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    3990 éléments (8 non lus) dans 55 canaux

    Géomatique anglophone

    • 10:22

      1000+ Streets Called Washington

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 14:00

      A recap of the 129th OGC Member Meeting, Montreal, Canada

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 8:21

      Where Immigrants are Settling

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 11:00

      Mappery: The Geographic Center of the United States is at …

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:00

      The New Nuclear Arms Race

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:05

      Who is Your Closest Team?

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 6:43 QGIS Swiss Locator 3.0 brings elevation profiles and vector tiles

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Norrebro Collection

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:01

      The Dawn Chorus Map of Birds

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 8:38

      QGIS Blog: Plugin Update – December 23? to January 24?

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: You are on the Plate

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Map Mannequin in Paris

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:48

      Find Your Future Climate Zone

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Kids on the Map

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:43

      The Newest Maps of Mars - in 3D

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 15:00

      Andreas Matheus receives OGC’s 2024 Gardels Award

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 9:37

      The Worldwide Breaking News Map

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 6:45

      Marco Bernasocchi: user-day 2024 – A biased review by uber-happy committers

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 12:18

      Markus Neteler: GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 released

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Japanese Garage Door

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:21

      Mapping the Big Map Index

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 20:19

      GeoTools Team: GeoTools 29.6 Released

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 20:19

      GeoTools Team: GeoTools 31.2 Released

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Destination East Finchley

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:18

      Where Mountains Rise From Oceans

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 6:45

      Marco Bernasocchi: Supercharge your fieldwork with QField’s project and app-wide plugins

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 2:00

      GeoServer Team: GeoServer 2.25.2 Release

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 2:00

      GeoServer Team: GeoServer 2.24.4 Release

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 20:01

      Guess This City 2.0

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 7:49

      Today's Global Heating Forecast

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 8:21

      Some More Maps of Sounds

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 15:10

      Oslandia: New release for QField : 3.3 “Darién”

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Babelroth anno 1776

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 10:23

      The New Medieval Map of London

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 8:30

      QGIS Blog: QGIS Grant Programme 2024 Update no. 2

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 6:47 Django Full-Stack Engineer with DevOps Affinity – 80 – 100% (Remote)

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 20:11

      Cable Management

      sur James Fee GIS Blog
    • 8:55

      Mapping the Census

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:13

      The Treats of San Francisco

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 11:00

      Mappery: A Wild Map in Spitalfields

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 6:50 QField 3.3 “Darién”: It is just the beginning

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 1:30

      Out of Africa - The Story of Human Migration

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 13:00

      Mappery: Eshkol

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 7:50

      The Lost Pathfinder Game

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 9:59

      The Vespa Map of Rome

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 15:00

      Standards Enabling Collaboration For Global Challenges

      sur Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    • 11:21

      ARC/INFO Manuals

      sur James Fee GIS Blog
    • 7:51

      Every Ship Sunk in WWII

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 7:34

      QGIS Blog: Danish User Group becomes Flagship Member

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 18:17

      Impact of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on Geospatial Innovation

      sur James Fee GIS Blog
    • 17:24

      Mapgears: Mapgears wins the regional MercadOr award in the category ‘Sustained Growth in Exportation’

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 17:14

      Tim Waters: Vaisigano

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 13:12

      GRASS GIS: Results of the GRASS GIS student grant

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: D-Day Landings

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 8:44

      The Sound of the City

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 8:28 QField receives prestigious recognition as a digital public good from the Digital Public Goods Alliance

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 22:17

      19 Years and 2,362 Posts

      sur James Fee GIS Blog
    • 8:43

      The Warlord Map Game

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 2:00

      GeoServer Team: How to Implement Basic Security in Geoserver

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: The Mountain Goats Tour 2019

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:26

      Indian Election Maps

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 8:36

      Find Your Nearest Hurricane

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 10:37

      The 46 States of America & Each State Flower

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Netherlands in a Sushi

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 2:00

      Paul Ramsey: Cancer 10

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 14:59

      Earth Nose Game Champion 2024

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Palm Springs airport

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 8:34

      gvSIG Team: The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility awards the first National Prize for Geographic Sciences to the gvSIG association

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 2:00

      Camptocamp: SUEZ 3D: First version of a multi-input Cesium viewer

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 18:05

      Map Disco 2000

      sur Google Maps Mania
    • 16:26

      Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings: ChatGPT Data Analyst vs movement data

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 14:25

      gvSIG Team: Algo más que software

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 11:00

      Mappery: Paris, immersive experience

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 9:16

      Oslandia: (Fr) Topographie et topologie dans et autour de QGIS

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 8:55

      QGIS Blog: Felt renews their Flagship-level Sustaining Membership

      sur Planet OSGeo
    • 8:05

      Are these are the safest streets in the world?

      sur Google Maps Mania