      Publié: 30 September 2023, 9:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you have ever traveled by bus then you have probably experienced the frustration of discovering that your seat is in the direct glare of the sun and that you will now have to spend the majority of the journey squinting and attempting to shade your eyes from the sun's blinding rays.If you are a normal person you could avoid this problem simply by checking the sun's position in the sky and
    • sur The Global Impact of El Niño

      Publié: 29 September 2023, 10:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This month New South Wales in Australia has been experiencing temperatures up to 16C above the Sepetember average. This is likely the start of El Niño's grip on the country. In an El Niño year Australia typically experiences drought conditions. In July the the World Meteorological Organization said there is a 90% likelihood of El Niño conditions developing this year. They say that it likely to
    • sur More Medieval Murder Maps!

      Publié: 28 September 2023, 9:52am CEST par Keir Clarke
      On Saturday 2 Feb 1297 three Oxford University students decided to celebrate the festival of the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary by going on a frenzied rampage. On the evening of the festival John de Skurf and his two friends Michael and Madoc ran through the streets of Oxford with swords, bows, and arrows "attacking all passers-by". One John Metescharp was shot with an arrow by
    • sur The Same Size As

      Publié: 27 September 2023, 8:12am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Gibraltar (left) compared to Central Park (right)Same Scales is an interactive map which allows you to compare two different locations side-by-side at the same scale. Comparing locations on the same map can be difficult because of the distortions caused by map projections. Same Scales helps you compare two different locations by showing each at the same scale on two different maps placed
    • sur The Global Problem of Forever Chemicals

      Publié: 26 September 2023, 9:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Forever chemicals are almost everywhere. If you search for PFAS contamination in any country, continent, or wildlife species around the world, the chances are you will find it. This revelation comes after a massive analysis of data by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has exposed the global scale of the PFAS problem. PFAS or toxic "forever chemicals" are harmful substances that pollute the
    • sur A Cool, Shady Spot with a Breeze

      Publié: 25 September 2023, 9:51am CEST par Keir Clarke
      One result of global heating is that nearly every summer most of us spend some time thinking about places we can go to avoid the oppressive heat. In recent years a number of interactive maps have been released which can help you find shady places to relax and escape the direct sun. These include popular shade maps such as JveuxDuSoleil, ShadeMap and Shadowmap. Now a new interactive map goes a
    • sur Restricting the Right to Protest

      Publié: 23 September 2023, 9:39am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The right to protest is being restricted in countries around the world. Amnesty International's new interactive map, called Protect the Protest, highlights the growing numbers of human rights violations which are being committed by countries around the world aimed at removing the rights of citizens to legally protest. The Protect the Protest map sheds light on the types of repression that are
    • sur The Royal Parks of London

      Publié: 22 September 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      There are eight Royal Parks in London. The parks are owned by the Crown and managed by the Royal Parks charity. The parks originated from land that the royal family once used for recreation and hunting. Over time, these lands were enclosed and became known as the Royal Parks. The public can enter and use the parks for free but public access to the parks remains at the grace and favor of the
    • sur The Global Migration Explorer

      Publié: 21 September 2023, 9:46am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In both American and European politics immigration has become one of the most centrally contested issues. However, according to the authors of World’s human migration patterns in 2000–2019 "a global-scale, high-resolution quantification of migration and its major drivers for the recent decades (has) remained missing" from this political debate. They have therefore created their own global
    • sur Live 2 Years Longer with Better Air Quality

      Publié: 20 September 2023, 10:59am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Around the world life expectancy could be raised on average by 2 years and 3 months if air quality was improved to meet the World Health Organization guideline. In countries with really high levels of fine particulate pollution (such as India & Bangladesh) life expectancy could be increased by over 5 years. The Air Quality Life Index looks at air quality levels around the world and calculates
    • sur Olympic Stadia Travel Times

      Publié: 19 September 2023, 8:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Brisbane has been awarded the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. One of Brisbane's goals in hosting the games is to be “more equal and accessible”. In order to analyze how accessible the Brisbane games will actually be the data consulting firm Smash Delta has been visualizing current travel times to two of the Brisbane games stadia and exploring how those travel times will be improved thanks to
    • sur A Year of Wildfire in Europe

      Publié: 18 September 2023, 10:06am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In July Europe witnessed its largest wildfire in 23 years. The Dadia forest fire in Greece burned 97,000 hectares and killed 20 people. The large number of wildfires in Europe this year follows the even larger number of fires last year, a year which saw the second largest total burnt area this century. So far.Czech news website Aktuáln?.cz has analyzed satellite data of European Union wildfires
    • sur How Families Live Around the World.

      Publié: 16 September 2023, 10:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Gapminder's Dollar Street is an amazing project which has photographed and documented 264 family homes in 50 countries around the world. The resulting pictures provide a truly fascinating insight into the everyday lives of people around the world. Around six years years ago Anna Rosling Rönnlund began sending photographers to visit families in all corners of the world. In each visit to a
    • sur The Unknown Pleasures of Population Density

      Publié: 15 September 2023, 8:06am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This ridgeline plot map visualizes the population density of Germany. The map was made using Baryon's Population Density Ridgeline Plots for Every Country in the World. Type your county name into this app and you can see your country's population density visualized as a ridgeline plot. The most famous Ridgeline plot (or joy-plot - as they are sometimes called) appears on Joy Division's famous
    • sur The World's Bioregions & Ecosystems Mapped

      Publié: 14 September 2023, 8:59am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Bioregions 2023 is an interactive map which visualizes the Earth as 185 discrete bioregions. A bioregion is a geographical area defined not by political boundaries but by ecological systems. It is a geographical area that encompasses a unique set of interconnected ecosystems, landforms and watersheds in which a broad community of plants and animals are adapted to specific climatic conditions. 
    • sur The City Map Game

      Publié: 12 September 2023, 7:00pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      I really like the game SF-Street-Names, which I reviewed Monday in the post The Streets of San Francisco Game. In fact I liked SF-Street-Names so much that I immediately started trying to see if I could replicate the game for a different city. The result is the Streets of Winchelsea. In this very scaled back version of the SF-Street-Names game you have to name all of the 17 streets of the small
    • sur The Virtual Tour Maker

      Publié: 12 September 2023, 8:40am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Over the weekend Map Channels sent me a link to a new virtual tour of Bagnoles de L'Orne in Normandy, France. Bagnoles de L'Orne is a beautiful spa town set beside a pretty lake and the Andaines Forest. The Map Channels virtual tour takes you on a guided Street View walk around some of Bagnoles de L'Orne's most picturesque locations.The Bagnoles de L'Orne virtual tour was made with Map Channels
    • sur The Streets of San Francisco Game

      Publié: 11 September 2023, 11:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I know the names of nearly 1/5th of the streets in San Francisco. Which is incredible - especially when you consider I've never been to San Francisco. Luckily my hitherto unbeknownst knowledge of the names of San Franciscan roads makes me a God of SF-Street-Names. SF-Street-Names is a surprisingly fun map game in which your only requirement is to name streets in the Golden City. SF-Street-Names
    • sur Map of the Best Restaurants

      Publié: 9 September 2023, 11:25am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I don't think I've posted a link to a 'find a nearby restaurant' interactive map in over ten years. Today I'm breaking my unconscious embargo on restaurant maps with a link to the superb Map of the Best.   Map of the Best is an incredibly well designed interactive map which uses data from a number of different restaurant rating organizations to show you great places to eat near your current
    • sur Geolocating General Surovikin

      Publié: 8 September 2023, 8:57am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The investigative journalists at Bellingcat have been developing some important tools and methodologies for geolocating images. On Wednesday they applied their investigative geolocating powers to identify the location of General Sergey Surovikin. On September 4th a photograph of Surovikin was posted online, accompanied by the message "General Surovikin has emerged. He’s alive and well, home
    • sur Finding History Nearby

      Publié: 7 September 2023, 3:18pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      RIP the Wikipedia layer. Killed ten years ago by Google Maps.Every August I hold a day of remembrance for the sad demise of the Wikipedia layer on Google Maps. Younger readers probably won't remember the glory days of Google Maps when you could simply click on the Wikipedia layer in Google Maps to discover more about all the interesting POI's around any location in the world. For some reason
    • sur How Near do You Live to a Mass Shooting?

      Publié: 6 September 2023, 9:10am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In 2014 around 3,438,482 Americans lived within 1 mile of a mass shooting event. That number is very high - especially when compared to most other countries around the world. However because of America's complete failure to control gun ownership that figure has now grown to a frightening 41,930,273. This means that in 2023 over 12% of Americans live within one mile of a mass shooting. These
    • sur The River Basins & Watersheds of the World

      Publié: 5 September 2023, 8:45am CEST par Keir Clarke
      OSM River Basins is an interactive map which uses OpenStreetMap data to visualize all the river basins of the world. A river basin is an area of land drained by one river system and its tributaries. It includes all the land where rainwater or melted snow drains into the river, either directly or through smaller tributary streams and rivers. River basins can be incredibly large - covering
    • sur Mapping the Great Kant? Earthquake

      Publié: 2 September 2023, 10:21am CEST par Keir Clarke
      100 years ago yesterday, on September 1st 1923, the Great Kant? earthquake struck Japan. The earthquake struck near midday, at a time when many people were cooking lunch. In Tokyo, during and after the earthquake, fires spread across the city. In the 46 hours after the quake around 40% of Tokyo burned to the ground. Japanese newspaper Nikkei has marked the 100th anniversary of the Great
    • sur The AI Satlas

      Publié: 1 September 2023, 8:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Allen Institute's Satlas interactive map uses AI to create high resolution images of the world, even when only low resolution satellite images are available. The Allen Institute has also trained the AI to identify the location of wind turbines, solar farms and tree canopy coverage around the globe.Satlas uses satellite imagery from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 satellites. The
    • sur Text Recognition Map Search

      Publié: 31 August 2023, 9:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The David Rumsey Map Collection has unveiled its new amazing Text on Maps feature which allows users to search one of the world's largest collections of digitized maps by text. The David Rumsey Map Collection contains over 57,000 geo-referenced vintage maps. Using the new Text on Maps feature you can now search for where any word appears on any of those 57,000 maps. Old maps are an invaluable
    • sur Mapping Hurricane Idalia

      Publié: 30 August 2023, 9:39am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Hurricane Idalia is expected to make landfall in Florida early Tuesday morning. Overnight the hurricane developed into a powerful Category 3 storm and it is now forecast to become a dangerous Category 4 hurricane. NOAA's National Hurricane Center has produced a number of maps showing the forecast track of Hurricane Idalia, the wind speed probabilities, storm surge warnings and rainfall
    • sur NIMBY Mapping

      Publié: 29 August 2023, 9:38am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In July the German government introduced a draft bill to legalize cannabis for personal use. However, under the draft bill, the consumption of cannabis will remain prohibited within a 200-meter radius of schools, children's and youth facilities, playgrounds, publicly accessible sports facilities, and in pedestrian zones between 7 am and 8 pm. According to the Berliner Morgenpost these
    • sur Terraforming the Metaverse

      Publié: 28 August 2023, 9:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This morning I've been helping create a satellite map of a world that doesn't exist. Thanks to the combined forces of the human imagination and the cutting-edge power of AI technology, I've been able to contribute to a new digital landscape that is being created in real-time. That's right people - today I helped terraform the metaverse! This Map Does Not Exist is an AI generated satellite map
    • sur How the Blitz Changed London

      Publié: 26 August 2023, 10:31am CEST par Keir Clarke
      In East London you can usually tell where German bombs fell in World War II by the age of the buildings. For example in my street the majority of houses were built in the Victorian age. All the homes built in the later half of the 20th Century were all built on homes destroyed by falling bombs during the war.The Economist has added a new factor to my bomb site detection observations - building
    • sur Finding Shade from the City Heat

      Publié: 25 August 2023, 9:52am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you need to find a shaded oasis in the concrete jungle of New York City then you can use Cornell University's new Tree Folio NYC interactive map. Tree Folio NYC uses data from a 2021 New York LiDAR survey and the 2015 New York Street Tree Survey to map the shadows cast by buildings and individual tree canopies in New York at any time of day and on any day of the year. If you zoom-in to any
    • sur A New Google Map of the Brain

      Publié: 24 August 2023, 9:12am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If you've ever wanted to look inside someone's brain then you might like the European Commission's new 'Google Map' of the human brain. This new 3D map allows you to take a look inside a human skull and explore atlases of the brain's regions and neural connections.The European Brain Research Infrastructure (EBRAINS) is funded by the European Commission to accelerate brain research and
    • sur Using AI to Geolocate Photos

      Publié: 23 August 2023, 11:25am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Recently Google added Google Lens to Bard, its AI chatbot. Today I decided to test how good Bard is at identifying locations in photographs by giving it a few screenshots of random locations from Street View and seeing how accurate Bard is at geolocating the actual locations shown. Let's start with an easy one. I showed Bard the above picture of Tower Bridge in London and asked it 'Where was
    • sur Unlocking America’s Visual Time Machine

      Publié: 22 August 2023, 9:32am CEST par Keir Clarke
      As well as having an insatiable passion for maps I also really enjoy browsing old photographic collections. Like maps vintage photographs have the power to transport our imaginations to completely different times and places. For example Yale University's Photogrammar collection can instantly take you back to the bygone era of mid-20th Century America. Photogrammar provides access to a huge
    • sur Mapping Water Scarcity

      Publié: 21 August 2023, 8:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Last week the Washington Post reported on a new analysis from the World Resources Institute which found that half of the world's population already experiences water stress at least once every year. According to the WRI's analysis 25 countries around the world are now exposed to extreme water stress and the global demand for water is now exceeding what there is available.The Post's article
    • sur The AI Diplomacy Map

      Publié: 19 August 2023, 9:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      According to the interactive map Deeplomacy the "relationship between Iraq and the United States has been turbulent, complex, and marked by periods of conflict and cooperation." Deeplomacy also informs me that the relationship between Russia and Ukraine has recently "drastically worsened".Deeplomacy is a new map tool which can explain the historical and current diplomatic relationships between
    • sur GeoClash

      Publié: 18 August 2023, 9:09am CEST par Keir Clarke
      After last week's post on the growing number of interactive map games called City Guesser I was contacted by DoudouOSM on Mastodon, who pointed me towards GeoClash, an alternative to GeoGuessr built on Mapillary panoramic images and Leaflet rather than Google Maps. GeoClash, like GeoGuessr requires you to identify locations based on 'Street View' type images. To play GeoClash you first need to
    • sur Cinematic Mapping

      Publié: 17 August 2023, 10:06am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Steve Attewell has created a fun Akira Kurosawa inspired interactive map. His Akira map allows you to explore a 3D map of the world through the lens of the most famous Japanese film-maker.I don't know enough about Kurosawa's films to judge if Steve's map is an accurate simulation of the great director's style and aesthetic. I do know (by peaking at the HTML) that Steve's map works by applying a
    • sur US Air Force WWII Photos

      Publié: 16 August 2023, 8:48am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This aerial photo shows Manchester United's Old Trafford football stadium. The photo was taken during World War II, on May 30, 1944, by a US Air Force photographic reconnaissance (PR) aircraft. The stadium (top left) was hit by a German bomb in March 1941 and the damage caused to the south stand can be seen in the USAAF aerial photograph.This aerial reconnaissance photo of Manchester is just
    • sur The Meteor Shower Map

      Publié: 15 August 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      If, like me, clouds and city lights have so far ruined your view of the Perseid meteor shower then you might enjoy this beautiful Meteor Showers From Space interactive map. The peak viewing time to see the Perseids was on Aug 12 & 13, although the shower will be active for much of August. The Perseid meteor shower is caused by Earth passing through the ice and rock debris tail of Comet
    • sur Neighborhood Colors

      Publié: 14 August 2023, 8:27am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Kiezcolors is an interactive map which shows the distribution of land use in Berlin neighborhoods. On the map areas are colored to show whether they are used for business, housing, roads, nature etc. Alongside the street map a tree-map is also used to show the percentage of land used by each category within the highlighted area (the circle of 'undefined' radius). You can use the map's
    • sur Competing in the Tour de France

      Publié: 12 August 2023, 9:30am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The New York Times has discovered a way for amateur cyclists to compete against the world's elite in the Tour de France. In Watch Amateurs Race Against the Tour de France's Top Climbers the newspaper has used Strava data to compare how amateur cyclists have performed on certain mountain stages in the Tour de France when compared to the fastest Tour de France cyclists (who posted their rides to
    • sur Mapping the Amazon Underworld

      Publié: 11 August 2023, 10:25am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Welcome to the Amazon Underworld is an in-depth investigative series examining the crime and violence that is ravaging the Amazon rainforest. The project, which was conducted by 37 journalists and media professionals from 11 countries, uses satellite imagery, data analysis, and field reporting to map out the criminal gangs and the illicit economies that are driving deforestation, violence, and
    • sur City Guesser

      Publié: 10 August 2023, 9:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      One little known rule of GIS is that if you make an interactive geography game then you have to call it 'City Guessr' or 'City Guesser'. At least I assume that is why there are so many online map games bearing that epithet. CityGuessr is a fun daily challenge which requires you to identify a location shown on an interactive map. Identifying a location from an unlabeled map can be very hard so
    • sur Mapping 3D Game Worlds

      Publié: 9 August 2023, 8:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      noclip is an amazing website which lets you move around and explore some of your favorite computer games in glorious 3D. The term 'noclip' is a common command used to debug computer games. It refers to the process of turning off collision detection in a game world so that the player may pass through solid objects in the rendered environment. This is exactly what the noclip website allows you to
    • sur Global Burning

      Publié: 8 August 2023, 9:07am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Pudding has released another stunning data visualization story. Mapping Record-High Heat in U.S. Cities is an interactive map which shows how many days since your city recorded its record high temperature (for today or of all time).July was the hottest month on Earth in the last 120,000 years. This followed the hottest June ever recorded. Global Heating is happening, which is why The
    • sur 30 Second Data Viz with OSM GPT

      Publié: 7 August 2023, 8:22pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      I reviewed OSM GPT for the first time earlier today and I have to say I was very impressed with how easy it is to use in order to extract data from OpenStreetMap. OSM GPT's natural language interface for searching OSM is great for geographical searches - for example to find all cafes within 1,000 meters of a location ('get cafes within 1000 meters'). OSM GPT can also be used for creating some
    • sur OSM GPT

      Publié: 7 August 2023, 9:28am CEST par Keir Clarke
      This week's OSM Weekly links to a new interactive chatbot which allows you to interact with OpenStreetMap data. Rohit Gautam's OSM GPT allows you to use natural language queries to search OpenStreetMap. For example the screenshot above shows the results of 'Get all bars' in New York. It also shows the results of a query to 'Get all McDonald's restaurants'.I don't know how OSM GPT works but I
    • sur Swimming in Sewage

      Publié: 6 August 2023, 10:00am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Over 50 competitors in last weekend's World Triathlon Championship Series in the UK fell ill after swimming in the sea off the coast of Sunderland. The UK's filthy rivers and sewage discharges have been largely blamed for the outbreaks of diarrhoea among those competing in the triathlon. In the UK the privatized water companies are allowed to discharge raw sewage into rivers when the system
    • sur The X-Files of Paranormal Activity

      Publié: 4 August 2023, 8:13am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I can't decide if the Anomaly Observatory is a brilliantly tongue-in-cheek parody or the work of genuine lunatics. Whatever it is - it is wonderfully weird.According to Google Bard - "Beobachtungsstelle für Anomalien (Anamoly Observatory) is a website that reports on paranormal activities. It was founded in 2008 by an anonymous team and has since collected reports of paranormal activities from
    • sur AI Geo Guessing

      Publié: 3 August 2023, 10:04am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Meta has released a research project which uses AI to find the location of any photographed image. Meta's OrienterNet uses deep learning to determine the accurate position of an image using data from OpenStreetMap. Unlike previous algorithms which have relied on 3D point clouds to identify the locations depicted in images OrienterNet can determine the orientation and position of an image by
    • sur Where Your County Got its Name

      Publié: 2 August 2023, 11:01am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Canadian County in Oklahoma is around 1,000 miles from Canada. This is because the name of the county doesn't derive from the US's northern neighbor but comes from the Canadian River (which apparently gets its name from some Canadians who were once spotted camping on its banks).I discovered the etymology of Canadian County thanks to Lia Prins' interactive map of US country names. Lia's map
    • sur Learning Countries While Having Fun

      Publié: 1 August 2023, 9:29am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Map Practice: A Game to Learn Countries is a fun new way to learn the locations of countries around the world. The idea behind the game is very straightforward. You are simply asked to identify countries by pointing to their location on a map. Identify the country correctly and it will be colored green on the map.  At the heart of the 'learning' element of this interactive map game is the
    • sur Visit Barcelona Without Going Abroad

      Publié: 31 July 2023, 10:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Earlier this year Axios created 50 travel itineraries which allow Americans to travel the world without ever leaving their home state. In Visit Paris Without Leaving Home you can enter the name of any state and retrieve an interactive map which shows an optimal route around the towns and cities in your state which share a name with a foreign location. Of course if you are French then you
    • sur The Map of National Animals

      Publié: 30 July 2023, 6:21pm CEST par Keir Clarke
      Two weeks ago I used Map Channels V9 and AI to create a National Stereotypes map. It turns out that I am not the only one who has been inspired by the power of AI to generate geographically themed images. In fact the latest demo map on Map Channels is this International Map of Mascots.The idea behind this map was to create a map of individual country's national animals. According to the notes
    • sur Scrolling the Appalachian Trail

      Publié: 29 July 2023, 9:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Washington Post has published an article which explores the reasons why the world famous Appalachian Trail keeps getting longer. Apparently less than half the original trail remains where it was first laid. It also now 150 miles longer than it was in 1937. You can see all the changes made to the trail over the last 86 years in Why the famed Appalachian Trail keeps getting longer — and
    • sur Aurorasaurus

      Publié: 28 July 2023, 10:10am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Aurorasaurus is an interactive map of aurora borealis sightings. The website uses crowd-sourced data from Twitter users reporting aurora sightings and NOAA forecasts to show where there are confirmed aurora sightings and to alert people nearby that an aurora is happening. The map provides "view-lines" which show the predicted areas for an aurora according to the National Oceanic and
    • sur New Worldwide Open Map Data

      Publié: 27 July 2023, 10:16am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Overture Maps Foundation has announced its first release of open map data. This initial release of data includes four 'themes':Places - Point of Interest (POI) Data on approximately 59 million places worldwideBuildings - building footprint and height data for 785 million buildings worldwideTransportation - road network dataAdministrative Boundaries - administrative boundaries for Level 2 (
    • sur The Heartbeat of the Internet

      Publié: 26 July 2023, 10:37am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Fair Internet Report has created an interactive map which visualizes where and when in the world internet users ran speed tests over a 24 hour period (data from June 21, 2023). Mapping 24 Hours of Internet Speed Tests shows a total of 3.6 million speed tests being carried out across the world, all over the course of one day in June. Each line on the map represents a speed test carried out
    • sur Isochrone Maps

      Publié: 25 July 2023, 9:09am CEST par Keir Clarke
      time2reach is an interactive map that shows you see how far you travel within a set time period using public transit. The map can currently create isochrone visualizations for 6 global cities: New York, Paris, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. If you double-click on the map in any of these six cities an isochrone visualization will show you how far you can travel from that point
    • sur 2023 Spanish Election

      Publié: 24 July 2023, 8:15am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Yesterday's election in Spain has resulted in no clear winner. Going into the election the opinion polls had suggested that the conservative People’s party (PP) would secure a comfortable win and would likely form a coalition government with the far-right Vox party. After all the votes were counted however PP had won only 136 seats to the ruling left-wing PSOE’s 122 seats. The far-right Vox
    • sur Electrical Japan

      Publié: 22 July 2023, 11:19am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Electrical Japan is an interactive map that visualizes electricity supply and demand in Japan. It was created by the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, in order to better understand Japan's energy problems after the 2011 tsunami and to help promote energy conservation. The map shows the location of all of Japan's power plants, as
    • sur The Best Real-Time Subway Maps

      Publié: 21 July 2023, 11:44am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Ubähnchen is a wonderfully smooth animated map of Berlin's subway trains. The map shows all the U-Bahn's trains travelling around Berlin based on the network's timetable.The neat design of colored blocks for the trains with simple shadows moving on top of a schematic transit map really adds to the captivating appeal of Ubähnchen. You can also click on the 'U' button (top-right) to switch to a
    • sur The National Stereotypes Maps - Part Two

      Publié: 20 July 2023, 8:14am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Buzzfeed has started a new mapping trend with their AI generated images of state stereotypes. Last week Buzzfeed asked a generative AI image model to create a photograph of a person from each U.S. state, as typically perceived by a European. You can view the results in the post This is What Europeans Think of Us. I was inspired by the Buzzfeed post to create my own National Stereotypes Map. To
    • sur Map Race

      Publié: 19 July 2023, 9:10am CEST par Keir Clarke
      There is no reason that anyone outside of Philadelphia should be interested in a newspaper article exploring the best way from the city to the Jersey Shore. Unless, of course, that article includes a scrollytelling map race. Luckily that is exactly what the Philadelphia Inquirer's Race to the Shore contains.  on Friday, July 7 five employees of the Philadelphia Inquirer set off at the same
    • sur The National Stereotypes Map

      Publié: 18 July 2023, 8:40am CEST par Keir Clarke
      Last week Buzzfeed asked a generative AI image model to create a photograph of a person from each U.S. state, as typically perceived by a European. You can view the mildly amusing results in the post I Asked AI What Europeans Think Americans From Every Single State Look Like, And The Results Are Just Plain Mean. Anyway, I liked the idea enough to steal it. I spent a few hours asking Bing Image
    • sur The World in Hong Kong

      Publié: 17 July 2023, 7:58am CEST par Keir Clarke
      You can walk from Zurich to Rome in just over 1 hour. That is 'Zurich Avenue' and 'Crescendo Roma Viale' in Hong Kong (according to Google Maps it will take you 195 hours to walk from Zurich, Switzerland to Rome, Italy).Rome and Zurich are not the only world locations which feature in the street names of Hong Kong. According to Asia’s World City: Around the World in One Day through Hong Kong's
    • sur Which Country Most Resembles Your Country?

      Publié: 15 July 2023, 10:03am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The political scientist Anders Sundell has posted a Twitter thread which reveals "the countries that look the most like each other". For example (according to Anders)  the country which most resembles the United States is Saudi Arabia.  According to the text on each country comparison an "algorithm checked the shapes of all countries in order to find the most similar shapes. All countries were
    • sur Mapping Oil Exports to North Korea

      Publié: 14 July 2023, 9:12am CEST par Keir Clarke
      The Financial Time's investigation Inside North Korea's Oil Smuggling Triad begins with an amazing cinematic pan out from a 3D model of two oil tankers, up through some animated clouds, to a map of East Asia. The whole sequence begins with a 3D reconstruction of an illegal ship-to-ship transfer from the oil tanker Unica to a North Korean ship. This reconstruction then zooms out to a map of East
    • sur Mapping Things

      Publié: 13 July 2023, 9:20am CEST par Keir Clarke
      I am a cartophile. Which means I love maps. But then who doesn't.My cartophilia however manifests itself in a specific way. I like mapping collections of 'things'. And I'm not the only one. There are in fact lots of people who seem obsessed with mapping specific categories of thing.Here are some individual 'things' that I've recently seen mapped:Skyscrapers - Highrises is a project by a four
    • sur A Map of the World's Deadliest Epidemics

      Publié: 12 July 2023, 10:56am CEST par Keir Clarke
      During the spread of the Bubonic plague in the 14th Century ships arriving in Venice from infected ports would be required to wait 40 days before landing. This practice led to the origin of the word 'quarantine', from the Italian quaranta giorni, meaning 40 days.This is just one of the many interesting facts in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists interactive map An Illustrated History of the